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"We're opposite ends of a magnet Hermione. Never attracting, just always pushing farther and farther away from each other." Hermione gave Draco a firm look and he knew he hadn't convinced her.

"That's a stupid analogy." She muttered.

"But you didn't say it wasn't true." Draco confirmed, running a hand through his white blond hair.

"Why'd you have to compare us to such a silly thing as magnets." Hermione huffed. Draco couldn't figure out why his magnet analogy would frustrate her. "Those are inanimate objects. You couldn't have at least been cliche and said were like the sun and moon, day and night, fire and water.." Hermione could have gone on and on but Draco held up his hand.

"Okay, I get it. What's your point?" Hermione stepped forward, dropping her arms to her sides.

"The point is, I don't care what you think." She poked Draco's forehead with her index finger. "I only care about what you feel about me, about us." Hermione placed her hand gently over the spot on Draco's robe where his heart would be. Draco wondered if she could feel how fast it was racing. "What does your heart tell you?" Draco didn't want to tell her what his heart was saying. He was far more concerned about how everyone else would feel if they found out him and Granger were involved. "Draco?" Hermione demanded.

"I don't know what you want to hear." Draco admitted finally. Hermione stepped back, seemingly drained from the short conversation.

"Well when you figure what you want, I'm just down the hall." With that, Hermione turned around, her robes kicking up dust as she walked down towards her Head Girl room. Draco let out a sigh as he heard her slam the door. How did he always manage to make her mad?

Magnets// DramioneWhere stories live. Discover now