Bubble Bubble, Toil and Trouble

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"Will you stop fretting." Draco said, putting his hand over Hermione's so she would stop fidgeting. It worked. The gesture had stilled her movements immediately but when he withdraw his hand, Hermione wanted to go back to wringing her hands. Ever since Hermione had hugged Draco, small gestures like this became more prevalent. Draco would sometimes nudge her or Hermione would poke his arm to get his attention, nothing big, but seeing as how they had never really had physical contact before (aside from when Hermione punched Draco in the face) it seemed like a big deal. But these small gestures was not what Hermione was worried about. It was the potion they were brewing that was making her anxious

"I've never been much good at potions." Hermione said, glancing around the room at the rest of the students as they chatted away and easily doled out ingredients and placed things in their cauldrons. It made Hermione nervous that Draco was working so meticulous. Usually it wouldn't since Hermione was pretty meticulous herself but Draco was moving extra slow to help her learn.

"Didn't you make a pollyjuice potion when we were twelve? In a bathroom no less?" Hermione shushed him and Draco tried not to laugh.

"I'm good at pollyjuice and not much else." Hermione said, grimacing as she remembered her transformation into a ginger cat. It had been the most unpleasant experience of her life and the magic it took to undo it wasn't a walk in the park either. Actually, maybe that's why Hermione was so afraid of potions, because of her first mishap with the pollyjuice. That still doesn't explain why she's so good at making it though.

"Are you paying attention?" Draco asked. Hermione looked back over to him. "Okay, you place in your root next and then the Leaves of Mamadora."

"But I thought Professor Wallace said to put in the leaves and then the root." Hermione argued, putting her hand over the pot to stop Draco from doing it backwards.

"She did but then the mixture just smells bad so I do it the opposite way." Hermione frowned.

"Wouldn't it mess up the potion though, to put it in out of order?" Draco shakes his head.

"No, all it really does is make it smell a little better." He holds out the crushed leaves in his palm to her and Hermione leans in a little to smell them. They do smell better than the root that she purposefully set on Draco's side of the table. Hermione huffs.

"Fine but if it comes out wrong.." Draco laughs and drops the root and then the leaves into the cauldron.

"It won't. It really doesn't do anything. They basically go in at the same time." Draco said, placing the leaves back on the table before picking up the root. "And I can't believe you're making me cut this up after you put it on my side of the table."  Hermione huffed.

"Don't be a baby about it. It's just a root."

"A god awful smelling one." Draco said. Hermione laughed a little and as she watched him cut up the root, a tremor began to make his right hand shake and Draco dropped the knife with a clatter, clenching his fist so he could try to control the shaking. Hermione stared at his hand in worry as Draco got the tremor under control.

"What was that?"

"Nerves I guess." Draco lied. Damnit. He could already feel the joints in his arms and neck creak as he remembered what day it was.

"Well would you like me to finish then?" Both of Draco's hands were shaking now and sweat had begun to appear on his forehead.

"If you don't mind." He murmured after a bit, when he realized that stopping the tremors was impossible. Draco and Hermione switched sides and Hermione finished slicing up the root, dumping all of it into the cauldron as Draco scooped up the leaves and shakily dropped them in after.

"Are you okay? Would you like to go see the nurse?" Hermione asked. Draco looked flustered all of a sudden and tired.

"No, it'll pass." Hermione pursed her lips.

"Well if it doesn't, and I burn this potion..." Hermione said, sorting through the rest of the ingredients to find the dragonfly wings. Draco chuckled.

"It'll pass." He repeated. Hermione nodded.

"Sit Draco and take even breaths." She instructed, motioning towards one of their stools. Draco sighed and wanted to argue but Hermione looked so pointedly at him that he sat down, placing his hands palm up to the ceiling so he would know when they stopped shaking.

Hermione talked as she finished off the rest of the potion. It was a restoration potion, one meant for healing and spiritual calm. If the potion came out right, she was going to make Draco drink some of it to calm his nerves or whatever was making his hands shake like that. Draco didn't interrupt her or add in his own anecdotes about the first time he tried to make a potion, he was trying to focus on the sound of Hermione's voice to calm him down. Getting too worked up was never a good idea.

"Now we just have to let it brew for about twenty minutes." Hermione said, pulling up the other stool so she could sit next to Draco.

"You did well. I'm sorry I'm useless at the moment." Draco said, watching steam roll from the cauldron. Hermione shrugged.

"You've always been a bit useless." Hermione joked. Draco grinned. "Are you sure you don't want to go see Madam Pomfrey." Draco had also now started scratching at his skin, leaving large angry marks on his arms and parts of his neck. This couldn't just be nerves. He seemed to be having an allergic reaction to something. "You might be having an allergic reaction Draco." Draco paused in scratching a portion of his back.

"Possibly." He said, though he knew it was a lie.

"Well why don't you go to the medical wing and I'll tell Professor Wallace what happened." Hermione said with a smile. Draco thought for a moment. If he went to Madam Pomfrey, she would use spells to figure out what was wrong with him and once she realized, she would have to inform McGonagall who would inform his parents and then... Well Draco wasn't sure what his parents would do. Disown him? Kill him? Draco wasn't sure but he didn't want to find out. One thing was for sure, he wasn't going to go see Madam Pomfrey.

"Alright, thank you Hermione." Draco found himself saying despite having told himself he wasn't going to go to the medical wing.

"Okay." Hermione said with a smile, touching Draco's arm lightly. "I hope it's nothing serious." She said as the two of them stood. Draco gathered his things together, feeling like a liar and an idiot as he did. Hermione wandered off towards Professor Wallace and Draco decided to get out of the room before either of them could talk to him again about his current state.

Draco rushed out of the potions classroom and headed down the corridor in the opposite direction of the medical wing. Why would he take Hermoine up on her offer? Why couldn't he just leave well enough alone until class had finished and then disappear for the rest of the day and into the night? Why did he think it was a good idea to lie to Hermione again?

Trying not to think about what he had just done, Draco ripped his robe off of his shoulders and at a speed faster than humanly possibly, took off running in the direction of the Head of Students Tower.

I think... What I gathered from is it move five??? Four?? That Hermione wasn't good at potions class but maybe that was just because of the Liquid Luck contest they were doing idk. Let's just pretend she's good at making some potions, horrible at others and call it a day lol.

Also, this part is a little shorter because as I was writing it, it started to get too long so I split up this day into two different story parts.

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