Birds of a Feather

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"I can't tonight. I'm helping Draco with Herbology." Hermione said before realizing that might not be the best thing to say to her best friend. He still hadn't gotten over the fact that Draco and Hermione call each other by their first names and now he was finding out that Hermione was helping him with school. "Don't make that face. He asked and so I'm helping. He's very dreadful at the subject." Hermione said as Harry began to scowl.

"Why help that git out at all? He's a horrible person Hermione. Let him suffer with his bad grades. He doesn't deserve your help."

"I think he does." Hermione said, unable to stop herself from defending him. "He's a good person Harry. You can't see that because you refuse to look at him, let alone speak to him." Harry scoffed.

"He doesn't belong here. He betrayed Dumbledore. He betrayed Hogwarts."

"Just because..." Hermione began to say,trying to remain calm but Harry looked to Ginny and interrupted Hermione.

"You don't like him right?" Ginny looked back and forth between her friends, hesitating. "You can't be serious Gin."

"He isn't so bad." Ginny said slowly. "He talked to Luna and I a couple of times while we've been waiting for Hermione in their common room. He doesn't seem like..."

"He never seems like a bastard and then he does some shitty and unforgivable thing and then I remember why I hate him so much. How could you be so kind to him Hermione? Have you forgotten what happened to you? In his house? How do you not think about that every time you look at him?"

"Because he's apologized Harry!" Hermione snapped at him, tossing her books down forcefully on the table in front of them as she stood. "He's apologized several times now because I bothered to talk to him. I bothered to try to get to know him. I'm trying not to get stuck in the past like you are. Move on Harry! It happened, it's over and we can have normal lives now." Hermione's cheeks burned red, positive that all eyes were on them in the Gryffindor Common Room. Not many people might understand what they're talking about exactly but they might have a general idea.

"He apologized and you believe him?" Harry asked, standing up as well. "Why would you believe anything that comes out of his mouth. This is Draco Malfoy we're talking about. The boy who called you Mudblood. The boy who consistently threatened, bullied and belittled us. You're telling me that you believe him when he says sorry?"

"What I believe Harry, is that Draco isn't perfect. That he's truly sorry for everything he said or did to us in the past and I believe that he's trying to make amends. Trying to move on and become a better person."

"Well-" Harry said but Hermione kept going.

"And I don't exactly see you apologizing Harry. You nearly killed him two years ago. He has scars Harry. Are you telling me that you feel no remorse at all? Do you love the idea that you could have killed him when you had the chance?"

"Hermione." Ginny said sharply, standing. Hermione clenched her jaw though. She didn't regret what she had said. It was something she had thought for a long time.

"Draco may be rude and mean and horrible but at least he's never killed someone." Harry breathed in sharply. Maybe that was too far but Hermione didn't care. She hated how Harry had been talking about him, like Draco was the scum of the earth because he wasn't. He was a good person deep down. Harry just couldn't see it.

"Whatever Hermione." Harry said, pushing his glasses up his nose before running one hand through his obnoxiously unruly hair. Turning on his heel, Harry headed straight for the exit.

"Harry come back please." Ginny begged. But when it was obvious that he wasn't Ginny, raced after him. After grounding her teeth a little, Hermione followed. She knew she should apologize. She knew she shouldn't just let him walk away but the portrait closed fast behind Harry and Ginny couldn't push it back open fast enough. By the time she and Hermione had, Harry had completely disappeared.

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