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So guys, people have been asking for a sequel and it's literally such an honour that you guys wanna see more from me! I'm so so happy you guys liked this story and I'm so shocked it's gotten so many views. I've got a few ideas for sequel but I need your guys help to pick; I'm here to please after all. So here's the list:
-Lil one shot stories of Tina's time in England? (E.g she gets a cold and Newt looks after her, Tina has to baby sit the suitcase and things get out of hand, Newt teaches Tina to dance) your one shot ideas are very welcome too!

-A story form some time in the future (this option would most likely be a short ish story)

- full blown new story taking place in England with Newt and Tina getting into more trouble
So it's up to you! Comment away people!
(Just as a side note it is very unlikely that I will be writing any smut or anything like that as I've never done it before and it will most likely be very bad; however if it is requested enough I will try but like I said no promises)

Let's see what the people what eh?
Love you all xx

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