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Newts P.O.V

Newt remembered every detail of the night. The battle, discovering he was wounded, the soul consuming pain that had dragged him into unconsciousness. He remembered it all. But from all the pain and the suffering he felt. Nothing hurt more than the crack in Tina's voice as she'd lent into his hair; feeling her soft, half choked breath on his ear as she'd spoken
"Please don't leave me Newt, Please don't leave"
Newt didn't know what had hurt him more, her words or the fact that he couldn't fix it. He couldn't return the kiss he'd felt burn the side of his mouth. Couldn't tell her everything will be okay. His mind cried out to take her up into his arms and hold her, kiss her like he's always wanted too but wouldn't ever think of around her sister.
He'd trade the world just to stop hearing her sobs.

Tina's P.O.V

He was screaming again.
Tina darted from the bed beside Newts and knelt down beside him, taking the wet cloth from the bowl on the side of his bed and wringing it out before dabbing it slowly across his forehead. It had been three days since she'd had to remove the shard that had threatened his life and he was only just showing signs of improvement. He only woke up long enough to eat or drink and at night he'd kick and scream at the memories of the battle and the pain of his wound. Queenie said that he would take a while for him to get better but Tina didn't like it. She'd watched him scream and thrash at the magical restraints as she'd removed the shard. Watched as he cried for the pain to stop and the memories to subside. It broke her heart. Stoking his hair always soothed him during nightmares, the gentle rhythm slowing his jolts to a small; constant shiver.
She placed the towel back into the bowl and rose to sit in the chair beside his bed; deciding that she needed to take care of him more than she needed sleep. Tina sat in the dark, the only light coming from under the door. It lightly illuminated Newts face, the yellowish tinge giving his skin more colour than it had. Queenie took care of Newt during the day, with Tina back on the investigative team, she couldn't afford to miss work. Although she'd happily tell them so stuff it if it meant she could stay here.
"Tina?" Newt said, scaring her out of her thoughts.
"Yes?" Tina replied, moving to the edge of her seat to hear him better.
"What are you doing up?" His voice was thick with sleep and twinged with pain.
"You had a nightmare, I decided to stay up for if it happened again" he looked pained, but not in the physical way. His eyes were now tainted with sleep and guilt.
"I'm sorry" he said quietly, his voice husky.
"Don't be so stupid Scamander, I don't need sleep, it's the weekend" Tina laughed quietly, smiling down at the man she'd spent many cold nights watching over. Wishing again and again that she had got to the fight sooner. Saved him sooner.
Realising she was staring, Tina spoke up.
"Would you like anything to drink? Eat?" She moved closer still, resting her hand on the edge of the bed to steady herself.
"No thank you. How are my creatures?" He asked, and Tina couldn't help but smile.
Your gravely ill and trying to recover and all you care about is your suitcase full of who-knows-what she thought; smiling slightly as she reached down under the bed.
"Well, everyone is fine, niffler had a little raid of Queenies jewellery box but we soon put him back. And as for Pickett, we haven't managed to put him back in the case since it happened." Tina said as she reached her hand down to her dressing gown pocket, producing the tiny Bowtuckle from inside. Pickett screeched a little in joy before jumping from Tina's hand and into Newts hair, hugging his head with his small arms like his life depended on it.
"I've missed you too Pickett, I hope you've been good for Tina and Queenie" Newt said, looking up at the little figure as it dangled into his line of sight before scrambling up and hiding in his hair.
They sat in silence for a while, nether one of them wanting to ruin the quiet.
"Go to bed Tina, I'm okay." Newt said, breaking the silence. His eyes were on her face when she looked up, but they soon darted away once she made eye contact.
"I'm fine Scamander, I'm not tired anyway" Tina replied, brushing his concern away quickly. It was her job to worry about him not him worry about her.
"Stop calling me that" he said almost harshly.
"Calling you what?" Tina replied
"Stop calling me Scamander. My name is Newt and I'd prefer if you called me by it. Please" he said it like it pained him to have to ask. And Tina suddenly felt guilt dribble over her like paint. She tried to think back to when he'd stopped calling her Miss Goldstein and realised she couldn't. It had always really been Tina.
"I'm sorry" she said, head down like a scolded child. She'd never meant to hurt his feelings...
"It's fine. Just please for the love of Merlin go back to bed. I promise I'm okay" Newt urged, his eyes not quite reaching hers but still pleading. She thought for a moment before finally letting her shoulders sag and her exhaustion show.
"Fine...fine. I'll go back to bed"  Tina said as she shuffled to the other side of the room and collapsed into bed.
"Goodnight Tina" Newt said, his eyes already closed and his voice growing quieter.
"Goodnight Newt" Tina replied. Closing her eyes and letting sleep consume her.

Newt's P.O.V
He waited until her breathing slowed before opening his eyes. He watched has her chest rose and fell slowly, seeing the slight hitch in her breath as she exhaled. He'd never tell her, but she spoke in her sleep. Mutters and slight sobs as she tossed slightly.
Newt, please no. Don't leave me. Don't die.

It was the same every night. The same pleading voice and soft cries as she relived the pain he caused. He'd tried once or twice to try and go to her, comfort her like she had for so many nights. But his wound prevented him. And he became more and more annoyed at himself for being so pathetic. For needing all this help. For not taking care of himself and having to scare Tina every night with memories he couldn't stop. Newt fell into an uneasy sleep that night. But not from nightmares or pain. But because of the ache in his heart.

Hey y'all! I hope you guys are enjoying the story :) I am trying hard to at least upload every day. Here's a question. What would you think if this became a spin off? As in what would you think if after he's better the story carried on? I won't say how it would carry on but just let me know in the comment okay? Thanks!
Love you all x

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