Stubborness will be the death of you.

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Tina's P.O.V

The next week or so went by in a blur, a mixture of work and newts nightmares all smashed into one long period of time. Tina felt uneasy as she made her way into the apartment. After there conversation the other night; Newts had become more distant with her. Choosing to do most of the things he'd let Queenie help with by himself. Although Tina was pleased with the improvements he was making she felt like it was forced. Like he was trying to become independent too quickly and whenever Tina or Queenie approached the subject Newt would brush it off like the trauma had been a paper cut instead of a life threatening wound. With each passing day Tina became more and more concerned over Newts health. And today she was planning to talk to him. Really talk to him. She'd planned her argument again and again. Each time backtracking to start again. But there was no going back now. She'd reached her apartment door and hand no time to change her mind. When she walked in, Queenie sprung up with a worried expression on her face.
"What is it Queenie?" Tina asked as she stripped off her coat.
"I tried to stop him but he just wouldn't listen." Queenie said, her hands clenching and un-clenching with nerves
"What's happened?" She asked again, becoming more and more worried as she spoke.
Queenie shrugged
"Nothing yet... it's just... he's in his case. He has been since you left" she said the last words quietly but Tina heard every syllable as she marched through the house and into Newts room, where his case lay open on the bed. Tina leaned over the open case to shout at the idiotic man inside until she saw him and quickly shrank back, her face turning rapidly pink. Once she'd composed herself she peered over again. Newt sat directly below the ladder, his shirt hanging from one of the ladders pegs. Tina hadn't had to undress him after removing the shard or any of the other times, Queenie had done that, so the sight was a definite shock. His body was thin and toned, light muscles visible across his shoulders and back and with each muscle seemed to be a scar to accompany it. They littered his body like stories, each one distinct. Tina took a deep breath; composing herself before stepping up onto the bed and into the suitcase.
As always, Newt didn't even flinch, he only moved from the bottom of the ladder with his shirt in hand.
"Newt, what are you doing down here? Your not ready yet!" Tina said, quickly getting rid of her embarrassment and replacing it with anger.
"My creatures need me. I've rested quite enough" Newt replied, barely stopping to glance at Tina as he went about his experiments (still shirtless)
"Well you can come upstairs for something to eat." Tina replied. Crossing her arms to indicate this was not optional.
"I'll come up in a minute, I've not long come down and I've nearly finished this healing potion for one of the moon calves..." he trailed off; deep in thought.
"Newt, you've been down here for 12 hours. You need to eat." Tina said; the worry for Newt growing deeper and deeper.
"12 hours? Can't be. When did you leave for work?" He asked, finally turning to her for a moment
"6am" she replied
"And what time is it now?" He asked, frowning further.
"6pm" she said.
"Oh" was his only reply as he turned back to his work sharply. Tina noticed him wince as he turned, he'd carefully tried to disguise it with a cough; but she's already seen.
"Newt please come upstairs with me. Queenies making pie for dessert." She pleaded, trying her best to keep her voice even. He paused before finally letting his shoulders sag.
"Okay, let me just get dressed" he said. Giving in. She smiled widely before turning to the ladder and making her way up.

Newt's P.O.V

He waited for Tina to have gotten out of the suitcase before attempting his shirt. The pain was constant and only just tolerable with the help of a painkilling spell but he had to battle through. He had to stop her worrying, stop her thinking she needed to care and look after him. The only reason he'd had to take his shirt off was to clean it. Newt had taken to cleaning his wound himself and he'd realised early on he was terrible at it. It had bled through the bandages twice already. Newt took a deep breath, slipping both arms into the shirt before pulling it up and onto his shoulders. He gripped the table as he waited for the pain and dizziness to subside, then buttoned it up; trying to keep his hands from shaking. It took him a while to get his waste coat on but once it was buttoned up he turned and made his way towards the ladder.

Queenies P.O.V

She watched him as he slipped on his shirt, watched him as he battled the pain and dizziness before buttoning it up. Only then could she hear his thoughts. Hear the constant mantra he'd given himself. It echoed through her head as she watched him button his waist coat and move towards the ladder. She moved away quickly, making her way to the kitchen as she replayed his words in her head.

Don't worry Her, don't worry her. Don't make her cry for you again. Ever.

Hey y'all! I hope your all enjoying the story! Let me know if you have any newt/Tina fanfic ideas :) I'll be happy to try make them a reality ^.^
Love you all x

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