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Hermione was done. She was done trying to be friends with Draco. She was done trying to figure him out. She was done being nice to him. Hermione had fretted and worried over Draco for nearly 24 hours and he acted like it was no big deal that he had made her feel so helpless and worthless when she tried to help him, to talk to him. It had been almost a week now and Hermione was sticking to her plan of giving Draco the cold shoulder for the rest of their time here at Hogwarts. Which would be kind of hard seeing as they were only nearing the end of October, heading into November. They still had about six months left together. Hermione wasn't sure she could ignore someone for that long, especially since she saw him all the time.

But somehow, Hermione's cold shoulder didn't seem to bother Draco. He almost acted like he was the one ignoring her and not the other way around which pissed Hermione off to no end. Draco couldn't ignore her while she was ignoring him! Why wasn't he trying to apologize like he usually did? Why had he just accepting her angry state? He was even refusing to look her in the eye or be in the same room as her if he could help it. It made their potions partnership extremely awkward as both of them refused to talk to one another. And despite Hermione promising herself to not speak a word to Draco for the rest of the school year, she simply couldn't help herself and confronted Draco one afternoon after classes had ended.

"Why do you insist on pissing me the hell off?" Hermione demanded. Draco looked up at her surprised.

"So we're speaking again?" He asked, one eyebrow arched.

"I don't know!" Hermione snapped at him. "Why don't you tell me?" Draco stood by the couch staring at her.

"I feel like anything I say is going to piss you off."

"Well you're right." Hermione said with a roll of her eyes. "Tell me what happened last week and don't lie."

"How will you know if I'm lying or not?"

"I just will okay?" She said with a frown. "Now tell me. I'm not going to lie for you again like that Draco. I'm not going to give you the benefit of the doubt. Next time you disappear like that, I'm going straight to the Headmistress."

"Then do it if it's that important to you."

"No, what's important to me is that we trust one another. We're friends Draco and friends worry about one another. What happened to you? Who hurt you? Why do you think you have to hide from me. I'm your Head Girl." Hearing Hermione say your Head Girl, made his heart skip a beat for some reason but he wasn't going to let that phase him.

"We're not friends Granger." He said, purposefully using her last name to piss her off. Hermione scoffed.

"Draco! Will you just shut up!" Hermione shouted, stamping her foot. Draco had seen plenty of angry women before, but Hermione took the cake as the prettiest girl he had ever made mad (aside from his own mother of course). Her nose was scrunched up, eyebrows arched down, and her fists were balled. Draco wondered if she was going to reach for her wand on the table and magically force him to shut his trap, it might be a good idea.

"You can't make me do anything Granger." Hermione huffed, crossing her arms and rolling her eyes.

"Can you please stop using my last name, we've gone over this. Just call me Hermione."

"Too personal."

"It's my name! Of course it's personal. I don't like it when you say Granger because it just makes me think of..." Makes her think of the sneer on his face as he called her a Mudblood. She hadn't realized it before but it made sense afterwards why she hated hearing him say Granger. It causes her to recall all the times she wished she could punch his perfectly white teeth in and get away with it. It reminds her of all the times he tried to hurt her and her friends all to help Lord Voldemort and Hermione doesn't want to think about that. She doesn't want to hold a grudge against him. She wants to forgive him but every time he apologizes...

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