The Truth

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"I'm dating Draco." The words slipped out so easily, so quickly that Hermione almost wasn't sure she had said it. Harry's mouth dropped open. Ginny's back had gone rigid and now Hermione was wishing she was anywhere but here, sitting in the grass just outside of the castle with her best friends.

"Hermione." Ginny said, glancing around at the other students lounging around nearby.

"Don't Hermione me." She said defiantly. "I don't want you to say that it's stupid. That he's got me under some sort of spell. That he isn't right for me because none of it's true. I like him. He makes me happy. We've been together for almost two months now and I just couldn't... I couldn't keep it in any longer. Draco and I both agreed we should tell people and you're the first ones I thought of and..."

"I knew it." Harry said, interrupting Hermione's rant. "I told you." Harry said, turning to Ginny. "I knew that's why she didn't want to bloody tell us who it was." Hermione was surprised. Harry didn't even seem too... Shocked? She assumed Harry would be a bit more volatile.

"I was the one who said it might be Draco." Ginny argued, shoving Harry slightly. "I was the one who saw them hugging in the common room and I was the one who figured out that..."

"Wait!" Hermione interrupted with a shout. Ginny and Harry stopped arguing to look at her. "Whe-when did you see Draco and I hugging?" Ginny's cheeks turned a little red.

"Well, I was going to visit you I think last Friday and I heard you and Draco talking as I opened the door so I paused, not wanting to interrupt or anything. Your voice was getting squeaky you know? Like when you're about to cry? And you two were so close to each other and..." Oh god did she see them kiss a week ago? "I don't know, I saw you two hugging and then I just closed the door and left. I didn't even tell Harry until after..." Ginny paused.

"After what?" Hermione pressed.

"You know that day we went to Hogsmeade?" Harry asked. "And you "forgot" to meet up with us because you were "sitting in your common room reading"?" Hermione nodded worried about the use of air quotes Harry was putting up. "Well, we talked to Draco and Pansy, asking about you but... Well Gin thinks that you were Pansy. That you had taken some Polyjuice potion and..." Hermione's cheeks turned bright red and Ginny squealed.

"Oh you were, weren't you! I just knew it. You sneaky bastards. I almost didn't even question the fact that Pansy and Draco were holding hands because they were together two or three years back but then.. I saw them around the castle together and the never looked as intimate as you two looked in Three Broomsticks."

"Ginny.." Hermione groaned, her face red with embarrassment and slight jealousy that she had brought up Pansy.

"What? It's true. I also started to have my suspicions a while back when Harry and I saw you two out here on the grass actually."

"When was that!" Hermione exclaimed. "Oh my god. I thought we were being more subtle than this." Ginny shrugged a little.

"I don't know but Harry and I were leaving Hagrid's and we saw you two out here. I think you hugged, right?" Ginny said looking to Harry who nodded. Hermione sighed. It must have been after their most recent fight. Draco asked for a hug and Hermione complied. She hadn't seen Harry and Ginny around. "Anyways, I just remembered in that moment that the only clue you gave us about this boy you liked was that he's taller than you and... Draco is taller than you." Hermione huffed. She thought she was being slick by giving Ginny and Luna such a vague detail.

"Why are you telling us now?" Harry asked. "I feel like I could've gone my whole life not knowing you two were snogging behind our backs." Hermione blushed again as Harry said this.

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