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I gasped and shot up as cold icy water was splashed in my face. I looked up to see my brother rolling on the floor, laughing his head off. I rolled my eyes and shook my head in disbelief. "You are so going to regret it." I said through gritted teeth. "You deserved it!" He defended. "You had Logan help you carry me into a bath full of ice!" I laughed mischeviously. "I did, didn't I?" I smirked. He huffed. I chuckled and got up, pushing my hair back. He got up and smiled at me. I grinned back at him, opening my arms so he can run into them. And he did. I chuckled before embracing him into a big tight hug, inhaling his scent as I did so. He copied me and we just continue for about 10 seconds, before there was a knock on the door. I sighed and let him go. 'I love you, Andre.' I mind linked him. He smiled. 'I love you too, bro.' He mind linked back. Only wolves born twins or triplets or whatever had a mindlink between them. Which is actually rather good. I chuckled before opening the door. "Dad." I greeted. He rolled his eyes. "Get ready." He huffed walking back to his room. He looked pretty tired. We both got dressed soon after.

I smiled. Andre is my twin brother and honestly, he's my everything. We're inseperable. We still sleep in the same room, and we really don't mind. We look the same but aren't identical. We don't do the same activities though, he plays football and I play basketball. And other than school, we still have our personal life, in which I include all the wolf stuff. We take care of the community mostly. We were given the title of Alpha this summer, when we both turned 18. Usually, there is only one Alpha position but we're twins and we especially said that we weren't going to do anything if we weren't both Alphas. They let us be after a while. We've been handling the community ever since, with the help of our family and friends of course. We both had a Beta each and whilst my brother found his Luna, I was still waiting for her to come back. Yes, I did meet her once. Four years ago. I was 14. It was unusual for wolves to find their mate so early but it happened on some rare occasions. She was beautiful. Perfect, I would say. We met on a camping trip with my brother, while our parents were on a business trip. We had a great time. I was really happy, obviously, she didn't know I was a werewolf but didn't have to yet. But one day, she just left. I told her I loved her the day before, and I hadn't even meant to. I must have scared her off because she was no where to be seen. Or maybe it was because of my physique. I awasn't strong looking and looked pretty weak. I looked like a girl some days which isn't very bad, but girls don't always like that. Anyway, I cried for two months after that. And in some way, I'm grateful because it's what brought my brother and I really close. He just stayed with me the whole time. He didn't even smile around me. Now, obviously, he won't price himself from his own happiness because of me. We agreed on that one a year ago. And I'm honestly happy he found his mate. He tries not to be too happy about it around me but I don't mind. After all, I already gave up on the idea of ever finding my mate again. His mate was actually 6 years older than us. She was soon to be a teacher. She was a wolf which uncomplicated stuff. On the other hand, mine was a human. Some call those like me the 'lonely ones'. I didn't mind. It was the truth. We were rejected by our mates. Our wolves would always feel lonely. He needed his other half, in my case, his third half since my brother was the second. But we usually deal with it. Some became a bit crazy because they aren't strong enough to move on, but I was only a child... Immature teenager. And I still had my whole life a head of me. I was going to be Alpha soon. I couldn't let myself down. It's life. Some find their true love, some don't. And other lose them. I did but that loss handed me something so wonderful, and that's a relationship with my brother.

"How did you two sleep?" My mum asked, looking at both of us. "Good." We both said at the same time. She chuckled. "Eat up. You need to leave in about 10 minutes." She said handing us our plates of food. I hummed looking at the food. Egg, bacon, and toast. "Thank you mum." I whispered before eating. "You're welcome. And you better stop mucking about in the mornings, because we aren't staying here a for long. The house is nearly finished and when it is done, your dad and I will be out of here. We'll finally have some kind of peace." She said, sighing dreamily. I chuckled. Kids were sent in the pack house when they turned 17. Mostly because we considered children responsible enough that age. My parents being the Alpha and the Luna had their own room and floor in the house, with the Beta and his mate. Every Alpha had their Beta. Mine was Logan and Andre's was Len. They were both really good people. I kissed my mum goodbye after Andre before walking out the door. I got into the driver's seat and waited for Andre to come. He smiled at me. I smiled and drove off with the Ferrari. I honestly didn't want one, but my father and brother forced me to accept it. My father wanted us to look cool for school and my brother didn't refuse. We drove through the forest easily though with this car so I won't complain. It was a good car, I must admit. We arrived 20 minutes after. I grinned at the sight of Logan. We did a hand shake and then I said hello to the rest of the group before we all headed to class. "So how's Eva?" Len asked Andre. I snorted. "They are both fine, I assure you. I was expelled of my own bedroom this weekend because they needed 'time alone'." I said, emphasizing the 'time alone'. They birsted out laughing, including Andre. I huffed and rolled my eyes before joining them. Almost. I was awfully interrupted by someone bumping into me, all his books falling on the floor while he winced. I glared at the boy. Doesn't he have eyes?... Ok. I didn't see him either. But usually, people see me. I looked back at the guy to see him standing up, wide up. I frowned. "S..sorry." He stuttered while blushing embarrassingly. I chuckled. Ok. That was quite funny. I relaxed slightly. "Make sure it doesn't happen again." I answered getting on my knees to get his books as he seemed too shocked to even realise what was happening. Why does he have so many books? There's a huge pile of them and they probably reach his nose when he carries them. I got up to see him staring at me and I couldn't help but stare back at him. "Nate." I heard my brother call out. I looked up to see him frowning at me. "Right." I whispered. I was about to hand the books back but gosh. Poor thing. He can't carry that. He'll break his small body. He wasn't that muscular and looked pretty fragile. "I'll join you after." I answered. 'Poor thing's gonna carry that on his own.' I said through the mindlink. He nodded and left. I sighed. "Where were you going with them?" I asked the boy. He looked at me confused. "W..with what?" He asked stuttering. "Your books." I said dryly. His eyes widened. "Oh." He frowned. "Em... I don't know." He answered. I rose a brow at him. He looked down immediately. "Where do you want to go?" I asked. He looked up and then away. "To my locker." He answered. "What's the number?" He looked into his bag and got out a piece of paper before handing it to me. I took the books in one hand and the paper in the other. He just stared at me, wide eyed, as if waiting for the books to fall. I smirked and looked at the paper. "Right. It's not far from mine." I said. "I need to get something from my locker first and then we'll head to yours." He nodded and owed me as I walked to my locker. I opened it carefully and looked at the picture on the inside of the door. It was actually the only picture I had of my mate. It was a selfie of her, my twin and I. I sighed and grabbed my book before closing it back. I looked at the boy to see him staring at my locker. I frowned. "Who are they?" He asked quietly. "None of your business." I answered coldly, walking again. I moved on with my life, doesn't mean I'm comfortable speaking about her. He didn't talk again. I put the books in his locker and sighed. "I take it you're new here." I said looking at him. He was too busy checking me out to even listen to me. I sighed and waited for him to finish... I like the attention. Don't blame me. I smirked as his eyes went down my body, while he licked his lips slightly before looking back up and jumping slightly when he noticed I was staring at him. His cheeks became a full red while he tried covering himself up by turning his back to me. I chuckled. "I'm so s..sorry." He whispered. "No harm done." I answered. "As I was asking you," I started, turning him round, "are you new here?" He nodded. "I moved to live with my father." He answered. Ok. "Great. What's your schedule?" He handed me the paper. I nodded and smiled. "I'll walk you to your classroom so you don't get lost." I said walking. He nodded. "Thank you." He answered. He was practically skipping, I was walking to fast. I slowed down slightly. "How are you liking it here?" I asked to avoid the silence. "It's a nice town." He answered quietly. I chuckled. A nice town, indeed. "Don't get lost." I told him as we stopped in front of his classroom. He nodded and blushed slightly. "Thank you." He whispered before walking into the classroom. I sighed and joined Andre again. I sat next to him. "So what happened with the kid?" He asked. I chuckled. "He was completely lost. He had no idea where he was going. I had to walk him to his classroom." I said. He snorted. "Bet he checked you out. You could tell he wanted to when he bumped into you." I laughed. "He actually did!" He laughed. Oh my gosh. "You're such a mind reader." I said chuckling. He laughed. "Keeping that one for lunchtime." He added. I huffed. "Make sure the kid doesn't hear you. I wouldn't want to hurt his feelings." I said. He nodded. Class went by pretty quickly after that.

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