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A week passed by after that. My injury was still hurting but it was healing ok. I had to stay in bed the whole time. Andre and I were finally able to move into a bedroom each and it wasn't bad. And right now, I liked the silence. Because I had sent a message to Isaac but he hadn't answered and probably wasn't going to. He was human, not all humans can take the fact that myth animals can exist. Do exist. Which is why we keep it a secret. We don't want to scare them. But Isaac. Isaac was my mate and it hurt more because of that. "Nate." My brother called me from behind the bedroom door. I got up and opened the door. "I'm sure he'll be allover you when you arrive." He reassured. "He won't." I whispered taking my T-shirt off with struggle. My stomach was still hurting so I had to be careful. I put the shirt on before spraying myself with cologne. We walked downstairs to see everyone already having breakfast. "Hey." Logan greeted, smiling. "Hey, Logan." I whispered grabbing myself a plate and grabbing the food they had cooked. "He wasn't worth it." Len said. I huffed. "First time I ever felt like I was complete. I wanted him. More than anything." I sighed and looked at him before smiling. "It doesn't matter. Mates aren't for me. I was lucky to find a second one." I shrugged. "We should go." I said taking my keys and walking to the car. "You should talk to him." My brother said getting into the car. "No point. He's scared of me. He saw me kill people for God's sake. He's human and I won't force him back into my life. He needs to accept my life on his own. It's my fault. He left and it's my fault." I took a deep breath before sighing. I drove off to school, my mind drifting off to Isaac at every light. When we got in, I walked straight to my locker, ignoring my friends' glares. I got my stuff before walking to Isaac's locker. I smiled softly at the sight of him. "Hey." I whispered, hoping he'd talk to me. His eyes widened as he saw me. He slowly backed away, shaking his head frantically. I didn't bother running after him, because I knew it would only worsen things. I just watch him run off, my eyes stinging as tears threatened to come out. I walked to class and slumped back into my chair. "I take it he didn't want to see you." Andre said. I huffed. "He was scared of me, then ran away." He smiled sadly. I groaned. "I knew I shouldn't have asked him out in the first place. I knew I was going to get hurt." I took a deep breath. "He'll come back to you." Andre reassured me. I shook my head. "He won't. But I appreciate the effort." I said, feeling my heart ache literally. And the morning went by so slowly, and even slower when we had English and all I could do was stare at Isaac, laughing with another guy and his friend, Kate. Kate waved at me, smiling slightly. I looked away, not wanting Isaac to see the pain. Gosh. "Nate. Would you please continue." Eva asked, staring at me. I looked up confused. "Huh?" I frowned. "Continue." She repeated, glaring at me. I nodded and looked at Andre to see he had opened his book. I opened it and looked at the page number. "I would like it if you paid attention to my class." She deadpanned. I nodded slightly, glancing at Isaac. He looked ok actually. Pretty well in fact. "Yeah." I nodded. "Em... So where were we?" I asked her. She glared at me. "I just told you for God's sake!" She said annoyed. "I'm sorry." I whispered getting up. "I don't feel too well. Could I go to the nurse?" I asked. She nodded, smiling sadly. Of course she knew. "Take Isaac with you." She said out of nowhere. Perfect! I packed my bags and walked away before he could catch me. But he followed me behind. I sighed and walked to the nurse's office. And just when I hoped she wasn't there so I could go home, she's smiling brightly at me from her desk. "Not feeling so well?" She asked. I shook my head. It wasn't s lie. Just nothing physical, that's all. "I'll be right back." She whispered leaving. Great. Alone with someone who fears me. How flipping great is that?! "Where is it hurting?" He asked, his hands shaking from the fear. "Isaac, if you're so scared of me then leave. I don't want to scare or pain you." I said wanting him to kiss me but knowing it wasn't going to happen. "I'm n..not scared." He stammered, putting his hands into his pockets. "Don't lie to me, Isaac. You're scared of me. You saw me kill those people. For you they were just humans. So don't lie. I understand if you don't want to talk to me anymore, ok? You can leave whenever you want. Like now." I said, staring at him. He looked down before walking away. I laid down as I felt my eyes water. I cried silently while waiting for the nurse to come back. When she didn't come, I just decided to leave. I grabbed my back and walked back to class but stopped in front of the door. I took a deep breath. Ok. I knocked on the door before opening it. "There you are, Nate." Eva smiled. "I thought you got lost. Isaac came back 10 minutes ago." I nodded and walked to my seat. Andre frowned at me. "You've been crying." He stated. "For a slight second. Nothing to worry about." I told him, flashing a smile. He groaned. "I'm so going to kill him. How dare he do this to you?!" He said annoyed. "He's human, Andre. Humans don't know we exist, remember? So I understand he's scared and shocked." He shook his head in disbelief. "I don't know how you even keep your cool." He breathed out. I chuckled. "There's no point getting upset or mad at him. We weren't meant to be. That's all there is to it." I shrugged when the bell rang. We walked to lunch afterwards.

I couldn't help but follow Isaac with my eyes as he and his sister walked to our table. She grinned at us while Isaac just looked at me, terrified. He sat down, leaving an empty space between him and I. "Oh come on, Isaac. I know you two are on bad terms right now but it's not like he's some kind of monster, right?" Cleo said. How ironic was that... Isaac just glared at the chair next to me. I sighed. "Leave him be. He doesn't want to sit there. So what?" I asked, looking at Cleo. Why am I even taking his side? "Now it looks like he's the bad guy." She whined. "Just make him sit next to you. How hard is that?" She asked glaring at both of us. I glared at her. "Just leave him alone, ok? He's... Just leave him the hell alone." I said rolling my eyes at her. "Why are you even taking his side?" Andre asked, but meant to say it through the mindlink. I rolled my eyes before growling - making my case worst with Isaac because it was a wolf grown which meant that my wolf was slightly out and I didn't even know why - and getting up. "Leave him alone." I said, my voice graveled. I left immediately, wanting to calm myself down. I knew Andre had followed behind as I slammed any locker my eyes landed on. You could see the punch mark. But I didn't care. "Calm down!" I heard Andre yell, pushing me away. I stopped before frowning. A few people were glaring. "What is wrong with you? Letting your wolf out and all..." He trailed off. "I don't know." I whispered. "I just... We don't want to loose him. Gosh he's my freaking mate and I can't have him. And while everyone's there hugging and kissing their mate, I get to hug my pillow. I am cursed. I can't have a mate and it's making me mad. I loved him, Andre. I loved him." I hadn't even realised tears were dropping down my face. "I just want him to know that I'm not a bad person." I whispered, wrapping my arms around him before crying silently. He held me tightly, as he shushed me while rubbing my back. I soon calmed down, honestly not wanting to go back into the cafeteria. "You should go home." He whispered. I shook my head. "I'm fine. Just a little heartbroken. It'll pass." I reassured him. "I'll take you back home to mum and dad." He said. I chuckled. "Ok." I shrugged. He nodded. Logan came soon after, smiling sadly at me. "He honestly thinks a wolf with a mate would go killing people or stuff like that for fun. He doesn't get how loyal and caring we are to our mates." He huffed. I shrugged. "He's scared of me, Logan. Fear doesn't go quickly and on it's own." I said. "But hey, at least I know for sure that mates weren't meant for me." I said before leaving. I glanced inside the cafeteria, wanting to see Isaac one more time before I left. When we got to my parents' home, I burst into tears, and they just held me awkwardly in their arms.

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