Gravitational Pull

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When Draco saw her the next morning, the first thing he wanted to do was walk over and kiss her. But he wasn't sure if he should. They talked about the kiss, sure, they agreed to try to go back to normal, and then they did that thing. That thing where they seemed to immediately be drawn to one another, like magnets and then they would suddenly remember their palace and repel one another again. It was almost intoxicating being near her and after that second kiss yesterday evening, all Draco could think about was doing it again.

Hermione stared at him across the room. His black, green tinted turtleneck sweater looked soft to the touch and his dark jeans fit him well. His hair didn't look stiff with gel, as it usually is and all Hermione could think about was running her hands through it again like she had when they first kissed. She wanted to say something. She wanted to walk over and kiss him but it was as if Draco kew what she wanted. He headed towards her.

"Morning." He murmured, pausing just a couple feet away.

"Good Morning." Hermione replied. She found herself leaning towards him so she just took a step forward. Draco breathed in deeply.

"How did you sleep?" He asked.

"Good, and you?" Draco shrugged. He had been tossing and turning all night thinking about Hermione just down the hall. He wanted to go wake her up. He wanted to talk to her. He wanted to kiss her. To hold her. To just be with her. But something stopped him every time, the thought that that wasn't what Hermione wanted.

"Alright I guess." Hermione was tired of small talk. She reached out and touched Draco's cheek lightly, feeling how smooth and warm his skin was. She slid her fingers to the back of his neck, barely touching the blonde ends of his hair.

"Hermione." Draco murmured.

"Shut up and kiss me Draco." Hermione commanded. Draco smiled.

"Yes ma'am." He murmured, reaching up and threading his fingers through her hair as he leaned in and kissed her. The smell of his cologne lingered on his clothing and Hermione wrapped her arms around his neck, wanting to be wrapped up in the scent. Draco knew they couldn't just kiss each other though. They clearly had a lot to talk about so he pulled back slightly but Hermione kept leaning in. Draco kissed her lightly, once, twice, three times before pulling back completely, a lock of her hair twisted around his index finger.

"I thought we agreed not to kiss

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"I thought we agreed not to kiss." Hermione rolled her eyes at the smirk on his face. "Or touch each other."

"Maybe I changed my mind."

"I'm glad." Draco murmured, touching her cheek lightly, surprised that he actually meant what he said. "You look cute this morning." Hermione blushed. "Am I allowed to say that?" Draco asked feeling like a complete idiot. They hadn't even established what they were doing and here he was calling her cute. Not that he wanted to take it back or anything. He was realizing now that he had found Hermione cute for a while. He always liked the way she would intensely read a book in front of the fireplace and the way she pulled back her hair during potions class.

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