"I'm sorry." Draco murmured, his hand over the bandages of Hermione's arm.
"Stop apologizing."
"I'm sorry."
"Draco, I'm serious. It's not your fault." Hermione took his hand away from her arm and squeezed it in her own, lacing their fingers together before she pressed a kiss to his bloodied knuckles.
"It is and I'm sorry."
"Draco.." Hermione said with a sigh as the infirmary doors opened. Hermione barely glanced up, she was too fixated on Draco's pained expression. But he did look to see who had come in and he stiffened involuntarily, blood blossoming on the bandage covering his chest. "Dra.." Hermione began to say, eyes sliding to the door. And the people she saw almost made her want to bolt from Draco's side but his hand in hers kept her grounded. Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy had just entered the room, followed by Madame Pomfrey.
"Hermione." Draco said, attempting to sit up.
"Stop, don't." Hermione whispered, gently pressing her fingertips into his shoulder so he would lay back down.
"Leave. I don't want my father..." he whispered harshly but he never got to finish his sentence. His parents were at his bedside.
"Miss Granger." Mr. Malfoy said in a way that chilled Hermione to the bone. He was eyeing his sons hand in hers suspiciously. Mrs. Malfoy shot a half glare at her husband.
"None of that Lucius." She said. "What did I say earlier?" Mr. Malfoy simply cleared his throat. Narcissa turned her gaze towards Hermione. She swore Narcissa's face softened a little as she looked at her. "Hermione, thank you for helping our son."
"Of course." Hermione murmured, unsure of what else to say.
"Are you alright my love?" Narcissa asked, running her hand through her sons hair gently.
"Yes mum just tired."
"Wounds aren't that deep then?" Lucius asked, still wary of Hermione's presence. Draco shakes his head. The most serious thing he had was a nasty cut across his chest that had been self-inflicted. In those early moments after he had shifted, Draco had clawed at his own skin, trying to will himself to change back into his human form but before he could, the beast took over and he chased after Hermione. He could still hear her terrified screams.
"Hermione was going easy on me." Draco looks toward her fondly, the softest smile on his face. Narcissa almost feels like she could cry as she watches Hermione return her sons smile. Draco's eyes fall back to the bandage on her arm.
"Oh poor dear." Mrs. Malfoy exclaims, moving around her sons bed to place her hand on Hermione's shoulder. "He nicked you didn't he."
"I'm alright, really. It's just a small scratch." Narcissa clucked her tongue.
"Perhaps now honey, but I want you to be more careful if something like this ever happens again in the future. Use more protection spells on yourself." Hermione was trying not to blush at the fact that Draco's mother had called her honey.
"I was Uh... busy casting them on the castle and trying to think of a way to stop Draco without hurting him." She felt Draco squeeze his hand.
"Well you did very well darling." Another endearing nickname. Hermione's head was spinning. The infirmary doors opened again and this time, Hermione looked to see who it was. Pansy, Harry and Ginny were all standing in the threshold. They had paused though when they saw who else was in the room.
"Will you be taking Draco home early?" Hermione asked as their friends cautiously approached at a slower pace.
"Only if he wants to." Narcissa replied, glancing down at her son who seemed more content here with Hermione than he had in the longest time.

Magnets// Dramione
FanfictionBreathing out, Hermione took his hand and said, "Valet in lucem." Draco wrinkled his nose, looking up at her confused. "Was that an insult?" Hermione rolled her eyes. "No Draco, it's an old saying in Latin." "Well I don't speak Latin 'Mione." She hu...