Never be late to a date.

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Newts P.O.V
When Queenie made her way down the suitcase ladder, Newt practically cried. He'd been in such a deep hole of concentration she'd scared him half to death.
"Hello Queenie, what can I help you with?" Newt asked, bringing himself fully out of his daze.
"Well it would be nice if you got your sorry butt outta here to meet my sister for dinner. Or did you forget?" Newt paled, throwing himself at the table to where his waistcoat- and pocket watch- sat in disturbed from when he'd come down here.
He was half an hour late.
"Bugger!" Newt seethed, hastily fixing his appearance as he scrambled towards the ladder. He'd just made his way to the top and was magically applying his usual aftershave when he head a muffled comment from Queenie.
"Go get her honey!" He didn't have time to reply as she race down the corridors of MACUSA, barely keeping upright as he ran.
Tina's P.O.V
Tina had been standing in the empty corridor for about half an hour when she hear the loud fast footsteps bang their way towards her, each one louder and seemingly faster than the last. Newt. He came barrelling round the corner like a bullet, his jacket and fair flying around as she ran. Although Tina was relieved and even a little giddy to see him, she wasn't going to let him off for being late. He stopped abruptly in front of her, doubling over with his hands rested in his knees as he cause his breath.
"Sorry....I-I'm late" he breathed, straightening slightly as he spoke.
"I've been standing here half an hour Newt. I'm starving!" Tina exclaimed, trying her best to seem angry.
"I-I" Newt stuttered and Tina had to crack a smile. After a little blubbering, Newt smiled too, realising he was off the hook.
"So. Shall we?" Tina said, motioning towards yet another long corridor.
"We can't actually leave the compound as we could be 'under threat' but there are some nice little stalls and stuff around the general public area." Tina said, walking sideways so she could face Newt.
"Sounds lovely. I didn't realise how hungry I was until I started running." Newt laughed, his eyes crinkling slightly at the edges. Tina didn't quite know what happened but as he laughed, she had the sudden urge to touch him. Trying to be as casual as she could, Tina slowly snaked her arm through Newts, resting it in the space between his elbow and body. Newt seemed to stiffen a little with the contact before settling again. They walked happily in silence, only stopping when loud running footsteps could be heard racing towards them. Tina froze, suddenly aware of the slight vibration coming from her wand pocket. Newt looked confused as Tina pulled away harshly and reached for her wand, her face paling at the sight of her wand, which was currently pulsing slowly with a deep red light.
"What does that mean?" Newt asked, his wand now in hand, ready.
"It means someone had attacked MACUSA and I'm a close enough Aurora to help with the threat. The closest place the threat can be is..." Tina trailed off, her face nearly white with worry.
"Where?" Newt said, pushing for a reply.
"MACUSA Accommodation." Tina said, knowing all to well that there was only one valuable thing in accommodation. Newts case.
Newt had obviously had the same though as he'd already turned and began running back towards their rooms, Tina trailing behind as she attempted to listen for the sound of fighting.

Newts P.O.V
From the surface, the inside of Newts case looked the same as ever. All the beasts in there designated areas, no mess, no dead, nothing. But Newt could see someone had entered his case. Dougal sat very close to the back of his bed and the Bowtruckle squealed quietly in fear.
Grindelwald had been here. And to prove it further, the Obscurus was gone. It's "pen" just a barren winter land.
"It's gone" Newt breathed. Not even sure if Tina had managed to keep up in his haste to get back to his room. When there was no reply; Newt fell silent. The  lack of sound gave the niggling voice in Newts head a chance to take hold, pulling him down into a spiral of anger, fear and self hate.
He got to Tina now my creatures. You can't protect anything you care for. Useless. Weak. Nothing. The voice gnawed at Newt again and again until he cracked, a cry ripping from his throat as he swung his arms, knocking everything on the desk beside him to the ground.
"Newt stop! Newt!" Tina cried. He hadn't heard her com in but now she was pushing herself in front of him; her eyes wide and faced flushed with fear.
"I can't do it! I couldn't protect you, now my creatures. I couldn't even protect myself for Merlins sake!" Newt spat, his face red and voice thick with anger.
"Newt stop! Please. Your bleeding." Tina said, voice calm as she gestured at his hands and arms. Newt looked down and realised he was indeed bleeding. In the mist of his anger he'd smashed some of his test tubes, the glass now imbedded in his forearms and  palms. After a moment of starring, Newt sank to his knees, muttering to himself quietly. Tina sat down beside him, slowly bringing his arm out to examine it.

Once all the shards were out and she'd healed the worst of the cuts, Tina got to her feet, bringing Newt up slowly beside her as she spoke, her voice echoing in the dimly lit room.
"We will catch him Newt, you don't have to worry okay? Everything will be fine" Tina said, moving in front of him to try and make eye contact. Her hand found his and Tina slowly squeezed as she smiled at him calmly. The contact brought Newt out of his daze long enough for him to make eye contact, his blue eyes meeting with her infinite brown ones. Her face was so close to Newts he could see the thin gold ring that circled her iris. Without his own mind following, Newt leaned forwards, capturing Tina's lips with his own; moving forward until Tina's back connected with the wall of the shed. For a second she stiffened, her back ramrod straight against the wall. Newts mind whirled as he processed the negative reaction, moving to pull away, just as Tina's hand flew to Newts face; pulling him back. Their kiss deepened, Tina moving her hand up to lock his brown hair in her fingers, tugging it lightly. Newt couldn't hold back the hum that erupted from his throat with the sensation and Tina smiled against his lips. Each movement of their lips made their bodies almost melt together. Newt broke off the kiss; breathing hard. His hands resting on the wall, encircling Tina. He leaned his forehead against hers and they stood in silence. Their laboured breathing and racing heart the only sounds in the room.

Hey y'all!
I'm currently writing a book that i (one day) might get published. I will be putting only the fist chapter on as I'd like feedback on it please.
Don't worry it won't effect this one or how often I update this one :p so just check it out? Maybe? Please?
Love you all x

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