I park the car in its usual spot in the garage and go to Tobias's office to talk to him. I try the door but it's locked. I look at my watch and see that it's lunchtime already. Maybe he's in the cafeteria. I decide to go down and look for him there. On my way, I see Tori and wave to her.
"Hey Tris," she greets.
"Hey Tori. Everything alright here?" I ask smiling for the first time since I left the Hub.
"Yeah. All peaceful. Well, as peaceful as you can get around here," she says and we both laugh. "What about the council meeting? You done already?"
"Yeah. I'm surprised too. But we basically work like a good oiled machine. We should only meet when necessary. These weekly meetings are really useless most of the time, but I guess better sit through a few hours with them than have to stay away from home for days because we need to lock ourselves up and solve everything in a two-day-long session," I say.
"I guess. Don't get me wrong, but I'm glad it's you that has to go to these meetings. When I had to go, because you or Four couldn't I swear I was bored out of my mind," she confesses.
"Wanna know a secret?" I ask and she nods. "I'm bored myself most of the times. But every now and then we actually talk about important stuff and really make a difference."
"I'm glad. Did you talk to them about the ex-Dauntless like you wanted?"
"I did. I need to send each council member a copy of the files of the five ex-Dauntless who want to come back."
"You need help with that?" she asks.
"No. I've got this. But thanks anyway. Say, you haven't seen Four by any chance?" I ask.
"I did actually. He went to the cafeteria not too long ago. He should still be there," she answers.
"Oh, good. Thanks. I'll leave you now. I'm starving," I say.
"Then go eat," she says with a chuckle. We say goodbye and I hurry to the cafeteria. Half way there I remember something and turn around running after Tori. Thankfully I reach her before she walks up the stairs to the Pire.
"Tori," I shout after her and she turns around just as she started up the stairs.
"What is it?" she asks a little concerned.
"I was wondering... Four and I have a painting that needs to be framed. Any idea where we could do it?"
"I can do it. I framed the one Dwayne and I gave you for Christmas," she says smiling.
"That'll be great. Do you want me to come over to your place or do you come to ours?" I ask.
"I don't know how long it'll take me today, but I'll knock on your door when I get home or call you," she says.
"Great. See you later then. And thanks," I say turning on my heels and walking back to the cafeteria.
I walk inside and the place is packed with hungry Dauntless. I make my way to our regular table and some of the people here who happen to see me greet me nicely either with a polite "hello" or a nod. The moment I see my friends Christina stands up waving at me. It's strange that she does that, like she is signaling me where to find them. But we always sit at the same table. I smile.
"You're back?" Tobias asks surprised when I finally reach the table.
"I can leave again, if you don't want me," I say trying to keep a straight face but fail.
"You know that's not what I meant," he says getting up and kissing my lips softly.
"I know. Hi guys," I say to our group.

You And Me Against The World | ✅
Fanfiction#42 in Divergent (08/15/2018) #7 in Tris Prior (08/15/2018) #8 in Tobias Eston (08/15/2018) Disclaimer: I do not own the Divergent Series. FourTris prevent the war on abnegation, but before Jeanine goes down she reveals that Tris is divergent. How w...