The light at the end of the tunnel.

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Hey you guys!
I know I know it's a shock to me that this chapter is done so soon too! After finishing the last one I just had to write what happened so here it is! I did mention putting up a chapter of an original story of mine and that will be going up today along with this one! So please could you go check it out? any support and feedback will be much loved! If you guys like it I may put more chapters up! Anyway, let's get on with the chapter huh?
Love you all xx

Tina's P.O.V
Tina's eyes felt heavy as she began to stir; her first thought being that the warehouse floor had got strangely comfy. With great effort, she opened her eyes, regretting the choice instantly as she was blinded by the bright lights above her. Letting her eyes adjust she found she was in the pure white room of the MACUSA infirmary; the bleach walls only amplifying the brightness of the light above her. With quite a bit of effort, Tina lifted herself up, noting she was in her favourite nighty. The room she realised wasn't actually lit, only the light above her bed. The rest of the room was shrouded in darkness; causing Tina to squint as she examined the room. It took her a moment to notice him curled up on the chair but when she did her heart thudded hard in her chest. Newt sat curled up on a worn green armchair; his long limbs huddled close to his chest and his arms were crossed loosely across his middle. His hair was messy and unkept and his coat lay crooked across the side of the chair. He wore the same outfit he had in the warehouse and from the dust and dirt that still costed part of his waistcoat; he hadn't changed. Tina considered letting him sleep and went to lay back down. But as she wiggled stiffly back down the bed made a loud creaking sound that caused Newt to wake with a jump. He looked towards the bed anxiously, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand.
'Tina?' Newt whispered, as if her very existence was in question.
'I didn't mean to wake you, I'm sorry.' Tina said, her voice raw from lack of use. She wasn't sure how long she'd been out but she felt like she hadn't spoke in years. As if coming out of a trance, Newt sprang to his feet, pulling over the chair so it sat directly by the bed before sitting back down, suddenly awkward as he fidgeted with the bed cover. On closer inspection, Tina could see the deep purple marks under Newts eyes and the few days worth of stubble. His skin was pale and his features seemed sharper, like he'd lost weight. Without hesitation, Tina took his hand, halting the nervous movements as she did so.
'How long have I been sleeping?' Tina said, starring down at their interlocked hands. Newt seemed to think about this, as if he wasn't sure himself.
'Two days.' Newt replied numbly.
'Two days? Why so long?' Tina asked shocked. He's been here two days and not even changed his clothes.
'We nearly lost you. We'd just got you into headquarters when your heart stopped. The healers thought you might not wake up' Newt continued, his voice becoming quieter with each word. He pulled away and pressed the palms of his hands against his eyes.
'Newt, it's okay. I'm fine!' Tina smiled, hoping to lighten Newts mood. He starred at nothing as he spoke, his head resting against the back of the chair and a leg propped up on the chair.
'I should of made sure you'd gone before I did anything. It's my fault you put yourself in danger. What were you thinking?!' Newt said, his voice thick with self hate and annoyance; the annoyance, Tina realised, was towards her.
'If you hadn't been acting so funny with me I wouldn't I'd have to stay!' Tina said, blowing out her cheeks as she huffed at him.
'Well I assumed you didn't want to speak to me after what happened so I was making it easier on myself!' Newt said weakly, the spark of anger already gone from his eyes.
'Make what easier?' Tina asked, confused. Newt seemed to see nothing again as he spoke, his voice defeated. 'When you leave me. I assumed once we'd caught Grindelwald you'd want nothing more to do with me after what I did' Tina felt shock turn her stomach, remembering how the kiss had made her feel and how badly it had ended. Tina moved to recapture his hand and explain but moved back when a stinging pain shot up her side. Newt sprang from his seat and quickly readjusted her pillows. Once Tina was settled he perched himself on the edge of the bed, his eyes glassy with held back tears.
'I nearly lost you...' Newt whispered, bringing his gaze up slowly until he was eye level with Tina. He seemed to battle with himself before he spoke, his face clouding over for a moment.
'I love you Tina Goldstein. I have for a while now...' with his words Tina realised that for the first time since they'd met; She could read every inch of his face, every worry, every fear. Everything; he'd finally taken down all his walls. And admitted his darkest secret. A moment passed and Tina didn't know what to say; should she say she feels the same? After a second, she gave up thinking a decided to act, Lurched forward Tina ignored the protests of her body as she captured Newts lips with her own. It took him a moment before he laced his fingers in her hair, his other hand moving to her waist, holding her lightly in place, Tina bit down on his lip lightly and smiled at the noise that escaped his lips causing him to tighten his grip on her hair slightly. She followed his movements by grabbing his golden brown hair, twiddling it around her finger and pulling lightly; deserving another moan. The kiss deepened and Tina couldn't suppress the purr that escaped her mouth causing Newt to nibble lightly on her lip. They broke apart after what seemed like hours, both breathing heavy and hair a mess. Newt seemed to be in a state of stunned silence; searching Tina's face like he expected her to suddenly repulse against him. When she didn't move, Newt began to relax, a small smile appearing on his face as he relaxed. Tina looked at the time; 2am. She gestured for Newt to move up to sit next to her, cuddling close as the bed wasn't the largest. They settled down together; Newt spelling the light above them off before resting his arm around her waist, bringing her even closer. Tina waited for Newts breathing to slow before closing her eyes herself, smiling to herself because her dreams now matched her reality.

Hey guys!
I know your all fed up of my cliffhangers so I gave you this :D i can't believe I'm nearly done with this fanfic! I really do hope you guys have enjoyed it and are looking forward to the next chapter (I don't know weather the next chapter is the last or not. So stay tuned!) please don't forget to vote and comment
Love you all xx

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