Dont lie to the girl who can read minds.

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Queenies P.O.V
The next morning she waited for her sister to leave before slipping into Newts room. He was already dressed and in his suitcase when she got there. So she slipped into the case as quietly as she could; feeling the element of surprise was the best bet when approaching Newt. Once at the bottom of the ladder she waited quietly to see if he'd turn around. Nothing. A minute or two went by before Queenie spoke. To busy watching each twinge and whimper of pain he made as he moved.
"Newt. Why are you pretending to be better when your not?" Queenie asked, not even bothering to make herself known. Newt practically threw the test tube he had in his hand and clutched his side as his body jolted with surprise.
"Queenie! You could of made yourself know before scaring me" Newt said, smiling widely through the pain.
"That's not answering my question Newt. Why are you pretending?" Queenie said again, arms crossed and foot tapping quickly on the wooden floor of his office. He frowned at her for a moment before smiling again.
"I don't know what your talking about. I'm perfectly fine!" He exclaimed.
"No your not. Don't lie to a girl that can read minds Newt Scamander. Especially if said girl saw you getting dressed last night and saw how much pain you were in. Felt how much pain you were in. Now why lie" Queenie said, her hand gesturing wildly in confused hysteria. Newt tried to think of an excuse, but then seemed to give up. His body slumping heavily into the chair beside his desk as he pushed a hand into his messy red-brown hair.
" I don't want to worry her Queenie. I can't do what I did to her the night of the battle." His voice came out quiet, almost mouselike and Queenie could see how much it cost him telling you this.
"She worries about you Newt. She wants to see you better." She reached out and put her hand on his shoulder, squeezing it lightly in reassurance.
"That's it though Queenie, I don't want her to worry about me. Did you know she cries in her sleep?" He asked, looking up at Queenie like a scared child. She simply nodded, remembering the weeks after their parents died and how Tina had seemed so strong till she'd fallen asleep and her nightmares bared all.
"She cries for me Queenie. Every night. I hear her cry as she begs me not to die. For me not to leave. I can't keep being the centre of her nightmares. I need her to feel like I'm fine. So she won't worry" his voice was choked with tears and guilt. Everything from the past few weeks crashing down on him so fast. She tried to block it out but it was screaming out from his mind like a fog horn
I love her. I love her. I love her
Queenie sighed, crouching  down beside Newt before engulfing him in a hug, feeling as his body collapsed into her and he sobbed quietly. She stayed there for a minute; letting him release the emotions he'd been hiding so well.
"I'll help you get better. I've got some stronger painkilling spells and healing potions. But under one condition." Queenie said, pulling away to look Newt in the face.
"What condition?" He asked, his voice husky from crying.
"Let her in Newt. She want to be a part of your world. But you need to let her in first." Queenie said, smiling up at the broken face before her. He thought for a moment, before finally nodding.
"Okay, I'll try." He said, straightening up in his seat.
"Good, now let's fix that wound. You've bled through your bandages again." Queenie said.
Tina's P.O.V

Tina had gotten home an hour ago but she couldn't relax. Her mind was on work and she couldn't quite shake the feeling that something was going to go terribly wrong any minutes. She sat at the dinner table with her knife and fork in hand but had yet to eat anything. After a moment, Queenie coughed, bringing her sister out of her daze
"Huh?" She said, looking wildly at Queenie then Newt before looking back at Queenie.
"Is it true?" Queenie asked, her eyes thick with worry.
"What have I told you about reading my mind when it's on work?" Tina said, trying her best to sound angry but only managing vaguely annoyed. It was Newt who spoke next, rustling around on the floor before producing a newspaper.
"She didn't read you, we got this owled to us not long before you got here. It's an emergency publication." Newt said, passing the newspaper over to Tina, who opened it up to reveal the title.

Grindelwald escaped! Investigative team baffled by daring breakout!

Tina held the paper for a moment before folding it up and putting it beside her plate, nodding solemnly at the faces that held so many questions.
"It happened when I was in a meeting with the rest of the investigative team. We reached the holding cells just as he left. He'd thrown a spell at us as he got out. Nearly killed Perkins." Tina said, her fork playing idly with a potato that sat untouched on her plate. Everything was meant to be getting better, not worse. Grindelwald is meant to be locked up forever, not escaping. Newts meant to recovering not pretending he is. She put her head in her hands for a moment, pressing her finger tips onto her eyes to try and relieve some of the tired tension from them.
"I'm sorry Queenie, but I'm really not hungry. I need to get into the files to try and track down Grindelwald." She moved from the table, taking her plate with her and she sat it down on the side and picked up a thick stack of files that she'd left by the door. Tina hated having to bring work home. It always ruined Queenies mood, especially when it was a particularly bad case. And this was the worse. She made her way towards the corridor before turning back to Queenie and Newt; who were still sat at the table.
"If you need me I'll be in my room, goodnight." She said, trying to speak with her eye that she was sorry and she'd make it up to them.

Tina spent the whole night reading. Having to leave and haul up in the living room when Queenie had come to bed. She needed to find him, needed to stop him. At any cost

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