XII-"He wasn't very talkative"

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Previously on Too Hard to Breathe:
I start losing focus and I felt my body sweet. I was feeling dizzy, I couldn't stay awake.
That was my last thought before everything went black.

Mackenzie's POV:
I open my eyes shutting them right away, I blinked some times before fully open my eyes letting them reajuste to the light.

I take my surroundings and conclude that I'm in a hospital room. Wait, what?

I look around and see a bunch of wires coming from my arm that are connected to a beeping machine.

On top of that there is a big red bottom.

{touch in case of emergency}

Okay, so I don't know about you but that looks really appealing. It might end two ways: this room could explode or it might do nothing. So why not.

I touch it and a bunch of nurses and doctors came running through the door.

"What's wrong?"-a blond, tall nurse asks coming towards me.

"What happened?"-I ask shyly, feeling a little overwhelmed by all the people here.

"Don't you remember, sweetheart?"-Another nurse asks, a brunette one.

Now that I'm asked that, I don't remember anything, well just you know being in Jake's car, in his arms, when he treated my injured foot and in his house. But after that, boom, zero, blank, nothing, nada...uh, weird.

"Well for your response, or in this case the lack of it, I assume that you don't remember."-The serious doctor says.

I shake my head nodding to his statement.

"Well then let me try to explain it to you in simple words."-He said, making it sound like I'm some dumb girl. Well I'm not thank you very much.

"You had a cerebral embolism."-He says looking all smart. Now I get what he was trying to say.

"A cerebral embolism is when a artery on your brain is blocked by a blood clot (or coagulation) or an air bubble. It almost all the cases it brings sequels, in your case you are lucky, you just have to be careful because it might happen again, though."-The doctor, that I don't know the name, said.

"What do you mean that I had a something on my head, does this mean that I'm gonna die??!"-I say panicking.

"No, listen to m--"-He started to say, but I interrupted him.

"No? I've seen the movies doc! I know this stuffs....I don't wanna die, ok?! I don't!!"-I say starting move around and completely panicked. The doctor do some weird gesture and a bunch of nurses come running through the door and inject something on my arm. I guess some kind of elephant sedate, because I felt my eyes shut right away. I ask myself if I will be killed by this medicine.

An hour later, or so, actually I don't know so it's better if I don't speculate.

I woke up in the same bed as I was in before. I look around and see a nurse near one of the machines that is connected to me. She was doing some calculations and writing something in her paper.

"You do know that you aren't gonna die, right?"-She says not looking at me. How the hell does she knows that I'm awake. Is she some kind of undercover witch??

"The beat of your heart increased, comparing to what it was when you were sleeping."-She said, okay so she reads minds too, now?? This is scary...

"I don't read minds, I just have been in this hospital for a long time, I've seen a lot of things, and learned from that, you should do the same."-she says now putting her clipboard on the table and coming in my direction.

As she sat down, she is looking at me in a motherly kind of look. I've missed that...

"You know your boyfriend was very concerned earlier."-she says adding a little smile in the end. Wait, what? Since when do I have a boyfriend? For how long I've been sleeping. I'm in some kind of alternative world like Avatar.

"What do you mean, boyfriend?"-I asked, pulling myself up a little so that I'm more in a sit position.

"Yeah! How do you think you got here?"- she says in a laughing tone.

"I've never thought of that."-I say laughing a little.

"Well he brought you yesterday, he was really worried. He was a handsome young man, but he wasn't very talkative though, maybe he was nervous."-she says getting up.

"Well I will let you rest, I'll come check on you tomorrow."- she says walking out. Leaving me alone to think.

To think of this supposed boyfriend of mine...or the slightly feeling that I have in the bottom of my stomach.

The feeling that leaves me wondering of what I'm going to find tomorrow when I get home.

'I have to get away.
I'm starting to care.'

*833 words*


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