Tobias and I spend the better part of the afternoon swimming and having fun in the pond behind the wooden cabin. On occasion, we just lie down, completely naked, on the two towels we brought out with us and allow the sun to dry us. Usually I would freak out about exposing myself like this. But we are completely alone here and there's no other human around.
Tobias plays with my hair looking up into the sky deep in thought. I look at him and wonder what he is thinking. My curiosity wins and I push myself toward him and kiss his jaw. He smiles and looks my way.
"What are you thinking about?" I ask.
"Nothing in particular. I was thinking how peaceful everything is here and that I would gladly spend the rest of my life here with you," he says looking deep into my eyes.
"I know what you mean," I say caressing his cheek.
"I wish we could have this peace and quiet at home too," he says sighing and looking back up into the sky.
"You mean to say it's too loud at home? 'Cause if I recall right you were the one who insisted that I can be as loud as I want," hinting at what he once told me after we made love. He told me he loved that even though I wasn't exaggerating with my loud moans he loved how I just couldn't contain them when the pleasure became too much. He loves when I cry out his name, making him feel fulfilled. He turns to look at me with a wide grin.
"Oh, you can be as loud as you want, baby," he says kissing my lips, but when he pulls back his expression is a little serious. "But you know what I mean. The constant struggle, the uncertainty of tomorrow," he says and runs his left index finger over my cheek.
"This is one of the reasons I'm working so hard to change things around town. Thankfully more people see what I'm trying to do and aren't afraid of the change. But we need to keep a slow, yet steady pace. We can't just go and force things to change. It needs to happen smoothly and in time. This won't be over in our lifetime or that of our children. Maybe not even our grandchildren. But it will happen," I say sure. He looks at me smiling placing his left hand over my flat stomach.
"I wonder if it already happened," he says looking at where his hand lies.
"Me too. But Addison told me it might take a while and not freak out about it," I tell him. He is as eager as I am to make this happen. I know that many people think us getting married so young and wanting a baby is irrational, but we love each other and we belong together. It doesn't matter if we knew each other for years before getting married and having a baby or for a few months. I know I love this man and he loves me and we will spend the rest of our lives together. And Tobias is right. Life is uncertain and unpredictable. We have to enjoy it while we can and to the fullest. We'll never know how much time we have, although I hope many, many years from here on. I don't care if people think that we made the right decision, we know and love each other and this is right for us. Whoever thinks otherwise can keep it to themselves.
"Well, then we should keep practicing Mrs. Eaton, because our mothers are both eager to by grannies," he says and I start laughing.
"You are nuts, honey," I say and he kisses me passionately. He starts running his hand up and down my body until it finally settles over my left breast kneading it lovingly. I can feel him getting hard and my body starts reacting to his ministrations. I can feel myself getting wet, when I actually start getting wet from something else. He must have felt it too, because he breaks our kiss and looks up. A few rain drops hit us and we realize a thunder storm is about to hit the area. We quickly get up and Tobias gets both towels and I gather our clothes and we run inside just in time before the rain starts pouring down on us.

You And Me Against The World | ✅
Fanfiction#42 in Divergent (08/15/2018) #7 in Tris Prior (08/15/2018) #8 in Tobias Eston (08/15/2018) Disclaimer: I do not own the Divergent Series. FourTris prevent the war on abnegation, but before Jeanine goes down she reveals that Tris is divergent. How w...