A/N: The end is near...
It's almost a month since Edward's trial and Marcus's death. There are two days before Christmas and everyone is excited for the Christmas party tonight and the holidays in general. Tobias and I invited Evelyn to join us for Christmas Eve, since mom and dad are invited to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas day in Erudite with Caleb and Cara, who share the loveliest apartment. I know Cara has some bad taste when it comes to decorations, but together she and my brother made a usually sterile looking space be cozy and welcoming. So, this Christmas Tobias and I will celebrate only with Evelyn, well and little Andy in my tummy.
Edward's trial concluded three days after his interrogation. He was convicted and unanimously voted to be executed a week from sentencing, giving his family time to say goodbye. Usually, I would have pressed for a different sentence, but the nature and severity of his crimes as well as the number overwhelmed all kind of forgiveness in me or anyone else's. They injected him with death serum and incinerated his remains. Myra's parents were present and I think now they found closure and Myra her peace. Her abuser and murderer was gone and couldn't hurt anyone else. I only wish she would still be alive, but I pray for her as often as I can.
As for Marcus's death, that stirred up a lot of attention. He had a nice funeral and a lot of people went, including Tobias and Evelyn. Evelyn even shed a tear, which I didn't thought possible, but later that day she came back to the apartment with us and we talked. Well she and I did, Tobias was just sitting next to me caressing my tummy. She revealed that the night Marcus got sick in Candor she and my dad went with him and despite herself she gave in when he asked to see her. She didn't know why at the time but she felt like confronting him. But it turned out that they talked. She told us that the Marcus lying on his death bed was the Marcus she fell in love with and still loved after all these years. She confirmed what Marcus told Tobias about his grandfather and how the old man liked to mingle in his son's marriage. Apparently, old man Eaton had a lot to do with the failure and the abuse in the first place, not that that is any excuse. Marcus asked Evelyn too to forgive him and like Tobias she told me she didn't know if she could. He hurt her and her son too much. He smiled at her and just asked to think of him and the good times they shared and maybe one day she will find it in her heart. He did everything wrong a man and a father could do wrong, but he regretted it. Unfortunately, it took him a death sentence to revise his life and seek forgiveness from his family. After that day, we didn't speak of him again. Or at least Tobias and Evelyn didn't speak of him in my presence. I know that during this last month Tobias visited his mom in Factionless or called her on the phone, he told me that, but I never asked what they talked about. It doesn't concern me and if he wants to share he will, I know he will. They both need to figure this out as mother and son and bond and find a way to deal with the whole situation in their own way.
Christina is in party planning mode. She told me she would stop by to do my hair and make-up and then head home. The only thing I should do is shower and put my dress on. I decided to wear a long, black chiffon dress and my black flats. I wanted to wear heels and Christina will have a meltdown, but my feet are swollen and I can't bear wearing anything other than flats. I look myself up in the mirror after I let the towel drop and admire my protruding belly. Twenty-eight weeks. I can't believe it. My little jelly bean is so big. Another twelve weeks and my baby boy will be here. I can't wait for that to happen. I pick out my underwear, black lace boxers and a comfortable strapless bra, since the dress is strapless too, I put on pantyhose because it's a bit chilly in the compound, my flats and then my dress. I have difficulties with the zipper and just then my doorbell rings. This must be Christina. I hurry downstairs and make sure not to trip and open the door for her. She smiles brightly at me and gives me a hug which almost lets me let go of the dress. I usher her inside and ask her to zip me up.

You And Me Against The World | ✅
Fanfiction#42 in Divergent (08/15/2018) #7 in Tris Prior (08/15/2018) #8 in Tobias Eston (08/15/2018) Disclaimer: I do not own the Divergent Series. FourTris prevent the war on abnegation, but before Jeanine goes down she reveals that Tris is divergent. How w...