XX-"He used to hit me with his belt"

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30 minutes...he's been gone for 30 fucking minutes.

I run my hands through my tangled hair as I pace back an forth in front of the front door.

31 minutes...he's been gone for 3-

My thoughts were interrupted by the front door opening.

"Sorry, I couldn't find the damn bandage things inside that damn store!"- he says coming inside with a Target bag. Oh

He starts walking down the hall, stopping in the middle and looking back at me. "Are you coming, or not?"

I start walking behind him, entering the bathroom. He walks closer to me and brings his hands to my hips, grabbing it and lifting me of the floor.

My thighs make contact with the sink and I sit on the top of it. My eyes stay at the same level of his. We stare at each other for a while until he starts rummaging through the bag on the floor and taking out the white bandage.

He takes my wrist without making eye contact with me.

He cleans the cuts and starts wrapping the bandage around it.

"My dad was an alcoholic, he used to drink everyday and he did drugs sometimes. When my mom died, he got worse. I used to tell him to stop because he was ruining his live. He got mad...so mad. Every time I opened my mouth, he slapped me and said that I shouldn't talk, cause I was no better than him. It was true I used to drink sometimes...but not as bad as him. As the time passed...it got worse. He started to h-hit me with his belt every time I talked."- he says with his voice cracking. Oh dear

"I kind of got a trauma...I know it's stupid"-he laughs.

"No no, it's pretty understandable. I'm so sorry"

"It's not your fault."-he says making eye contact with me.

"But...but why did you talked? And why with me?"

"Because, I couldn't see you do what you were doing and stay put. I couldn't let you do what I did"- he says aggravated.

I grab his wrists and run my thumb on the insides, along the scars. While he's looking at me, with a emotion in his eyes, that I can't decipher.

"You have to promise me that you won't tell anyone that I talked. I'm not ready for people to know yet."

I look at him.

"Promise me?"

"I promise"- I say nodding.

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