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Tina's P.O.V
Tina woke to the sound of whooping and scolding. Looking around she checked the time, 4:00pm. On closer inspection she realised she wasn't in her own bedroom and in seeing the case she knew exactly who's room she was in. The noise continues as Tina shuffled towards the open case and peered over; still half asleep.
"Newt you idiot how did you not see?? Are you blind or just plain stupid!?" Newt said as he paced up and down his shed, reading papers and checking potions. Deciding to make herself heard Tina cleared her throat.
"Good morning Newt, why are you an idiot?" Tina asked, smiling as he turned up to see her.
"I've had a breakthrough! And I can't believe I didn't see it." Newt replied, beckoning for Tina to come down as he turned towards his desk.

Once at the bottom, Tina had papers and photos thrust into her face by a very exited Newt; his face alight with realisation and enthusiasm.
"What am I looking at here?" Tina asked, smiling but confused.
"These are my notes for a species in Africa. They have the ability find magic." Newt said, practically beaming.
"What do you mean 'find' magic?" Tina replied as she rifled through the papers in her hand.
"They can't be killed by muggles or muggle animals. And they are extremely dangerous in groups. When one is attacked, they spit at their attacker. And this sort of scent track appears. If nothing happens they don't bother and ignore the animal. If something does they flee or get help. The scent track is used by the rest of the group to track down and kill the creature if it managed to kill one of them. Animal Karma so to speak" Tina stared, praying to Merlin that Newt didn't have one of these things, or worse a group of them.
"How can this help us Newt?" Tina asked. Her eyes searching his to try and find the reason for this information to be useful.
"I have samples of their venom. This means all I need is something charged by Grindelwalds magic and we can track him" Newt said, his eyes pleading for Tina to understand. And she did. She moved so quickly that she even scared herself as she lunged at Newt and hugged him like her life depended on it. His arms circling around her and pulling her closer. The energy in the room was overwhelming. After a while, they broke apart, both still smiling.
"We need to tell the president!" Newt frowned then, something crossing his mind that he obviously didn't like.
"We don't have anything changed with his magic Tina. We can't tell anyone until we actually have something." Newt said, his mood deflated. Tina thought for a second before going to one of Newts table, looking under paper and notes until she produced a medium sized jar, inside sat the shard that had threatened Newts life. It still flowed slightly with magic.
"Is that..?" Newt said, pointing almost timidly at the jar.
"Yes, and its charged with Grindelwald's magic." Tina replied, shaking the jar slightly; making the shard ding against the sides.
"There one problem with this." Newt said, eyes focused on his hands.
"What is it?" Tina asked, her hope and happiness slowly being corrupted by doubt.
"I managed to get the venom from one of the clangs dead. Meaning I took it from the sack meaning it wasn't diluted like it would be naturally." He said, still staring and his fidgeting fingers.
"And this means?" Tina asked, pressing for some solution.
"Well the venom undiluted is actually corrosive. So it would destroy anything that isn't protected. So if it isn't correctly diluted we could destroy the only connection to Grindelwald we have" Tina thought for a moment, staring without seeing at the shard in her hand. After a moment, she had a brainwave
"MACUSA!" Tina said, scaring Newt out of his thoughts as she began mumbling and pacing the length of the shed.
"Tina Goldstein I do believe you're off your rocker." Newt said, watching as she nearly wore a groove in the floorboards.
"We have a magical science department Newt! They could find the ratio for us!" Tina exclaimed, her hands gesturing wildly. Newt thought for a moment before breaking out into a grin; moving over to the opposite side of the shed to rummage through a shelf of glasses before turning, producing a small test tube of glowing red liquid. His smile widened as she looked at her, fiddling with the test tube slightly as he spoke.
"Let's go"
Newts P.O.V
Newt watched as the test tube slowly floated away and down towards The Magical Science Department, the only place that could help find Grindelwald. They hadn't managed to get a meeting with the President but lucky for them, Tina had some close friends in the department and managed to pull some strings.
"Now we wait." Tina said, walking slowly towards him as she spoke.
"Ah yes, the wait. Never the. Eat time to stop so I think I'll go tend to my creatures" Newt said, smiling awkwardly. Tina shuffled where she stood for a moment, mulling something over.
"Would you like to come to dinner with me?" She asked, her eyes darting anywhere but at him.
"Um. Okay." Newt smiled, pulling out his pocket watch to check the time
"Shall we say in an hour?" He replied, clicking his watch shut.
"Okay. I'll see you in a hour" Tina said, smiling sheepishly as she turned and walked towards her office. Newt made his way back to his room slowly; his mind slowly chewing over everything that has happened in the past few hours. Once back in the safety of his case, Newt got to work. He had figured out how to find Grindelwald now he had to figure out what Grindelwald wanted.

Hey guys!
I know I've been dead for like over a day and I'm sorry I've got shizzle I've gotta do at home but I promise I'll try to make up for it! Comment and vote if you enjoyed! Love you all x

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