How do you fix a broken soul? You dont.

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Tina's P.O.V
Tina watched as the MACUSA team slowly put out the fire. Watched as the leftover flames licked and scorched the remains of her home; their home. Tina wasn't quite sure what had happened in those milliseconds before the bolt hit them. All she remembered was closing her eyes and waiting for impact, then when nothing came she opened her eyes to find the three of them in the spare room, Newt lunging for his case and coat before they apperated again out onto the street. Now she watched as her sister talked quietly to the MACUSA team while Newt placed something back in his case. Tina looked down at her hands, trembling slightly in the dim street lights and had to press them into her side as Queenie appeared, her face streaked with tears and dirt.
"They can get it all fixed, they have enough pictures in your file to restore everything to how it was." Queenie said, giving her sister a cheerful smile that said thank merlin for magic eh? But this information didn't make Tina feel any better.
"But Queenie, I lost my pendant, it was still on my dresser when I got up. They can't replace that" Tina said, her voice tinged with sorrow.
"Oh Teenie I'm sorry." Queenie said as she pulled her sister into an embrace.
"What pendant?" Newt said; he'd finished with his case and had wondered over to them, case in hand and favouring one side as he walked.
"Our parents were potion experts. They were trying to figure out a potion to kill off dragon pox when they contracted it from one of their patients. They kept working though, always wanting to help no matter what" Queenie said, laughing slightly.
"They had just made the first sample of the vaccine when Teenie got sick. Somehow she'd contracted dragon pox too; so our parents used the vile on her. But they didn't live long enough to make a new batch" as Queenie spoke, Tina seemed to shrink in on herself, getting smaller and smaller with each word.
"The pendant was the vile they had the vaccine in. Now it's gone" The trio fell silent for a moment, the information swirling around the air like a ghost. Feeling uncomfortable; Tina spoke, lifting her head high as she pushed away from Queenie, wiping her eyes the moment she had her back turned to the others.
"Anyway, thank merlin the landlady left to see her son for a few weeks. I don't think MACUSA would be pleased if a no-maj had been involved." Tina said, brushing off the sympathetic stare she was getting from Newt. She didn't want his sympathy. She didn't want him to have to worry or feel like he needed to be sympathetic. As if sensing her discomfort, Newt spoke.
"I heard the MACUSA team talking about relocating us to headquarters."
Tina nodded, familiar with the process.
"Yeah. Standard process for things like this." Tina replied turning back to them with a small smile.
"I hope you guys don't mind hospital food cause that all dear old MACUSA have."

Newt's P.O.V
If it hadn't been for the sick Diricawl chick in my pocket we'd have been coming here in much worse circumstances. Newt thought as he stared at the entrance. The MACUSA headquarters looked just the same as it had when he'd been "arrested" by Tina. The walls were grand and shiny, enchanted statues littered the walls and the large clock in the centre said a level 8 threat; which Newt gathered, along with the flashing red lights, was a bad thing. Has the trio walked up the many stairs, Newt tried his best to put most of the pressure on his un injured side. The speed he'd had to move to escape had caused him to pull hard on his side, making the aching pain turn to a constant stab. He didn't want her too but he knew Tina had seen his odd posture and now would glance at him when she thought he couldn't see; worry plain on her face.
They all got checked in and placed in rooms that's sat directly across for each other. Non of them spoke as they all unlocked there individual door and went in. Newts room was plain blue with a bed slightly larger than that of a hospital and Newt came to the conclusion the girls rooms most likely looked the same. He sat himself on the bed and let himself fall back onto the mattress, his mind wheeling with questions. What did he want? What could he have in his case that could help him in any way? Why not just kill us and take the case? Each question got piled on top of by ten more and eventually Newt gave up trying to answer them himself. Deciding to take a shower, Newt got up and headed towards the bathroom, only just managing to lift himself off the low bed when a quiet knock came from the door.
"It's not locked, come in" Newt said, deciding he'd be better off sitting back down as the nausea passed then trying to walk to the door.
"Hey.." Tina said, poking her head slightly through the door.
"Come in, Tina, take a seat" Newt said, gesturing for her to come in properly and sit down, but she opted to stand; her hands shaking slightly and expression that of someone who was worried about what they were about to say.
"Um, Newt?" She said, her voice quiet.
"Yes?" Newt replied
"Are you okay?" She looked as if he was about to lie; like she expected him to turn away her worry.

"Let her in Newt. She want to be a part of your world. But you need to let her in first." Queenies voice echoed through his mind like she could speak into his head not just read it.
"I must of aggravated my injury in all the commotion. Nothing to worry about" Newt said, watching as shock then appreciation ran across her face.
"Do you need any help?" She asked, moving closer. Newt thought for a moment before speaking.
"Um, well I guess I'll need a hand with my coat and jacket. I'll have to sleep in my shirt and trousers tonight" he laughed slightly and she smiled, that warm, genuinely loving smile he hadn't seen in so many weeks. She stood straighter then, walking over to him as he slowly stood from the bed. She stood on his injured side took the sleeve of his coat, tugging it lightly, pulling it down till it was hanging off of him. Newt did the same on the other side and Tina hung it neatly on the coat hook. A moment later, his suit jacket joined it, both placed neatly on the hooks to avoid wrinkles.
"Thank you" Newt said as he slipped his shoes off. Tina smiled but not fully, something was bothering her. Newt frowned and nudged her in the ribs with an elbow.
"What's wrong?" Newt asked. And suddenly the floodgates opened, Tina sank into the bed her head in her hands.
"He got into my home. Our home. I was defenceless. I couldn't do anything and if he'd done something to Queenie or you I don't know what I'd of done." Tina sobbed into her hands, each word more muffled than the next.
"I can't stop him...I can't" each word sent daggers into Newt. Grindelwald had broken Tina's soul and he didn't know how to help. Without really thinking, Newt pulled Tina into him, wrapping her in his arms and feeling as she folded into him, her tears staining his shirt. He rocked slightly, his chin on her head and cooed ever so slightly.
"I won't let him get to us. You have my word." He whispered into her hair before kissing her forehead.
They stayed like this until Tina's crying stopped and her breathing slowed. Newt slowly lowered her off of his shoulder and onto the pillow, stoking her hair away from her face before turning to his suitcase and climbing inside. He had work to do.

Hey guys! Sorry for this one being abit late. I got a little blocked so I hope it doesn't show it aha! I hope your enjoying the story and if your are make sure to vote and comment!
Love you all x

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