"Inlustris." In his dream, Draco watched as Hermione cast the starlight charm over herself. It was really just a party trick, something every first year can learn. It can essentially turn anything you use the spell on, into a beautiful swirling galaxy and since Hermione had flicked her wand over her wild, dark hair, it began to shine with stars that cascaded down her shoulders and floated off the tip of her wand. "That's the best use of this charm I've ever seen." Hermione explained. "A women at a ball used it on her hair and even layered it with a long lasting charm and so..." Draco got her to stop talking by reaching out and touching her hair lightly. Hermione sucked in her breath.
"It's beautiful." Draco murmured, mesmerized by the stardust he was rubbing between his fingers.
"Thank you." Hermione said lightly, her cheeks bright red. "But it wasn't my idea." She said as the charm slowly began to fade right before his eyes.
"Well. I think stars suit you."
Draco woke up with a start. Goosebumps crawled up his arms and his heart was beating at an uncontrollable rate. Was he just dreaming about Hermione? Why would he be doing that? What had made him even think she would use such a simple spell on her hair? Why would she even be showing him something like that? Sure she was tutoring him but not in charms. Charms was actually something he was good at. Draco ran his hands through his hair and scratched his head, confused.
By the look of it, it was too early to be up right now but thanks to his weird dream, he was now awake nearly two hours before the start of the school day. Draco groaned a little, knowing he wouldn't be able to go back to sleep so he might as well just get up. Trying to forget about his dream, Draco gathered his clothes and headed towards the bathroom, the stone floor feeling ungraciously cold underneath his feet. As Draco opened the bathroom door, he heard a voice coming from Hermione's room. She couldn't be up, right? Moving quietly to stand in front of her door, Draco strained to hear something else.
"What is it?" Hermione called out. Draco paused, thinking she was talking to him but then Hermione said, "Just tell me." Was she... Talking in her sleep? Draco didn't know she did that. He had never heard her talk in her sleep before now. Smirking a little, Draco headed back to the bathroom so he could take a shower.
Draco stood nearly five feet away in front of Hermione. Not close enough for her to reach out and touch him but close enough for her to hear him. "I need to tell you something." Draco kept saying.
"Tell me... Tell me what?" Hermione kept asking, her heart pounding in her chest. But every time Draco replied his voice was a garbled roar in her ears that was almost deafening and then he would start over again.
"I need to tell you something."
"Tell me then Draco. Just tell me." Hermione begged, reaching out for him but every time she did he moved farther and farther away.
"I need to tell you something."
"Tell me!" Hermione shouted at him. He was nearly fifty feet away now but she could still hear him clear as day. The roaring in her ears was loud enough to make her cover them.
"I need to tell you something."
"Then say it!" Hermione screamed. Draco was suddenly back in front of her, his hands went up to cup her face. His gray eyes seemed to stare all the way into her soul. He leaned in and Hermione almost thought he would kiss her but he merely whispered in her ear.
Hermione woke up with a gasp, clutching tightly at her bed sheets. She couldn't tell where she was at first and she had nearly called out Draco's name. How embarrassing that would have been if she had. Hermione wracked her brain for the dreams meaning. She heard Draco tell her something. She heard it before she woke up but the secret had surprised her so much that it had jolted her awake and now, now she couldn't remember. Hermione ran her hands through her tangled hair. My god what a dream. Or perhaps a nightmare. Why had the thought of Draco kissing her make her heart pound so fiercely? Why was she thinking about it now and blushing?
Hermione looked out her window, judging the time. She had about a half hour to get ready for school before she went to breakfast. Hermione pushed back her comforter, bothering Crookshanks a little who got buried under them. She heard Crookshanks meow a bit angrily and laughed as she pulled the sheets off of his body. "Sorry Crook." She apologized as she began to comb out her hair and pull out her uniform. "I just had the weirdest dream." She murmured. Crookshanks merely went back to sleep, unamused by Hermione's fretting. Shaking her head, Hermione finishes getting ready and headed out of her room, braiding her hair loosely down her back.
As she opened the door for her room, she watched as Draco opened his at the same time and stepped out. Hermione nearly laughed and Draco smiled at her lightly. "Morning." Hermione said.
"Good morning." Draco said as they met in the middle of the hallway and headed towards the common room.
"How did you sleep?" Hermione asked, despite trying to forget her own dream from last night. Draco shrugged.
"Well enough. You?" Hermione nodded.
"Just fine thank you." A silence stretched between them and Draco held open the tower door for them to exit. Unable to help himself, Draco said,
"You were saying some weird things in your sleep." Immediately he wanted to punch himself in the face. Why would he say that? She would think he had been purposefully listening in on her, talking in her sleep. Hermione stared at him startled.
"What do you mean? You could hear me from your room?" Draco snickered.
"No. But the bathroom is closest to your room and I didn't hear much. You were just saying various versions of 'Tell me' who were dreaming about?" Hermione's jaw nearly dropped in disbelief. She had never talked in her sleep before and she couldn't believe that Draco had actually heard her.
"I was dreaming about Einstein. He's a math genius in the muggle world you know and I was trying to pick his brain about some of his theories and such but he wouldn't tell me anything. I suppose it's because I've read everything he's ever written or said before and my mind couldn't conjure new things for him to say but..." Hermione shrugged, surprised the lie had come out of her so easily. She looked up at Draco to see if he could tell she was fibbing but he was grinning like mad.
"You're so weird Hermione." Hermione hit his arm defiantly.
"I am not weird! I wanted to know more. I wanted to learn more. That's not weird." Draco started laughing.
"You were dreaming about an old wrinkly man instead of I don't know, a crush or something like every other teenage girl here." Hermione blushed red because she had been dreaming about Draco but she would never tell him that. And then she hated herself for thinking about him because that would imply that she had a crush on him or something.
"Well I'm not every other girl." Hermione said huffily. Draco nodded.
"No you're not." He replied lightly. Hermione looked up at him and felt her heart skip a beat. Draco was looking at her so... Warmly, so kindly. His gray eyes were the softest she had ever seen and there was a dimple in his right cheek she had never noticed before.
"Hey! Malfoy!" Someone shouted, causing Hermione to jump and turn towards the voice. Pansy was walking toward them, coming from a different hallway.
"Um.. I'll talk to you later." Hermione said, blushing red as she rushed off towards the dining hall ahead of him. Draco barely got out a goodbye before she disappeared around the corner and Pansy came to a stop by his side.
"What's up with her?" Pansy asked.
"I think you scared her away." Pansy half scowled.
"Oh come on. I'm not scary." She argued.
"You kind of are." Pansy hit Draco.
"Shut up you git. What were you two talking about?" Draco shrugged. "It didn't look like nothing. Come on, tell me." Pansy pressed.
"It was nothing, really. Just small talk. We were talking about whether or not we had a good sleep." He paused. "And the weird dream she had about Einstein." Pansy cocked her head.
"Who is Einstein?" Draco chuckled.
"I'll tell you about him at breakfast. Come on." Draco said. Pansy nodded and trailed after him. It was definitely not in her imagination. Hermione and Draco were becoming friends.
Any guesses as to what Draco was trying to tell Hermione in her dream??? #Foreshadowing lol. Also sorry this chapter is a little shorter than most. Hope you like it anyways!

Magnets// Dramione
FanfictionBreathing out, Hermione took his hand and said, "Valet in lucem." Draco wrinkled his nose, looking up at her confused. "Was that an insult?" Hermione rolled her eyes. "No Draco, it's an old saying in Latin." "Well I don't speak Latin 'Mione." She hu...