Not all who wonder are lost

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Newts P.O.V
"Tina..." Newt breathed, his heart screaming and he watched her walk past him and toward Grindelwald. The Obscurus that now resided in her pulsing in her chest with a dull purple light.
"Tina no!" Newt shouted as he watched the light ebb away, the absorption process now complete and the Obscurus now fully set into Tina's body. Newt watched as Tina breezed past him like he didn't exist. Her eyes set in front of her and her hands balled into tight fists.
"I underestimated you Miss Goldstein. Who knew you'd be so...inventive?" Grindelwald said, his voice a taunting whisper in the already quite room.  Tina said nothing as she raised her hand. The black tendrils that surrounded her curling round her pale fingers like living armour. They gathered for a moment on the tips of her fingers before lashing out towards Grindelwald barely missing his head as they shot through the air and destroyed a nearby storage box. A warning shot.
'My my miss Goldstein. You really know how to use that power don't you?' Grindelwald continued, brushing imaginary dust from his coat as he stepped closer; his eyes raking over Tina's body like she was something to buy at an auction.
'Tina. Tina please listen to me.' Newt pleaded; stepping towards her cautiously only to be met with a hard thud as he walked into something invisible and hard. Scanning his surrounding Newt noticed the slight shimmer to everything, like looking through glass when it was raining. Protection field. I'm stuck here. Newt thought watching helpless as Tina approached Grindelwald.
'Tina!' Newt cried, wanting nothing but for her to acknowledge his existence. She stopped, turning slowly like a figure on a music box, her movements stiff and animated.
'...Newt?' Tina squeaked, her voice quite and frightened, non of the dark confidence that came with the Obscurus's power showing as the real Tina; his Tina, pushed through to the surface.
'Tina I'm here, you need to leave, now. Don't worry about me I'm just fine I just need to you go.' The words came out rushed and muddled as Newt spoke and he smacked his palm against his head hard in an attempt to get his words straight. Before he could try to re-phrase what he meant Tina cut him off, her voice coming though more confidently than before.
'You'd never ask for help. No matter what it was. When you were hurt you hid it from me. When you were recovering you hid the pain from me. Is it because you think I'm weak?' Tina said, her face pained as she fought through the Obscurus.
'No! Of course not! I...' Newt trailed off, his mind whirling as he asking himself the same question why hide Newt? When Newt didn't reply, Tina piped up again.
'With this.' She waved her hand, demonstrating how the liquid tentacles followed her every move.
'I can protect you. With this; I can be the help you never ask for.' She said, her face contorted into a painful smile before turning her attention back to Grindelwald.
No! Newts mind screamed as he retraced each hurt and each cover up he'd done to hide his pain. Newt sagged against the protective ward, his forehead pressed against the invisible wall causing his hair to flatten against his forehead. He watched as Grindelwald began throwing counter cures after counter curse towards Tina as she approached, each one getting absorbed by a dark tendril. After what seemed like no effort on her part, Tina had Grindelwald against the wall of the warehouse, black tendrils climbing up his body like a thick black tar. Newt lifted himself up to protest, shout for Tina to stop when he noticed a shift in the shadows. In the mist of everything, Newt hadn't realised the ward around the building disappearing and with that the MACUSA team being able to come in. He spied Agent Peters as he crouched beside a nearby crate, his face a grim line as he watched Tina's power consume the white haired man. When he was sure he couldn't be seen, he approached Newt.
'What in the name of Merlin happened Mr Scamander?' Peters whispered, gesturing towards the dark form that was Tina.
'Grindelwald caught me and gave me an ultimatum; take the Obscurus into my body and be his weapon or let him charge it up enough for it to explode and kill everyone near it. She took the deciding part upon herself and now the Obscurus is in her.' Newt said, his eyes darting between Tina and Peters.
'Mr Scamander, you are aware we have to kill the Obscurus on site.' The agent said in a hushed tone, his voice heavy with what that meant for Tina. Fear shot through Newts spine like electricity with the thought of the MACUSA team having to take down Tina.
'Please. Don't kill her. If you can disarm her I can take the Obscurus out of her and you can destroy it then; but for the love of Merlin don't kill her.' Agent Peters seemed to think for a minute before nodding
'If you fail to get it out of her you know what we have to do.' Newt nodded 'so let's pray you can do it right?' Peters said, giving a slight smile before moving back to the cover of a crate and motioning for his team to assemble.

The take down was almost instant, with four of the MACUSA team converging of Tina all at once, not even her newly acquired powers could protect her. With her momentary lapse of conservation she dropped Newts wards, allowing him to race across the warehouse floor in time to catch her as she fell. The rest of the MACUSA team focused or restraining the dark wizard as Newt shushed Tina's pained whimpers.
'Shh, it's okay, I'm here now. Everything's going to be fine.' Newt cooed, his eyes stinging with held back tears.
'They-y have to kill me don't they?' Tina whimpered, her body frozen by the spells but still trembling with fear.
'No no, I'm going to remove the Obscurus. But your going to have to be strong Tina. Can you do that?' She nodded weakly, tears streaking down her face.
'What happened to the girl you took the Obscurus out of? Why did she die?' Tina asked, her eyes sparkling up at him as she waited for his reply. Newt hesitated before speaking, afraid of his answer.
'The pain. The removal went fine but the pain stopped her heart.' Tina gave out a small whimper. Newt squeezed his eyes shut; the tears threatening to spill. He forces the feeling down and began murmuring the protection ward that would soon surround him and Tina. Once the ward was complete Newt slowly lowered Tina from his lap before standing; removing his wand from its holder at his side. Newt shakily raised his wand over the trembling form below him as the tears finally came, his eyes blurring as he began the spell.
'I'm so sorry' Newt whispered as the spell took hold. He finally understood what had shook Tina so much when he'd been sick, when she's cried in her sleep for him. He now understood how unbearable it must have been for her to see him scream and to being the cause of the pain. Newts knees grew weaker and weaker with each scream and cry that shredded Tina's throats until he finally sank to his knees. He stayed that way until the final scream gurgled up from Tina's throat before she fell silent and limp.

Hey you guys!
Sorry it took so long- again- I've been busy like no one knows 😅 hope you enjoy this chapter and don't forget to vote and comment.
Love you all xx

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