Chapter 74

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Before we head down to the cafeteria I decide to go get Tobias. It just occurred to me that people will start asking us questions about the missing initiate and probably some already know that the council was here this morning. I knock on Tobias's door and when he tells me to come in I do so. He looks toward the door and smiles when he sees me.

"I didn't expect you," he says and gets up.

"I can leave," I say teasing him.

"No way," he says and comes over to me and hugs me tightly. I expect him to let go of me, but he doesn't.

"Honey?" I ask tentatively.

"I'm so glad you are strong enough to defend yourself and happy that you kept training even though I was partially against it," he says without letting go.

"Me too," I say and rub his back.

"I would have killed him if he would have touched you. That perverted bastard."

"I'm fine, Tobias. Don't let all these ifs rule your head. Nothing happened, thankfully, and Jeremy is now in custody. This afternoon we will know more about who he really is."

"Yeah," Tobias says rather distant.



"We need to think of something to say to the others. I mean people will start asking questions."

He lets go of me enough to look me in the eyes. He has a pensive expression and I can tell he thought about this too.

"I asked Tori to meet us here," he says and looks at his watch when suddenly somebody knocks on the door. "Speaking of the devil," he says with a chuckle. "Come in." Tori enters the office and Tobias finally let's go of me. We sit down, Tori and I on the couch and Tobias in one of the chairs.

"Hey guys," she says. "Four told me we need to think of something to say regarding the Jeremy problem," she says.

"Yeah. While I was in my office I realized, people will start asking questions," I say and she nods.

"Tris already pointed out last week when we had the suspicion that we should inform the faction of Jeremy's crime. However, we should keep the victims name secret. I agree. Especially, after this morning and having to hear what that low-life did to that poor girl. I don't want her to go through more of this, if that's possible," he says and my heart melts. He is so tough all the time that people don't really know what a wonderful, thoughtful and kind man he is. The fact that he wants to spear Monica from more pain is just proof of that.

"I agree with you, Four," Tori says. "We should make an announcement, but we should wait after his interrogation. That way we will have more information and can decide what to say and what not," she suggests.

"Sounds like a plan. Are you coming? To the interrogation, I mean," I ask her.

"No. I need to supervise an Amity transport later this afternoon," she says.

"Seems it's just you and me," I say to Tobias.

"What's that supposed to mean? Just you and me? Am I not enough?" he asks in a teasing manner.

"Oh, shut up, you big baby," I say and smack his arm lightly.

"You guys are so adorable," Tori says and I blush a little.

"Let's go eat something, before we overwhelm Tori with our adorableness," Tobias says and gets up. We follow him outside and walk down to the cafeteria where we seek our table. Some of our friends are already there and to my delight Shauna and Zeke brought little Hunter down. I greet all of my friends and sit down next to Shauna. She allows me to hold Hunter while she's eating.

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