It's frighteningly boring without you two around. I thought I'd be a bit happy to not have to deal with Harry's constant sarcasm or your constant lecturing but I'm a down right mess without the two of you. There's nobody around to tell me jokes or anyone to remind me what a complete git I'm being. Never thought I'd miss you all this much.
"Ron is such a sap." Ginny said with a smile as Hermione finished reading a portion of her letter out loud to Ginny. "I'm kind of glad you're not with him anymore Mione. I always thought you were too good for him." She continued, biting into her roll and making Hermione laugh.
"Your brother and I just realized we're better as friends. Flirting with him was nice and being with him was great it just wasn't what either of us expected to be." Hermione said, folding up Ron's letter and putting it back into the envelope.
"It's probably because there's no more excitement." Harry pointed out, causing Ginny and Hermione to look at him funny. "Well, look at it this way, each year we've had to fight Voldemort in one form or the other. The three of us become friends because of him, essentially."
"Oh we did not." Hermione argued.
"The troll in the girls bathroom." Harry said. "We went and saved you because Professor Quirrell let that troll loose." Hermione frowned.
"Alright Harry, what's your point?"
"My point." Harry said, through mouthfuls of toast and jam. "Is that once we had nothing to fight for, once our lives were no longer at stake, we no longer felt that we had to make every moment count. Your love bloomed out of fear and worry and fizzled out once things... Evened out. You got bored."
"That is ridiculous." Hermione said with a wave of her hand. Harry shrugged.
"Well, enough about my stinking brother. We need to find Hermione a new boyfriend and I need to teach you some new manners Potter about chewing with your mouth open." Ginny said, throwing a cloth napkin at her boyfriend. Harry laughed but Hermione was biting down on her bottom lip. Something she hadn't told Ron, about why she wanted to break up, was because she didn't feel that spark anymore.
She loved Ron, she knew that. But maybe Harry was right, for once. Hermione had latched onto Ron (because she certainly wasn't going to fall for Potter's unruly hair and devilish smile) because he was a comfort. He was kind, loving, strong, courageous. Hermione loved that. She thought Ron could make her happy forever but... Harry was right ( she hated thinking that he was). Once things had slowed down, once Hermione and Ron got to spend some time together outside of their trio as a couple, they just didn't click the way she had expected. She had been starting to think she got her hopes up too high. That she had set her exceptions for Ron far greater than she should have. But, once again she found herself thinking unfortunately, maybe Harry was right.
When Hermione walked into the common room of the Head of Students Tower, she found Draco sitting on the sofa again, a fire blazing in front of him. It was Friday and Hermione had just finished up classes but Draco looked like he had skipped them all today in favor of sitting in their tower and sulking.
"You weren't in class." Hermione commented, unwinding her scarf from around her neck as she shut the door. When Draco looked up at her she almost wanted to kick herself because of the expression he was giving her. Why did she just try to start up a conversation with him?
"I skipped potions. Wasn't feeling up for it." He replied, looking back towards the fire.
"Catch a cold?" Hermione asked. Christ, why was she even asking him questions?

Magnets// Dramione
FanficBreathing out, Hermione took his hand and said, "Valet in lucem." Draco wrinkled his nose, looking up at her confused. "Was that an insult?" Hermione rolled her eyes. "No Draco, it's an old saying in Latin." "Well I don't speak Latin 'Mione." She hu...