All is well.

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Newts P.O.V
It had been a month since the whole Obscures incident and Newt still couldn't believe he was actually going home. He'd had to cancel his ticket home secretly to look after Tina, ignoring her annoyed rant at him about his book needing to be published and his housekeeper back in England being mad at him for staying but he'd quickly silenced her with a kiss. The idea of him being able to kiss her was still foreign territory. He'd waited for Tina to be back to full health before booking his return ticket, vowing silently to himself that the moment the book details where finalised he'd be back here as soon as time permitted. Newt stood facing the ship bound for England, Tina's arm laced under his own and suitcase in tow; a thick string sealing the creatures inside. The stood in front of the boarding doors, both hesitant to speak. After a moment, Tina turned to stand in front of him, her eyes sad.
'So... this is it then.' She said, shuffling from side to side.
'I'll be back the moment the final paper is signed I promise.' Newt reassured placing his hands on Tina's waist. The contact cause Tina to blush.
'Well, as long as your promise' Tina said in a hushed tone; Newt could only smile down at her as he remembered everything that had happened since he'd arrived in New York. He'd lost his beasts, nearly died twice and now had the most amazing woman he still wasn't sure he deserved. The horn sounded, notifying the pair that it was time for Newt to board. With much hesitation, Newt moved to leave, turning his back on Tina as he made his way onto the boat. He only made it half way up the ramp when he turn around, pushing through the mass off people trying to board as he raced back to Tina, nearly knocking the brunette over as he envelop her in a hug, she froze only for a second before wrapping her arms round his neck, pulling him close as the hug got tighter.
'Come with me' Newt whispered.

Tina's P.O.V

Tina looked stunned, the cogs of her mind moving so fast she thought Newt could see them behind her eyes.
'Come on Teenie, say yes already' Queenie said as she appeared from no where, scaring both Newt and Tina.
'Did you just apperate?! Theirs no-Ma-'
'Hush Teenie of course I didn't. You two were so engrossed in each other you didn't notice me' Queenie said matter of factly; playing absentmindedly with a strand of hair.
'Are you gonna go or what? It's not like the boat will wait.' Queenies said after a moment.
Tina looked between Newt and her sister, her mind seeming to go overtime.
'Now hush Tina. I've got your bag here and I've told MACUSA you're going with Mr Scamander to make sure he is settled in and all his beasts are accounted for' Queenie said, placing large case beside her sisters feet.
'But Queenie-' Tina huffed, grumbling under her breath about Queenie reading her mind. The more she thought the more she couldn't protest about the idea.
'Just go Teenie, I'll be fine, I've been talking to some higher ups at MACUSA about allowing Jacob to get his memory back because he helped 'cover up mass exposure' sorta like a reward. I won't be alone I promise' Queenie said, placing her hands on Tina's shoulders. Tina thought for a long moment, painfully aware she had so little time to decide such a big thing. After a moment she pulled her sister in for a hug, wrapping her arms around her tightly and squeezing.
'I'm going to miss you' Tina said into Queenies hair.
'You won't have time to miss me Teenie! I'm gonna visit the moment I have Jacob back!' Queenies laughed, tightening her grip on her sister. After a moment; the sisters broke apart, smiling fondly at eachother as Tina picked up her case. The movement made Newt aware of her decision and a wide grin appeared on his face. He reached a hand out towards her and she happily took it; only looking back when she was up on the main deck.
'See you soon Teenie!' Queenie yelled, her eyes shining slightly.
'Are you sure about this?' Newt said from behind Tina, his body close to hers. She smiled slightly as a hint of his aftershave hit her nose and she leaned back so she was resting on Newts chest.
'I'm sure, never been more sure' she said, smiling wider. Newt grinned before closing the distance between their lips. He pulled away and looked out to the horizon as the ship moved further and further from the port and the remains of the old like he'd arrived in New York with.
All was well.

Hey you guys!
I can't believe it's over. I know the ending was a little sucky :( but I really hope you enjoyed this fanfiction :) please don't forget to vote and comment!
I've got more ideas on the way and maybe even a squeal! Oh and if anyone would like to help me edit it would be a great help.
Love you all xx

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