IXX-"So, whats the plan?

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"Ugh!"-I groan. I open my eyes and look around. I sit up abruptly when I realized I'm not in my own room. What the heck?!

Suddenly everything, comes running to me. The cuts, the pills...my dad.

Jake! He talked with me...he saved my life.

Where is he? I look around and he is nowhere in sight. A part of me thinks that he must be here somewhere, this is his house, right?

But another part of me, thinks that he isn't, that he dropped me here and left.

My feet touch the cold ground, making me shiver. I grab a sweatshirt that I see laying on top of a chair, and put it on. It's large on me but cozy and warm.

I take small steps down the stairs and as I'm nearing the ground, I hear someone on the kitchen.

When I turn the corner I see Jake's muscled back as he flips a pancake.

"Hey"-I say. He turns towards me and stares at me up and down. Is he mad? Why isn't he talking? I heard him talk, I know I did!!

"Hi"-He says with a much clearer voice now. I feel the sense of relieve fill me.

"How are you? Are you feeling alright? Does anything hurt?"-He asks with concerned eyes.

"I'm fine."

He sits a plate stacked with pancakes on the small table and a cup of water.

"Sit. You must be hungry!" - I sit down as he prepares a cup of coffee for himself, when he finishes he sits down on the chair in front of me.

Well this is awkward! Should I start the conversation?

"You talk?"- seriously out of all the things that I could of asked...

"Yes"-He answers with an amused expression.

"So why don't you usually talks?"

"I have my reasons"-He says, the look in his eyes changing.

"Thanks, for you know...saving me."

"It's okay...Do you wanna talk about it?"-He asks. Should I? He didn't trust me enough to tell me why he doesn't talk. Should I trust him? He did saved me.

"Not really..."

I immediately notice a closed look in his eye and the tension grows.

"Look I have to run to the store to buy something. I'll be right back."- He says getting up and leaving me without giving me time to react.

Did I said the wrong thing? Fuck...

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