VI-"You wanna bet?"

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Previously on Too Hard to Breathe:
The paper, he never ever communicated with anyone not even with us not even with paper!"- they say with a mixes of confusion and a little hurt.

Mackenzie's POV:

As I enter the front door, I already hear the voice of my drunk father, ugh.

"Where have you been?"-I follow his voice, until I reach the kitchen door.

There stand a drunk Jackson, with his hair all messed up and his eyes blood-shot red, in his hands he carries a knife wih the point on the table and in a vertical position, as he spin it with his hand on the opposite end of the knife. As the knife spins around, it is making a little hole on the wood table where the point is and the sun is reflected on the cutting part.

Talk about creepiness.

"I was in the school and now I need to do some homework."-I say while taking baby steps towards the stairs.

"Where do you think you're going?"-He says standing up and walking towards me, still with the knife in his hand, may I add, which is freaking me out.

"Upstairs, why?"-Why, did you have to talk back, he hates it, stupid me.

"Did you just talk back to me, you know that I don't like that, you'r just asking for this knife, tonight."-He says walking towards me and adding a smirk in the end.

As he stands right in front of me, I close my eyes waiting for the impact, but it never came, I open my eyes again and see him with an amused smile, proud that he had that effect on me, obviously.

Before I know I feel his dirty hand on my neck and my feet leaving the ground, well this is new.

"You know, bitch, I could just make a little pressure on your neck and you would die, but then again I of course would be in the jail, so why don't do us all a favor and kill your self."-He says closing even more his hand around my neck.

I feel my eyes start to blur and I see black dots in my vision, I feel like someone is with their hand in my throat and is blocking my air, oh wait that's exactly what is happening.

The next he did, I never thought he would do, because when he beat me he would always do it on places where people couldn't see, like my ribs and stomatch.

But, I guess this time I make him madder than usually, he used his knife and made a cut in my cheek bone, not a big  neither a deep one, but it fricking hurt like...crap. By now I know when somehing its gonna leave a bruise or a scar, it's sad, tough, that I even know that. And definitely, this is gonna stay.

"See what you make me do, you are just worthless, gosh..."-He says, letting me fall to my feet again and walking away.

I just stay there in the middle of being sit and being layed down on my side, I reach my hand to my face and touch the cut, taking it right away, it fucking hurts, that little son of a bitch.

I just sit there against the wall crying my eyes out and hoping that someone would help me.

But there is no one, this isn't some farytail. This is reality and in here there is no hero in a red cape waiting in a white horse for save me.

Jake's POV:

*right after Mackenzie walks away from them, in the school hallway*

"I got to go"-She says and walks away in the school gates.


"Little Jake has a crush?"-Ashton asks. What no...Do I?  No, of course no, I'm the bad guy in here I don't fall for girls, they fall for me.

I just give him a cold and deadlish stare.

The one saying:

'I don't fall for girls they fall for me, remember?'

He got it right away.

"Yeah, yeah the bad boy Jake, anyways your charm wouldn't affect her, it seems like you can't have them all..."-He says.

I still stare at him:

'Oh I can'

"Oh no you can't."-They said laughing

This time I add a smirk, and roll my eyes playfully.

'Oh yeah you wanna bet?'

"Oh, feisty, okay then make her fall"-They say walking away laughing.


"Are you stalking me?"
"I don't stalk people, they stalk me"

*735 words*


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