It's Friday. Today we'll let the initiates fight each other. First, we will randomly pick names out of a bowl and let two girls fight each other and then boys. And after lunch we will pick one girl and one boy to fight. The first fight is between two boys, Sean and Frank. They are both about the same height and are muscular and look like any of them could win.
They both enter the ring and take their stances. Unlike the girls, the boys use the same fighting stances all the Dauntless initiates learned and used before them, even me. But the girls have a few extra tricks up their sleeves. Sean attacks first but Frank blocks. Then Frank takes out to punch, but unfortunately leaves his ribs unprotected by doing so. Sean manages to hit him hard in the side and Frank looses balance for a moment, but avoids falling over. He attacks again and Sean blocks him. Then Sean attacks by kicking Frank in the stomach. Frank falls backwards and lands ungracefully on his butt. Sean waits for him to get up again and a moment later Frank stands tall again. He circles Sean for a while seemingly trying to figure out where to hit to cause some damage on his opponent. I watch Sean and see him limp a little. It's hard to see if you aren't looking, but Sean must have hurt his left leg. Frank must have seen it too because the next kick is directed toward Sean's hip. While Sean stumbles back Frank lunges toward him and punches him in the jaw and finishes by kicking his legs from under him. The fight is over. Frank wins. We all cheer and applaud and wait for them to clear the ring for the next fight.
The next fight is between Kaylee and Jessica. They both take their stances, just as Lauren and I taught them and start circling each other. They have already fought each other and relatively know what the other thinks and does during a fight. But it's interesting to see if they will change anything. Kaylee attacks first and lands a hit on Jessica's jaw. Jessica regains her balance quickly and starts her own attack, only to be blocked by Kaylee. Immediately after blocking, Kaylee kicks Jessica in the stomach making her fall down. However, she doesn't stay down for long jumping up and kicking Kaylee's feet from under her. Kaylee rolls over and gets up only to get hit in the right hip by Jessica who uses the moment and strikes Kaylee in the jaw. She stumbles again and falls down. Jessica lunges at her keeping her pinned down making her the winner.
We continue with these fights until lunch time. We leave the training room together and tell the initiates to be back at two p.m. like every day. Tobias and I sit at our regular table with our friends talking about the initiates and how well or bad they're fighting.
"I think the guys will win this," Uriah says and I raise my eyebrow.
"And that's based on?" I ask curious.
"Because they are guys," he says and all the girls at our table scoff.
"Do I have to remind you that a girl ranked first in your initiate class?" Lynn asks him.
"That's different. That's Tris," he says.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Christina asks.
"She's divergent. Of course, she is better," Uriah says and Tobias interjects.
"So are you, last time I checked," he says and we laugh.
"Well, maybe I let her rank first," Uriah continues this silly game.
"Oh, come on," we all say.
"Are you saying it was only because of you that I ranked first?" I ask him.
"Me and Four, but he had the hots for you," Uriah says.
"That's not true," Tobias says and I look at him. "I had the hots for you, babe, but you didn't rank first because of that. She earned it and you know it, Uriah. Now cut the crap and eat your food," Tobias says with authority and Uriah obliges.

You And Me Against The World | ✅
Fanfiction#42 in Divergent (08/15/2018) #7 in Tris Prior (08/15/2018) #8 in Tobias Eston (08/15/2018) Disclaimer: I do not own the Divergent Series. FourTris prevent the war on abnegation, but before Jeanine goes down she reveals that Tris is divergent. How w...