The Beast Howls In My Veins

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Hermione knew she shouldn't. She knew she should trust Draco but something inside of her told her to follow him. Something inside of her was screaming out to her that Draco was hiding something important and she needed to find out what it was.

It had been nearly a week since the two of them had informed their friends of their relationship. Ron and Blaise were both skeptical, as were Hermione's parents but everyone else that knew seemed at least comfortable with the idea that the two of them were together. Hermione had even boldly held Draco's hand and walked across campus with him, much to Draco's embarrassment. But all in all, Hermione didn't know why she had been so scared of what people would think.

But even after they took this giant leap in their relationship, telling everyone. Hermione still knew in her heart that Draco was lying to her about something. She also knew that he would never simply tell her. How many times had she asked already? How many times had he rebuffed her? How many times were they going to fight over it? Hermione needed to know what Draco was hiding and that's why she was following him into the forbidden forest.

Hermione was skipping out on rounds, which she had never done before. The Headmistress would probably head to their tower to search for either her or at least Draco to cover her place but McGonagall would find the tower empty.

Hermione followed close behind Draco, continuing to use the abscondam spell to hide her in the shadows of the night. Draco so far hadn't realized she was following him. Hermione had used the same absondam spell to hide in plain sight in their common room. Draco had rushed out of the room so quickly he hadn't even glanced her way and he was dressed peculiarly. At least, Hermione thought it was peculiar. She didn't even know Draco owned blue jeans, sneakers or a jumper so large.

Hermione thought that Draco was heading out to see Hagrid so she was very surprised when he took a detour and headed straight for the forest. Was he meeting someone out here? Was he simply going for a walk? Why did he keep scratching at his skin and shaking out his arms like they hurt? After walking maybe a mile or so into the forest, Hermione nearly made herself known but was startled by Draco turning around sharply, seemingly staring right at her. Hermione backed further up behind the trunk of the tree and after a moment or so, Draco shrugged and kept walking.

"Abscondam." Hermione whispered, swirling her wand around herself. The charm settled onto her and she quickly followed after Draco, careful not to step on leaves or twigs as she did. Draco had to be meeting someone, he just had to be.

Finally, Draco stopped at a clearing and surprisingly, Hermione recognized it as the place the two of them had stopped at after his Quidditch game. The flowers were all gone and the pond frozen from the cold but she still remembered what it looked like that day. Draco moved to sit down on the hard ground, staring out across the pond and suddenly, Hermione realized how stupid she was.

Draco hadn't lied to her about anything. He simply came out here to think or to reminisce. She was foolish for thinking anything else. With a small smile on her face, Hermione stepped out of the shadows and walked towards Draco. "Hello." She called out. Draco scrambled up and reached for his wand wildly, forgetting he had left it in his room.

"Who are you?" Draco demanded.

"Draco, it's me." Hermione said lightly. Draco's heart beat wildly in his chest. No. No it couldn't be Hermione. It had to be a boggart or something come to tell him that Hermione didn't actually love him, that she was lying.

"No. It can't be. You're supposed to be on rounds." Draco argued.

"I know. The Headmistress is probably frantic right now, wondering where we are. I'm sorry I followed you Draco. I should've just trusted you when you said you had nothing to hide, that you weren't lying to me." she was coming closer to him and Draco began to panic. No. No she couldn't. Not tonight.

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