The Unwanted Visitor.

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Newts P.O.V

What Tina didn't know, and wouldn't find out until he had something to share; was that Newt had been searching for Grindelwald too. Every night Tina would collapse into bed, leaving her files sat on the desk near her bedroom door. And each night Newt would wander in and take the files, rifling through them and taking notes of the information before placing them back with Tina non the wiser. And tonight was no different. He'd watched her drag her feet as she made her way to bed, leaving her files place neatly on the kitchen table. Newt only had one more file to copy, so it only took a few minutes to write down the information and head back to his suitcase.
Tina nor Queenie had been down for a good few days and Newt thought it was for the best. Papers lay scattered across desks and the floor, each one placed somewhere specifically. Organised chaos Tina would of called it if she'd seen. Newt sighed as he began rifling through the notes he'd just made, trying to figure out where they'd go in his messy timeline. He winced slightly as he picked up one of the pages from the ground. He's injury had healed now thanks to Queenie, but the ache still persisted now and then.
"Where are you you bugger" Newt huffed, rifling thought one of the many messy notes. Newt didn't hear the front door open but he certainly heard it shut, if it wasn't for the spell cast on the  apartment, the whole street might of heard it. The vibration making some of the notes on his desk flutter off. Sending something was off, Newt grabbed his wand and his Swooping Evil before climbing up the ladder and out of the case; closing it firmly shut and masking it with a vanishing spell for safe measures.
He made his way steadily towards the living room, wand in hand.  There was movement from the girls room and he put his finger to his lips as he saw the girls poke their head out.
"What's happening?" Tina mouthed, her wand down by her side.
"I don't know, I'm going to take a look" Newt mouthed back, he carried on slowly, letting the girls follow behind as he walked.
When they rounded the corner, the sight was worse that Newt expected.
Grindelwald stood motionless in the moonlight, his white hair seeming almost translucent in the dim light. His face was shadowed but Newt could hear the smirk in his voice.
"Hello again." He said, his voice chilly and unnerving. From where he stood, Newt couldn't see a wand. But he knew from reports that he didn't need one.
"What do you want." Newt said, his voice hard and shoulders back; wand raised.
"You have something I need Mr Scamander" he said, stepping into the light to show a crooked smile.
"I don't think so, now I'd like you to leave." Newt said, tightening his grip on his wand.
"Yes you do Mr Scamander. With Credence gone, I need something from your case" Grindelwald said.
"Your not touching anything in my case." Newt seethed, taking a step forward, still very aware of the girls behind him.
Grindelwald seemed to laugh at this, like Newts attempts at hostility were pathetic. Before he could speak again, Tina spoke up, moving slightly out from behind him.
"I've contacted MACUSA Grindelwald, they will be here any second." She said Her voice calm and collected.
"Well, I better make my leave then shouldn't I Miss Goldstein." He turned his back to them, taking a few steps towards the door before turning back to them, a sickening grin passed across his face as he spoke.
" I think I should leave MACUSA a little present don't you? Everyone says I can't leave somewhere without a few casualties."
Before Newt had time to react, Grindelwald struck, throwing what seemed to be a bolt of pure energy towards them; engulfing the room in a pit of blinding light.

Short chapter this time guys! :O terribly sorry :p if your enjoying please be sure to like and comment ^.^
Love you all x

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