VII-"It was the 9/11?"

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Previously on Too Hard to Breathe:
Oh yeah you wanna bet?'
"Oh, feisty, okay then make her fall"-They say walking away laughing.

Mackenzie's POV:

That night, after he got out of the house, I cleaned my cuts and put some cream on it.

It hurts's just that hurts a lot.

I look myself in the mirror and see a small but deep cut on my left cheekbone, that will leave a mark.

I put a bandaid and hope that tomorrow it will be better.

I get out of the bathroom and make my way to my room, I go to my desk and open the first drawer, I open it a little more and in the end of everything there is my diary.

I take it out and sit on my bed with it.

Dear diary,
You are used of me to say that today was another day in the crap that is my life, but somehow today was different, I feel different.

I'm not okay yet, but I feel fine.

Maybe it was because of what happen today, so it was two times the first one was when I was getting out of the library and then in the end of the day when I was at the lockers after getting talked by the queen B.

You don't even guess who "talked" to me...yup Jake West, the one, the "mute", the bad boy.

Weird, right!

So he didn't talked to me because he doesn't talk at all so he wrote me...the weird thing is that the other boys said that he never talked to anyone not even with paper, well whatever I'm going to sleep.


I put the leader notebook on my nightstand and shut the light off.
As my head touch the pillow I'm out like a light.

The next morning, I was awaken by my alarm, like seriously who the hell created them, well he or her should be in jail.

I get up and dress, I make my way to the bathroom and put some concealer on my bruise and cut, it's not that bad but it's not good either, then I go to the kitchen looking everywhere to see if my father is home. No. Thank god.

I grab my backpack and after locking the front door, I walk down the sidewalk towards the high school.

When I reach there, I enter the front gates with my head down, not even looking up, I make my way to my locker and take out my history book.

When the bell rings, the hallway starts to fill, so since I'm not a group person I just go directly to history classroom.

Once again, I go to the back of the room and sit down, take out my stuff and watch how the class starts to receive people.

I start drawing little circles in the corner of the page of my notebook until the teacher arrives.

I was so concentrated in that multiple circle that I haven't notice the chair next to me move.

Someone cleared their throat and I look up to see the same hazel eyes that yesterday held worry and confusion.

Oh, come on...why the hell did he seated next to me.

"Uh, what are you doing here?"- I ask kindly.

The only answer that I receive is a glare and a smirk ok then.

I just turn around and look to the teacher that just arrived.

In the middle of the class, I feel someone stare at me but I just shake it off.

After a while I start feeling little paper ball being thrown at me.

"Can you stop?"-I say losing my temper.

'Feisty, I like it'

He wrote down on a blank page. At this I just roll my eyes.

'What happened to your face?'

What how the hell, could he see it.

"Are you stalking me?"-I ask looking at him.

'Who do you think I am I don't stalk people, they stalk me'

He wrote down adding a smirk after that.

"Okay then if you tell me why you don't talk then I will answer you"- I say, smiling proudly of myself for the plan.

'What do you mean why I don't talk'

"Do you really think I believe you are mute."- I say quietly.

He stares at me and then he started drawing at the paper, he draw two big and similar towers.

One of them is in fire and the other has people falling of it. Then at the corner he draws a plane going in the direction of them.


"What that's mea-"-I was asking but i was cut by the bell ringing.

Before I could process he grabs his backpack and get out of the classroom.

I pick up the paper and put it in my backpack and I make my way to the next class, English.

When I get to the room I sit down and take out the paper.

Two towers, a plane, fire...OMG.

It was the 9/11.

But what's that even mean.

"It was the 9/11?"

*840 words*


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