Chapter 62

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I wake early the next morning and try to get out of bed. Difficult, if a still sleeping Tobias keeps me pinned down. I chuckle and turn around in his arms, then place a tender kiss on his parted lips. He almost immediately responds and thrusts his tongue inside my mouth, mating it with mine. I moan softly into his mouth and I feel him smile. We finally part and look at each other.

"Good morning, honey," I say.

"Good morning, love," he replies in a husky voice.

"We need to get up. The initiates need to be yelled at," I say with a chuckle. He groans.

"I don't want to get up," he whines and I look at him with a curious expression on my face. "It feels too good in here," he quickly adds and I smile.

"Come on, we have to go. We also have a few things to do before the wedding on Saturday."

"Alright. What time is it?" he asks. I look at the nightstand watch and see it's almost seven a.m. We need to meet the initiates at eight in the training room.

"Too late to fool around," I say. "Come on. If you behave I'll reward you later," I say and manage to get out of bed.

"Are you making me a cake?" he asks jumping up.

"I actually meant a nice massage and a relaxing bath, but sure, I'll make one," I say chuckling while I gather my clothes and walk into our bathroom.

"Can I eat the cake off of you?" he asks following into the shower cabin.

"Whatever you want," I say seductively.

"If you want me to behave you need to stop being so damn sexy," he says before crashing his lips over mine.

We don't manage to keep our hands off of each other, but do arrive in time in the training room. The eight transfers look tired and ready to faint. Tobias shows them all how to use the punching bags and we join them for a little work out. After the first half hour, most of them groan in frustration because they are tired, but Tobias yells at them that they won't get any lunch if they don't continue. We walk around to see how they are doing, correcting their stance and give them advice as to how to improve. Some of them listen others think that they know better. Monica, the Candor girl, seems to have some trouble. I stand next to her for a while watching her. After five minutes, she turns around to look at me.

"I can't do this anymore," she whines.

"Why?" I ask her.

"I'm tired," she says.

"You aren't used to it yet. It'll come in time. You need to continue, you need to push your body to the limit. Every day a little more, until you are so used to it that your body won't protest anymore," I explain.

"Was it like this for you too?" she asks.

"Yes. The first couple of weeks were very bad. One of our former leaders made it a point to come and watch the initiates. He was cruel and got off on seeing us suffer. Unlike you guys we had to fight for our very own existence here. I wasn't lying when I said that everyone who was under the red line was kicked out of Dauntless. It was unfair, but we couldn't do anything about it. But it's different for you. However, if you want anyone to respect you, you need to work harder and show that you deserve to be here. No one will point fingers at you for not ranking first or high in general, but they will if you don't even try. You need to find your own pace and then push yourself to be better. Forget about the others. You compete with yourself. Whatever you achieve today make it a point to outdo yourself tomorrow and so on," I say and she smiles.

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