IV-"Uhh creepy"

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Previously on Too Hard to Breathe:
...I guess that if I wasn't scary they would do that to me to....

Mackenzie's POV:

After the hell, I mean the class passed I make my way to my locker and pick a book that I have there to read in the library during lunch time, since I don't eat where everybody is, I know weird but I'm a loner girl, right?

I take out the book "The girl with the dragon tattoo"

Well, how convenient!!

Anyway, at least I have something to read.

I put the book in my backpack and make my way to my next class, History with Mrs. White.

She is a old lady, that I actually think that she was born in the First World War, because thats the only thing that she talks about in her clases.

I, again, make my way to the very back of the classroom and sit there, I take out my notebook and my history book and start listening the old lady's talk until my brain shuts off.

When the bell rang, my I add finally, I get out of the room and make my way to the library, because it's lunch time, I go to the very end and sit against the wall, I take out my book and start where I had finished.

Page 32....

I was so engrossed on my book that I didn't even heard the bell ring, until the library lady told me, wow how can a 2 hours lunch period pass so fast, well that's a mystery.

As I got out of the library, I was looking down while putting my book in my backpack, when I look back up i didn't even had time to process what was happening because, the clumsy person that I am, I went and hit a wall flat on my face, like seriously.

As I open my eyes again I look in front of me and see a tee shirt, okay, my eyes travel back up and I see a neck, okay I'm sure the walls don't have necks, oh I hit a person's chest, how lovely.

When my eyes met the face of the person's chest, I think I forgot how to breath for one second.

Jake, yay the one, Jake West.

OMFG, I'm dead, he is going to kill me.

As I wait for him to start scowling at me I remembered that he doesn't talk, at all, well how awkward.

"Uhh...sorry, I got to go!"-I say and speed walk to my next class, maths.

Omg I thought that he was going to kill me but he was just standing there, not even glaring, just there staring like he was reading my soul...uhh creepy.

"It was the 9/11."

*445 words*


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