Light Prevails

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It was happening again. Draco was distancing himself. He was becoming increasingly frantic and nothing Hermione did could get him to open up. "Draco Malfoy you sit down right now or I'll scream!" Hermione said one night as Draco hurriedly began to rush through the Common Room. His hair was askew, clothes rumpled and even though Hermione had to do rounds soon, she was not going to leave until she knew that Draco was okay and wasn't about to do something foolish.

The potion Hagrid had instructed Draco to brew wasn't working and Draco couldn't understand why. Hagrid had said it usually worked for Remus Lupin so why couldn't it stop Draco from turning? He could feel his muscles quivering under his skin, sharp teeth scraping the insides of his mouth. He had to leave. He had to get to the woods. The moon was already high in the sky. He could feel it, though he couldn't see it.

"Hermione.." Draco murmured out, seeing how serious she was.

"I mean it Draco. Sit. We have to talk about your behavior."

"Can you lecture me more some other time? You have rounds soon don't you? And I have to go talk to Hagrid about..."

"Stop lying to me. You're not going to see Hagrid. I can't believe you managed to convince him to lie for you that day we went to go see him." Hermione said, crossing her arms over her chest and frowning at him. Draco's shoulders fell and he ran one hand through his messy hair before walking towards her.

"He didn't lie Hermione. I really have been going to see him some nights." He said, touching her cheek lightly. Huffing, Hermione stepped closer to Draco and wrapped him up in a hug. Draco hugged her back nervously. What if he turned right now? He wouldn't be able to control himself. He would hurt Hermione. He needed to get out of the tower and into the Forbidden Forest before the change overtook him.

"I know. Hagrid's not a liar. He's bad at it." She grumbled. Draco laughed. "But I know you're hiding something from me Draco. Why can't you just tell me what it is?" She said, pulling back slightly to look at him properly. Draco bit his bottom lip and took her hand.

"Let's sit." He said softly. Hermione sighed and let her lead him to the couch where they sat down next to each other, angled towards one another. "I don't want to tell you because it really might get me expelled from Hogwarts Hermione." Draco knew people didn't look too kindly on werewolves. Professor Lupin had to be dismissed simply for being one. Hermione sucked in her breath sharply.

"Draco are you part of..." She had heard rumors of Death Eaters gathering of a new order being formed. Draco immediately shook her head.

"No Hermione, no. It's nothing like that it's just... It's a bit personal and a bit dangerous and I don't want to tell you because... Because I'm afraid of the way you'll look at me." Hermione touched his cheek lightly.

"What would make me look at you any different than I do now?" She murmured. She couldn't even think of a single thing that Draco could do that would change her opinion of him. Well, she could but Draco would never hurt someone, would never kill someone. That's just not who he was anymore.

"Lots of things Hermione but this one is pretty bad." Draco said, putting his hand over hers on his cheek. "I want to tell you, I swear. I'm just... I'm so afraid Hermione. I don't want to loose you" His hand was shaking against hers and she stared deep into his grey eyes, startled. The genuine fear in them made her sad beyond belief. Leaning in, Hermione kissing his forehead lightly and then his lips before pulling back. Breathing out, Hermione took his hand and said,

"Valet in lucem." Draco wrinkled his nose, looking up at her in confusion.

"Was that an insult?" He joked. Hermione rolled her eyes.

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