How didnt I see?

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Tina hadn't noticed anything on the way back home with the others. The battle was over and she now had the task of consoling her poor sister over Jacob as well as what she was going to do if she lost her job. She was so busy thinking she never even noticed Newt's slight limp and overly pale face. But by the way he was trying to cheer up Queenie; with his beastly facts and stories, it was as if he hadn't noticed ether. They'd fallen silent as they'd approached their apartment, managing to sneak up and in without incident. Tina had thrown her coat on the chair and had been in the middle of making coco for the three of them when Newt finally broke the silence
'Could you direct me to the bathroom? I need to tidy up a bit' Newts voice was tinged with exhausted and something else, but Tina couldn't tell what.
'Down the hall and to the right' Queenie said, gesturing towards the door as she spoke. Newt muttered a thank you before moving slowly down the corridor.
Newts P.O.V
Newts dragged himself towards the bathroom, not entirely sure why he was so tired. He reached the correct door and leaned heavily it as he entered. He sat his suitcase down by the sink and reached his now free hand up towards the collar of his shirt, where his clingy companion Pickett sat. He smiled at him as he climbed out and onto his hand.
'Done sulking I see?' Newt said, smiling down at Pickett. The stick like form simply stuck out his tongue before wrapping his arms around Newts thumb
'Now, go join your brothers and sisters. You know I don't like you out when in a bathroom. Too many drains for you to fall down' Newt said, patting his companion on the head with a finger. Pickett agreed with little fuss, slipping down from Newts extended arm and down into the depths of the case.
Once Pickett was safely back in the case, Newt turned to the mirror and nearly had to do a double take. The face reflected in the mirror was pale and drawn; the freckles that covers his face seemed almost washed out, like someone had attempted to erase them.
'Seen better days' Newt mumbled as he unbuttoned his coat, becoming more and more aware of the deep throbbing pain coming from his side.
Must of bruised something he thought as he placed his coat over the side of the bath. That's when he noticed the crimson stain as it slowly seeped through his shirt. Looking down, he noticed the small puddle of blood on the tiles; droplets still falling from his his side to the floor. Newt felt the pain break through his side like a knife. The adrenaline wearing off rapidly as he tried to examine his side.
I need help he thought, but quickly crushed the idea as he didn't want to worry the girls.
He lifted his shirt gingerly, revealing the shard of railroad metal protruding slightly from his side. It was barely noticeable under his clothes, but was clearly visible now; dried blood crushing around the edge and a slow dribble of sticky blood coming from below the black shard. Slowly, Newt pinched the end and tugged lightly, trying to assess the length of the foreign object. The pain that followed was worse than any bite he'd gotten from his creatures. It ripped through him so fast he had to bite back a cry of pain as he dropped to the floor.
Tina's P.O.V
It took ten minutes for Tina to notice the blood. The thick fat droplets trailed from the door and through to the corridors. Each one slightly bigger than the other. Newt. Tina didn't bother to put her cup down, she was already at the corridor as she heard her mug smash and her sister yelp. She skidded to a halt in front of the bathroom door, hitting the doorframe hard with a loud thud. Tina banged on the door.
"Mr Scamander! Open the door!" She cried, becoming more and more greatful for the soundproofing spell they'd put on the apartment when they moved in. She banged again, hitting the wood so hard it made her hands burn.
'Newt! Merlin open the door!"
No response.
Finally remembering she was in fact as witch, Tina reached for her wand.
she said the spell as calmly as she could, listening intently for the click of the door unlocking itself.
The door swung open and Tina gasped at the sight. Newt sprawled on his back across the floor, his coat laid over the edge of the bath and a small puddle of blood pooling at his side, his stained hands clutching tightly at his wound
"Tina..." he breathed, trying to move into a sitting position. The attempt ripped a scream from his throat; the noise bringing Tina out of her daze and to the floor; her knees banging hand on the cold tiles as she scrambled to get behind him. She wrapped her hand around his side as his head fell onto her lap, his eyes fluttering open and closed.
'Mr Scamander? You need to stay awake okay?' He nodded faintly before closing his eyes again.
"Queenie!" Tina shouted where is she!
"I'm here, I've spelled the bed and got bandages. I'll move him" Queenie said as she appeared in the doorway. Tina stoked her free hand across Newts face, pushing his damp hair away from his eyes as she felt his weigh lift off of her and his limp body floated from the room.
How didn't I see he was hurt? how didn't I notice anything. What if he dies? Oh merlin I can't loose him. The thoughts raced through Tina's head like a bullet, every thought worse than the last. She moved to put her head in her hands then remembered the blood. His blood Newts blood. Tina gave out a shuddered breath as she willed the tears away. You barely know him! What's happening to me?
"Your falling in love damn it and he's going to get worse if you don't pull yourself together and help him!" Tina jumped, Queenie had come back in and was now staring at her expectantly, a hand on her hip. Tina stood. Trying her best to hide her thoughts as she scrubbed her hand before following her sister back into the spare bedroom.

It had only been a minute or so since she had seen him but already he looked worse, the pain written all over his face as he stifled a cry.
"What happened to him?" Tina asked, already knowing that Queenie had examined him. 'You'll make a great healer Queenie, if you just stay out of people's heads' there mother had always said.
"He's got a shard of metal in his side. The adrenaline of everything must of masked the pain till now. He's lost a lot of blood. But not as much as he could have if the shard wasn't blocking the wound." Tina hated it when Queenie had to be serious. She was meant to be the serious one. The dead beat. She didn't mind. As long as her sister was happy she didn't mind being the second choice.
"What do we do?" Tina asked, feeling stupid for asking all the questions. But her sister just shrugged.
" I don't know. The shard is charged to the max with magic but I don't know why, what ever it is it's killing him. We need to know where the shards from" Tina sucked in a breath; trying so very had to keep it together. Carefully she walked over to the twitching form on the bed, the pained movements and whimpers pulling Tina's heart as she approached. She knelt down and cooed slightly, putting her hand on the mans head as she spoke.
"Mr, Scamander, what happened before I got into the tunnel? You've got a magically charged shard in your side. What did Graves do?" She stroked his head, running her fingers through his damp hair as she tried to soothe him.
His reply came out in shudder breaths
'He..tried to at-tack Credenc-e' a pause
'I was -blocking hi-s attacks -when he made t-the train tracks -buck." He stopped, his breathing ragged and strained. Like everything he did, thinking, breathing, talking, killed him. Another whimper escaped his lips and Tina ran her thumb across his cheek, feeling the slight stubble on his jaw.
"What else? What happened next?" Tina urged, hating herself for pushing him but knowing it was his only chance.
"The blow -knocked me -over and he -kept -st-striking me. I -couldn't protec-t myself."
"That's it" Queenie said. "That's It. The shard must be from the track. It must of got charged with magic when Graves kept striking him." She turned back to Newt.
"Why didn't you transport away? Why didn't you escape?" She asked, dumbfounded as to why he'd let this happen to him.
"I-t was keeping hi-m away from-m Credence." He muttered. His strength dwindling more and more.
Tina stared. This amazing, idiotic man threatened his life for a boy who could kill him instantly.
"Your stupid man." Tina whispered, her tears finally breaking free as she lay her head on his shoulder.
"Tina, your going to have to remove the shard' Queenie said, breaking Her sister out of her daze.
"Why me?" She said, wiping her eyes hastily. Never once removing her hand from Newts hair.
"Because I'm going to have to control the bleeding." Queenie said, her face determined
"But what if I mess up?" Tina asked quietly, the air in her lungs escaping on one quick breath.
"You won't mess up, everything is going to be fine" Tina looked at her sister as she moved out of sight.
She sat for a second, not once removing her hand from Newts face.
I wish I could believe you
"You can believe me, and you will"
Queening said as she returned with water and herb water smothered towels.
"Stop reading my mind" she muttered as she took the towels from her sister.
"Can't, Shan't, won't" Queenie said as she flicked her wand towards Newt; creating the invisible restraints that would keep him from hurting himself further.
"Are you ready Teenie? We need to do this now while the potion on the towels are still hot" Tina nodded as she moved down the bed and by his side, wand in hand. She raised her hand and willed herself to do the spell that would remove the shard.
"Now Teenie" Queenie said, becoming more and more worried as her sister hesitated. Tina moved swiftly to Newts ear; nestling her nose into his hair as she whispered to him without thinking it to keep it from her sisters prying. Moving away, she kissed the side of his mouth before moving back to his wound.
"I'm so sorry" Tina said as she cast the spell, hot salty tears escaping from her eyes as she listened to Newts screams of pain.

Hey guys! Hope you guys enjoy the first chapter :) I'm going to try and upload as often as possible :)
Love you all x

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