The good, the bad and the down right odd.

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Tina's P.O.V

Tina spent most of the week trying to track down Grindelwald with her team with no luck. Each lead they followed turned to dust under her fingers and as time scraped by her confidence dwindled down to a cinder. Each night she'd get home and go straight to her room, barely even acknowledging Newt and Queenie as she mumbled her hellos and wandering off; her mind permanently on work. She'd work for hours; only stopping when Queenie came in to sleep. This was when she'd usually take a toilet break before moving to the living room. She'd done the same today, skipping dinner again and Tina's stomach growled in protest; snapping her out of her work related daze. She'd been living off nourishment and sleep spells since his escape and it was taking its toll on her.
"Stop making noise stomach, I need to find this guy more than you need a cheeseburger" she said, angrily pointing at her middle like it was a naughty child before sighing and closing the file she'd been reading. The clock on the living room wall read 3am and she rubbed her eyes; deciding she could have at least an hour or so of sleep before going back to work.
"Knock knock" a familiar voice said through the crack in the living room door.
"Hey Newt, what are you doing up?" Tina asked, giving him a sleepy smile.
He hovered in the door for a while before stepping in and moving towards the fridge; producing a small plate of food from inside.
"I thought you might need some food. i made you a plate earlier. i noticed you've not eaten today" he said
I haven't eaten physical food in two weeks Tina thought as she smiled fondly at him.
"Thank you Newt, but I was just heading to bed." she said, standing from her place on the couch and walking towards him; stack of files in hand. He seemed to think for a moment before carefully sliding his way in front of the door; blocking her in. He watched her for a moment before speaking; the plate still in hand.

"Now I'd feel a lot better if you'd eat something." Newt said looking at you carefully. Tina tried to brush off his concern with a smile.

"Honestly Newt I'm fine, give the food to Dougal or someone, I'm sure one of them would enjoy it immensely" she said, smiling as she tried to step around him; but Newt simply followed her direction and blocked her path again. Tina huffed.

"Newt please! I need to get at least an hours sleep before i have to get back to work." she pleaded, wanting nothing more than to put her head against her pillow.

"Not until you eat." he said simply, pushing the plate out towards Tina.

His stubbornness was insufferable. she thought as she tried one last time to get past but he simply did the same; moving into her path smoothly like they were preforming a dance. This made her loose her temper a little; causing her to stamp her foot like a child having a tantrum. This little outburst made Tina realize how close she'd gotten to Newt in her attempt to leave. From where she stood, she could just about smell Newt's aftershave. It smelled like nature and him.  It took her a moment to remember she was angry, looking up at Newt with as much anger as she could muster.

"You can stomp and glare as much as you like Tina Goldstein. You are not leaving till you eat something." Newt said, his voice becoming hard. Tina looked down, wondering if it would really hurt to have a physical meal for once. After a moment, she gave up.

"Okay, if it gets me to bed quicker then okay; ill eat" Tina said, dropping her files on the table before turning on her heels and walking back to sit on the couch. Newt followed suit; hearing the food with a warming spell as he walked. By time they'd both sat down, Tina's food was hot and a knife and folk had floated into her hand.
"Thank you Newt, I really appreciate it" Tina said as she looked at her plate. He'd kept her favourite; roast beef, stuffing, mash and green beans. Every inch of food was drenched with a thin layer of Queenies speciality; gravy. Staring at the food made her realise just how pathetic nourishment spells were as they never really filled you. Suddenly starved, Tina took a large folk full and ate it; repressing the urge to whimper with happiness as she ate.
When every last scrap was eaten, she turned to Newt, who had sat quietly beside her as she'd devoured the meal. She smiled at him, embarrassed as she extended her plate and mumbled a thank you.
"Don't be embarrassed, it happened when you live off nourishment spells" Tina stopped dead, she'd been very careful to hide her over use of the spell, not wanting to worry the other as to her eating habits.
"Don't try to lie to me Tina, you slipped up earlier. Queenie heard your thoughts." Newt said, he'd put her plate in the sink and cleaning it the no-maj way when he's spoken. But now he stood facing her, his face sad as he looked anywhere but her face.
"Look Newt" she bagan, but he cut her off
"Don't tell me you need to do this and you need to find him. I know. But please, don't make yourself ill because of him."
He'd walked towards her as he'd spoken, stopping short just in front of her. She looked down, ashamed she'd let it go on so far as to have to be forced to eat. Newt put a finger below Tina's chin and raised her head to look at him.
"Promise me youll take care of yourself. Please?" He half whispered. She nodded, feeling foolish. She went to move past him but he held her wrist, pulling her sharply into him as he wrapped he's arms around her. She felt his warmth deep into her aching bones and wished for nothing more than to stay like this forever, circled in by the man she was realising she was falling for.

Newt's P.O.V

They stood there like that for a while, Tina nestled against him, safe. He'd watched as she'd missed each meal and replaced it with work and spell. And he'd had enough. He needed to find Grindelwald before Tina worked herself to death; or worse, find him herself.

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