A Painful sacrifice

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Tina's P.O.V
The scent trail let Newt, Tina and a handful of MACUSA's best to an abandoned warehouse on the edge of town. It's exterior was battered and rusted; with many of its stainless steel panels missing in places.
"Not the cosiest of places to hide, huh?" Tina said, trying to lighten the dark feeling that seemed to shroud them as they got nearer. When no one replied, Tina took to playing with her nails. Anything to distract her mind from the uncomfortable silence.
"Once we're close enough to the warehouse we'll make a perimeter around the main building and then Mr Scamander?" The team leader- Agent Peters- said, snapping Newt out of his daze.
"Yes?" Newt said, never taking his eyes off the building as Agent Peters continued.
"You and Miss Goldstein will go in an investigate."
"I'm quite happy going alone thank you" Newt said sharply, turning slightly to face the Agent.
"I'm afraid you can't Mr Scamander. Your not part of MACUSA. The only reason your going in is because you know how to deal with the Obscurus. You must be accompanied by Miss Goldstein or your not going in" Peters replied, his face stone serious.
"Very well then." Newt said simply. The brief conversation had felt like daggers in Tina's heart.
He doesn't even want me to be near him. She batted away the thought and focused on the task at hand. He may hate her now but she won't let him go in there alone.
"Right. Mr Scamander, Miss Goldstein. You may advance. We will follow close behind. If you engage with him, not let on that we are here." Peters said, motioning for his team to move as he spoke. Tina stood, following Newts movements when a stifled cry came from somewhere beside them. They turned quickly to see one of the Agents fall back, clutching his foot. Peters races towards the fallen Agent. After a moment of mumbling, he stood up, turning to face Tina and Newt. He reached his hand out slowly, only to pulling back rapidly when a sharp spark hit his finger tip.
"He knew we were coming, and he obviously want you two to come in and not the rest." Peters said, trying to keep his voice low.
"You two go ahead and we'll start breaking the barrier. Agent Goldstein don't let him out of your sight. He's a civilian" Agent Peters said, tipping his hat to them quickly before turning and re-assembling his team.
"Well" Tina said, turning to face Newt
"Looks like it's just us"
"Yes, indeed it does." Newt replied, unveiling his wand from under his coat before the pair slowly made their way towards the building.
Newts P.O.V
They'd walked for what seemed like an hour before they saw him. He'd taken up residence on the far end of the warehouse, where a large clearing had been made between the boxes and crates. A almost angry wind whipped from the centre of the clearing, where a pale figure loomed. From their position, Newt just see Grindelwald as he circled the obscures. His footsteps becoming more rapid as he walked.
"What's he doing?" Tina asked, her wand at her side.
"He's trying to absorb the Obscurus." Newt said, not taking his eyes of the pale form before him.
"What do you mean?" Tina said, frowning deeply at Newt.
"Well I told you that the Obscurus is merely a magical parasite" Tina nodded.
"Well, he's trying to absorb it. To use its power as his own." Newt continued, crouching down beside the box he was leaning against to get a lower view.
"Then why hadn't he absorbed it yet?" Tina asked, following Newts lead and crouching down beside him.
"The magic in the Obscurus is alive. Or at least it thinks it is. And it can sense Grindelwalds magic and is rejecting him as a host. His own magic would snuff out the Obscurus before it could even fully manifest." Newt replied, still watching as the pale figure before them paced angrily. Newt thought for a moment before turning to Tina.
"You go back to the others and bring them round this side. You'll most likely have better chance of getting through the barrier due to the conflict of power between them" Newt said, raising his voice over the now to loud wind.
"What about you? I can't leave you. your a civilian." Tina protested, throwing her free hand up to protect her eyes from the whirlwind growing stronger around them.
"I'll be fine, I'm just going to keep watch. I promise I'll stay here." Newt replied, brushing Tina's worry off like it was nothing.
"Newt..." Tina trailed off, looking at the floor before properly facing him.
"I promise I'll be fine. Just go. Please." Newt insisted, pushing Tina slightly back the way they'd come; hoping that she'd take the hint. After a moment, she nodded; her face becoming stoney as she stalked off, the wind kicking her hair up randomly.
Once she was out of sight, Newt moved, coming out from his hiding spot to be in full view of Grindelwald. It took him a moment to notices. But when he did a slick smile grew along his face.
"I see you found your pet. Mr Scamander."
"Seems I did. Have you figured out why you can absorb it yet?" Newt said, a strange confidence washing over him. It took a moment for him to realise his confidence had come because Tina was safe, far away from this spot with a team of experts. And that's all that really mattered.
"My power would trump it; although the Obscurus is more destructive overall it can't survive inside me without my natural magic destroying it." Grindelwald said, a small grin still plastered on his face.
"And now, you think you'd be better off destroying it. Am I correct in thinking this wind is due to a spell that causes condenses magic to explode? Your creating a bomb with the Obscurus as the power source" Newt said, raising his voice even higher as the wind got stronger.
"You really are smart Mr Scamander. No wonder you were allowed to go back to Hogwarts to finish your studies" Grindelwald replied, moving closer to Newt as he flicked his hand. The movement causing and noise in the room to stop; leaving the feeling of the small tornado against Newt skin the only indication the spell was still in progress.
"But now your here, Mr Scamander, you have a choice. You can ether let me finish this bomb and watch your poor little Miss Goldstein die with the reset of her team. Or you can take the Obscures into your body and become my weapon. What do you think?" Grindelwald said, smiling wildly like he'd just gotten good news.
"You leave her alone!" Newt seethed, tightening his grip on his wand as he shot a spell in Grindelwalds direction. The spell hit but did nothing but have a counter spell come his way. It knocked Newt off his feet and barrelling into a large crate. His head connecting hard with the thick wood.
"Ah, but Mr Scamander, you can't exactly warn her can you? By time you got to them; they'd be dead. But don't worry. I'll be sure to stop the blast hitting you. Don't want your suffering to end that quickly now do we?" Grindelwald continued, laughing slightly as he shot a round of painful spells into Newts chest. Each one more painful but not enough to stun or kill. He taunting me. Playing even. Newt thought as he struggled to stand. His face set in a grim line. He knew he had to decide. Himself or Tina and the thousands of other wizards and muggles that would get affected. He took a ragged breath before speaking.
"Fine. I'll do it. Just leave them alone" Newt said, throwing his wand towards Grindelwalds feet as he spoke.
"Ah good, I thought I'd have to demonstrate my power over you a little more before you gave in. Seems I overestimated you." Grindelwald said, grinning proudly as he shot another spell into Newts chest, knocking him on his front. Newt didn't move as the man before him moved closer, crouching down to pull Newts face off the floor by his hair.
"Nice to do business with you Mr Scamander. Now. Go and absorb the Obscurus." He hissed into Newts ear before pulling him up by his collar and hurling him towards the Obscurus.
That's when he noticed the wind had stopped and a small figure now stood where the Obscurus once floated. Newt stood frozen in terror and grief as he watched Tina walk calmly towards him, black tendrils whipping around her like seaweed in a current and her deep hazel eyes now black as the Obscurus took hold.

Hey you guys!

I know I'm sorry I've not uploaded in forever but it's been my birthday then Christmas then new year so I've had not time ;-( it's here now though! I really hope you enjoy guys and don't forget to vote and comment!
Love you all x

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