A/N: A little lemon in this one.
The rest of the week passed quickly. Evelyn visited us on Friday and stayed for dinner. We had actually a good time and I could see that both mother and son tried to make this work. However, Evelyn kept asking me about my job on the council and how I was planning on changing faction law. I kept giving her evasive answers, for once I have no clue what she's up to and then there's always the thing that I myself have no idea what I'm going to do. When it got late Tobias offered to drive her home, but she refused, on the grounds that she didn't want him to get in trouble. He only escorted her out of the compound and waited with her by the tracks, hidden from the cameras, for the train to arrive and her to jump on. He soon returned to the apartment and I could see he was torn between being happy he had a somewhat normal relationship with his mother and the fact he couldn't completely trust her. I didn't insist on finding out more. He knows I'm here for him when he decides to open up.
Saturday morning is one of my favorite mornings of the week. Even though it's always possible to be called to some emergency leader thing I still enjoy it nevertheless. I turn around and find that Tobias's side is empty and has been for a while judging by the cold sheets and pillow. I get up and slip into my fuzzy slippers and walk downstairs where I can already smell the mesmerizing scent of freshly made coffee. I try to make no sound while walking down the stairs to surprise him.
"You should really focus more on your loud breathing than your footsteps," he says while pouring coffee in my mug, never even turning his head to look at me. Damn.
"How did you do that?" I ask in awe.
"I know you. I know you try this every time I get up before you. I also heard you wake up. You are really noisy in the morning. Also, I could smell your scent," he says finally turning around and laughing when he sees me sniff my armpit.
"One of these days..." I say and walk over to him to grab my mug, but he keeps it from me. I pout and he laughs again. "What's so funny?" I ask still pouting and trying to reach for my mug, which he now holds over his head so that I can't grab it.
"If you want your coffee you need to trade it in," he says with a devil's grin. Oh, really?
"Alright. What do you want?" I ask all business.
"You know what I want," he grins sexy at me. Oh, two can play this game.
"Alright," I say. I take a step closer to him and stand on my tip toes but before I connect our lips I kneel down on the floor and pull his pants, including boxer briefs with me. His sharp intake of air hits me right between my thighs, but I shake it. I'm on a mission. He messed with the wrong Dauntless.
I watch his erect manhood stand in front of me and I smile sultry at the sight in front of me. I envelope his shaft with my right hand and start stroking him gently. I feel him tense up and I look up at him. He lowered his hand which was holding the coffee mug and put it on the kitchen island before him. His eyes are closed and his breathing erratic. I stroke him several more times before I lick my lips preparing myself for the next move. I open my mouth a little and place an open-mouthed kiss on the tip. A shudder travels through his muscled body and I smile at myself. It still amazes me that I'm the reason he feels so much pleasure. I let go of his member and start trailing sloppy kisses along his length until I get to his testicles. I take them into my mouth and suck on them and I can hear how difficult it becomes for him to breathe properly. I let them go and lick my way up his length until I reach the tip again. I kiss it and then take it in my mouth as much as I can. I start sucking it and try to accommodate as much of his girth as I can, compensating for the rest with my hand. I increase my speed and I feel him writhing, but I ignore it continuing to love him with my mouth, tongue and hand. I suck harder and move my hand faster over his enlarged manhood until he tenses up and I feel him spill his seed deep within my throat and he yells out my name. I swallow his load and release him from my mouth with a loud "pop". I wipe my mouth and stand up again. He has his eyes still closed and I smirk. I grab my mug and sip the delicious hot beverage, although I'm so awake right now, I wouldn't need any of it. He slowly opens his eyes and looks at me, a mesmerizing smile splitting his face in two.

You And Me Against The World | ✅
Fanfiction#42 in Divergent (08/15/2018) #7 in Tris Prior (08/15/2018) #8 in Tobias Eston (08/15/2018) Disclaimer: I do not own the Divergent Series. FourTris prevent the war on abnegation, but before Jeanine goes down she reveals that Tris is divergent. How w...