Head Boy

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Hermione hummed a little tune as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and walked leisurely down the hallway to the library. She had a free period at the moment, which had surprised a lot of the professors, McGonagall especially who had called Hermione into her office hours after arriving at Hogwarts to make sure Hermione was enrolled in all the classes she wanted to take. Hermione told her that the free period was not a mistake and that she had intended to actually have one this year. Hermione explained that due to recent events, and because of Harry's influence, she decided it would be best to relax. McGonagall had smiled, remembering how Hermione had begged for a time turner her fourth year just so she could take extra classes.

The corridors were vacant, as everyone else was already been in class and as the wind whistled past her, Hermione heard a faint voice coming from an adjacent corridor. Her Head Girl instincts told her she should see who it was and immediately she headed towards the sound.

"Bombarda!" Hermione would recognize that voice anywhere. And she would also recognize that spell anywhere. It was Draco, casting a firecracker spell. She quickly ran down the rest of the hallway, towards the sound of his voice. He wouldn't be using it against kids right? He was a Head Boy now! He couldn't be fighting anyone. At any rate, she had to stop him before things got too far.

Rounding a corner, Hermione found Draco. His wand was out and it was pointed at 3 other seventh years. Hermione took out her own wand from her robes to stop him. "Surgere!" Draco shouted before the other boys or Hermione could say anything. Immediately, the three boys began to float in midair before swiftly turning upside down. The blood rushed to their heads as they shouted at Draco to let them down.

"Draco!" Hermione called out, marching forward. He glanced back at her over his shoulder and that's when Hermione noticed the young girl clinging to his robe. She had to be a first year but she looked smaller than that. Her tie was blue and silver and her hair was a wild mess of tangles. It looked like she and been crying.

"Hey Granger. Would you mind finding a teacher?" He asked her in a surprisingly calm voice.

"Draco you twat!" Corey shouted at him. "We're from the same house! Just let us down!" Corey is a Slytherin but his two friends are Gryffindors. Hermione frowned at them.

"What happened?" She asked Draco.

"I'll explain once you come back with someone please." He glanced down at the girl still clinging to his pants leg. "Would you like to go with her?" Hermione held out her hand but the girl shook her head no fiercely and buried her head in Draco's robe. "She's still scared. Hurry back please." Hermione nodded and quickly went into the closest classroom, just a couple doors down. Thankfully Professor Swill wasn't teaching and she immediately came out of her room to hear what had happened.

Draco very calmly explained how he had found Corey, Max, and Jon harassing young Penelope. "Scattering her books, spelling her hair. She was hysterical when I came along." Draco still had his wand out, the three boys still hanging upside down in midair. "I asked them to stop and when they didn't I used Bombarda and then Surgere to make them stop." Professor Swill turned towards Hermione.

"And you heard the fight?" She asks her.

"I was just a corridor over. I recognized his voice and wondered what he might be doing." Hermione didn't want to say she was worried he was doing something wrong but by the tense look on Draco's face, she knew that he knew what she actually meant.

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