Evil Detector

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Tina's P.O.V

Tina stood in stunned silence, her body frozen against the wall of the shed as she tried desperately to steady her breathing. The room suddenly seemed to blur away as she came to terms with that had just occurred. She'd just kissed Newt. And now he had her cocooned against the wall, his breathing as laboured as her own. Tina attempted to speak but her words died on her lips as she stared into Newts wide eyes; actually stared. She tried to remember a time he'd looked at her long enough to make eye contact then realised he never had. So Tina took the opportunity to drink in every aspect of his face. Each freckle, eyelash and fleck of gold in his deep blue irises. Tina noted the light in his eye that she'd never seen before. A spark that seemed to burst behind his eyes as he looked at her; like he was taking photos of her in his mind and the spark was the camera flash. After what felt like hours Newt seemed to remember what was happening and quickly turned away; moving to the other side of the room quickly. The light in his eye dying suddenly. It took a moment before he cleared his throat to speak.
"I think you should go. What I did was out of line" he said quietly, his breathing still slightly ragged.
"Newt..." Tina said, reaching for him just as the sound of heavy footsteps on the ladder sounded. Tina looked away from Newt reluctantly, only to see a flushed Queenie coming down the steps.
"They've done it!" She cried, not even noticing the tension in the air. Newt replied as if nothing had just occurred between them.
"Done what Queenie?"
"They've figured out the ratio! We can find Grindelwald!" Queenie said, her face lit with enthusiasm. Newt returned a small smile before flicking his eyes in Tina's direction; looking away quickly as Tina continued to stare side ways at him while smiling - or trying to-  at her sister.
"That's great!" Tina said, finally tearing her eyes away from the side of Newts face.
"It is isn't it! They want you both upstairs. They want you two to deal with the shard and everything" Queenie added as if it was an after thought.
"Ah" Tina and Newt said in unison, glancing at each other awkwardly as they moved towards the stairs together. Newt went up first, not even speaking as he moved up the ladder, Tina went to go next; only to be stopped by Queenie.
"Now what on earth was that?" Queenie demanded, frowning.
"I don't know" was all Tina said before reaching for the ladder.

Tina's P.O.V
Tina didn't speak as she followed Newt down the corridor. Each echoing step closing the window to talk about what had just happened.
"Newt..." Tina said, speeding up to match Newts long strides.
"Hmm?" He said, not turning to look at her as they walked. But Tina already knew the time was gone; he'd closed himself off now.
"Never mind" Tina muttered, keeping her head down as she kept his pace. They stayed that way for the rest of the walk; neither of them looking at each other as they took the final steps that led to the M.S.D.
"Ah! Miss Goldstine, Mr Scamander! I'm glad you've made it." A tall blond woman said, striding towards them the moment they'd entered; her hand out stretched. Tina and Newt shook her hand looking vaguely confused.
"And you are?" Tina asked, frowning deeply.
"I'm Layla Montez. Head of the Magical Science Department. I know how important this was in finding Grindelwald. So I saw to it that I followed their progress personally. Now if you could follow me." Miss Montez said, motioning for the pair to follow her down the made of corridors that was the Magical Science Department.
Tina examined the many shelves as she passed, noting the thousands upon thousand of bottles and test tubes full of magical substances.
"We've managed to modify out no-maj detection software into a magic detection systems. It will follow the trail the venom will create." Miss Montez said, her voice practically brimming with excitement.
"Like an evil detector?" Tina said, almost laughing at herself the moment she said it.
"Yes actually. Not very catchy but you could call it that" Montez replied, stopping in front of a cluttered table. To the untrained eye, the table looked like a bomb hit it. But if you looked close enough you could see the carful organisation that had gone into the mess.
She works like Newt. Messy unless you know where to look
Tina thought, smiling to herself. She took this time to glance over at Newt, watching as he registered the mess on the table and quickly piling it into neat mental files.
"Right, Mr Scamander, would you like to do the honours?" Miss Montez said, handing Newt a pipette and the correctly mixed venom. He shifted in easily as he took the vile, looking at Tina for the first time since they'd left the case.
"Could I have the shard please Tina" he said quickly, removing the cork from the vile and extracting a small drop from inside. Tina fumbled stupidly for the shard, taking a small pair of forceps from Montez and removing the offending object from inside the glass. Tina held it out, making sure to keep her hand steady as Newt hovered the pipette over the black mass and squeezing lightly, allowing the smallest drop to fall onto the shard. The trio watched in anticipation as the venom slowly sizzled and swirled. A thin trail of red smoke bubbling up and through the room.
"It's working" Tina exclaimed, watching as the trail slowly made its way through the wall and off into nothingness. After a minute or so, a pinging noise sounded from Montez's table, she moved over to the other side of her desk, clicking on a small device before looking at the pair of them.
"We got a hit." Montez said. Looking between Tina and Newt before moving off towards the exit, muttering that she had to inform the President of their breakthrough. After a moment, Tina dragged her eyes away from the smouldering shard and up at Newt, his eyes meeting hers as she spoke.
"We found him. We found Grindelwald"

Hey you guys!
So SO sorry I've taken so long to upload. I've been very busy with coursework and shiz but hey I'm here and I'm truly sorry (forgive me) hope you enjoy today's instalment and please remember to vote and comment!
Love you all x

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