What Do You Want From Me?

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Hermione and Draco hadn't spoken since that first discussion after the fateful kiss and neither of them were sure how they felt about the situation. Every time Draco walked in on Hermione sitting in the common room, he'd continue straight on to his room, hardly even glancing at her. Sometimes it infuriated Hermione that he didn't acknowledge her, other times she was glad that they weren't addressing the problem. Not that kissing was much of a problem. Well it kind of is if that person you kiss is supposed to be someone you hate.

Whenever Draco hogged the bathroom in the mornings now, Hermione would refrain from shouting at him to stop taking all the hot water and would now, just patiently wait a little down the hall from the door until he had finished, which was actually faster than she expected now because Draco knew she didn't like it when he was in there too long. He would always exit the bathroom with his hair still damp and his cologne fresh on his body and it would send Hermione reeling as she thought about their kiss. Draco would slide his gaze down towards her and then simply walk back to his room, his uniform as clean and presentable as always.

Neither of them liked this, the not speaking. The atmosphere in their tower was just as bad as it had been at the start of the year, maybe even a little worse. Hermione was always staring at him in the dining hall and Draco would zone out in class looking at her, loving the way sunlight bounced off of her curly hair. Neither of them knew how to fix this. Neither of them knew where to start. But one thing they both knew was that if they ever addressed the kiss, it would change their lives forever.


"What do you want from me?" Hermione asked almost accusingly. Draco sighed, his hand coming to his temple, fingers brushing against his slicked back hair. Hermione liked the way it looked without all the product in it. This Draco was too spiffy. Too clean. This Draco looked like someone out of a posh magazine. This Draco was all angles and edges. The Draco from their shared common room was soft and gentle. That Draco had a heart so heavy Hermione wished she could carry it for him.

"What do you mean Hermione?"

"I mean.." She said trying not to step closer. If she got up in his face again, she might just kiss him. Or if Draco kissed her first, she might just kiss him back. "Why did you kiss me in our common room? Is this some game? Are you trying to get in my head? Under my skin?"

"You kissed me." Draco whispered back, eyeing the other students across the square. Everyone seemed to be watching them. All eyes were trained on the enemies turned friends turned... Something more?

"No." Hermione said huffily.

"We kissed each other." Draco amended.

"Fine, we kissed each other. Now what do you want from me?" Draco pursed has lips. He didn't know what kind of answer she wanted.

"It was just a kiss." Draco watched her frown and he knew it was the wrong answer.

"No it wasn't Draco it..." She took a deep breath to stop herself from saying something she'd regret. "It can't be just a kiss. What is your endgame?"

"I thought we agreed to stop messing with one another when this year first started? I'd stop being a complete twat to you, Potter, Weasley and whoever else you didn't want me to make eye contact with and you agreed you wouldn't try to Hex me if I scared you by coming into our common room." Hermione rolled her eyes. She'd never called him a T word, maybe a git but not that word. She didn't like using it. "I don't have an endgame Hermione. I'm not trying to hurt you or Potter or anyone."

"Then what.." Hermione felt herself begin to whine before she shut her mouth and closed her eyes. When she opened them back up again, Draco was leaning against the pillar, arms crossed over his chest. He didn't look defensive, just tired.

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