"Honey, if you don't hurry we'll be late," Tobias shouts.
"I'll be right down," I shout back. I check everything. I've got my keys, my new phone and my warm winter jacket. I put it on and hurry downstairs. I can't believe tomorrow is Christmas Eve.
After my kidnapping and Tobias's proposal our life seemed to get back on track. On Monday right after I got back I returned to work, more determined than ever to do a good job. Tori is a great addition to our leader team. I'm so glad Tobias suggested her. After she and Dwayne came out publicly everyone was so happy for both. They are good friends and they both deserve to be happy. She actually moved in on the same floor with Tobias and me, across the hall actually. After a long talk with Dwayne he decided to move in with her and now Tobias can be even calmer when it comes to my protection. My own personal bodyguard lives across the hall from us. We invited Dwayne and Tori over a couple of times. Tori told me a few stories about Tobias when he was an initiate making sure to avoid any kind of information about his true identity.
When the girls found out Sunday after my kidnapping that Tobias and I are engaged they literally freaked out. The guys weren't any better. All of our friends congratulated us and wished us the best. They actually started planning, one idea more crazy then the other and they even argued a little too wildly about it until Tobias shouted out loud to make them stop. I had to promise the girls that we would do all the wedding stuff together, like picking out my wedding gown and the flowers and all that other stuff. I have to say I'm a little jealous of Tobias. The guys only made him promise to go out with them for a drink before the wedding to celebrate his last bachelor days and that he wouldn't stop hanging out with his friends once he got hitched.
The women fight club happened. Many Dauntless women signed up, mostly to get back in shape but also to be able to protect themselves from potential attackers. It's not the same like initiation, but it helps them stay fit and focused. Even a few men signed up to learn a few moves. Tobias agreed to teach the initiates a few of these moves since they are not hard to learn and easy to master. At least that's what he thinks because so far he hasn't tried them out yet. A few times people in the training room wanted us to fight, but Tobias refused on the grounds that I might call of the wedding if it turns out he is a better fighter than I am. It was a good laugh for those present, but I know why he's doing it. He is afraid he might accidently hurt me. I stopped pressuring him. I know him well by now to know that it would be futile to even try. Uriah however had no problems with that. Tobias gave him a dirty look, but I gave Tobias one in return, when he tried to convince me not to fight Uriah I told him that I can't properly learn how to defend myself if I don't fight a man every once in a while. Men and women move differently during fights and if he wants me to be safe and be able to protect myself I need to practice. He finally gave in and I had my fight with Uriah. He stepped into the ring very confident and most men cheered for him, while the women, including my friends, cheered for me. Tobias just stood next to the mat watching carefully. The fight ended sooner than most thought. I pinned down Uriah in no time. Zeke then stepped in for his brother even though Tobias protested. Before he faced me however he whispered something in Tobias's ear that made him let out a breath. I can only assume that Zeke told him that he would hold back, because that's what he did. When I yelled at him and called him a pansycake and afraid of hitting a girl he seemed to react, but still restrained himself. Then Shauna, knowing what I'm capable of, told him that if he doesn't fight like a man she will tell their baby that its father is a pansycake. Upon hearing that he changed his attitude and fought me for real. I could hear Tobias growl in frustration, but then I kicked Zeke's butt so hard that he needed Dwayne to help him back up. I even challenged Dwayne, but he refused categorically. Wouldn't have thought it otherwise. He is loyal to Tobias till the end. He would never do something to upset him and especially not hurt me. I can't blame him though. Tobias is okay now with the fighting. He saw firsthand what I'm capable of and trusts me. However, he made it a point to always be present during training. While I spar with one of the girls he is at the punching bag punching the crap out of it. I don't mind. I love seeing him work out. And I love washing the sweat off of him later. Or even add some, if you know what I mean.

You And Me Against The World | ✅
Fanfiction#42 in Divergent (08/15/2018) #7 in Tris Prior (08/15/2018) #8 in Tobias Eston (08/15/2018) Disclaimer: I do not own the Divergent Series. FourTris prevent the war on abnegation, but before Jeanine goes down she reveals that Tris is divergent. How w...