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I walked down the empty hallways after my mother pushed me to go back to school again. She was right. I needed to go back there. No matter what or who was there. They were all shocked when I told them the news. Gumsmacked really. My eyes widened at the sight of Isaac holding another guy's hand. A guy I actually talked to a lot in the past. I frowned at them. "Nate!" Brandon cheered. "Finally back to school. What happened? Andre mentioned you being sick or something?" He asked. I nodded looking at Isaac. I didn't even know he was gay. "I was sick. Couldn't get out of bed for 6 weeks." I lied. He scrunched his nose up. "Must have been hell. I would have introduced you to Isaac but you know him, right?" He grinned. I nodded looking away. A lump was forming in my throat. "Yeah. I knew him." I whispered, knowing I used the passed tense. "Where are you two going?" I asked. He chuckled. "It's a secret. Don't tell the English teacher. She'll kill us." He said. "Yeah..." I trailed off. Isaac is going out with someone other than me. He's moved on. Fast. But he's my mate. He can't... "You ok?" I heard Isaac's soft voice ask. I looked down at him then huffed. "Was that question directed to me?" I asked, deadpanning. He looked away and just pulled his boyfriend away. His boyfriend who wasn't me. I sighed and went into the toilet to freshen up a bit. I can't go to school right now. I nearly wanted to kill the guy. My wolf wanted to tare his throat apart. That's how much I hated the fact that Isaac was with someone else. He's suppose to be mine, for God's sake. Mine only. I groaned and walked back out to see them on the grass, kissing their faces off while Brandon struggled to pull Isaac's pants down. I couldn't help but stare. And stare. Were they really going to go that far? I had only gotten to touching his skin and still, he'd tensed a lot. Other than that, we had only kissed. And sat close from eachother. I frowned when I heard Isaac whine and Brandon curse under his breath, pinning Isaac's hands over his head. He didn't look very... Excited? He looked rather scared. Not that I would know... I frowned when Brandon rushed to unbuckle his belt. Was he... Was he forcing himself Isaac? "You're hurting me." I heard Isaac whine, and I could almost feel his desperate need for Brandon to stop. Brandon's hand went down to Isaac's pants making him sob silently. That's it. He's going way too far. I walked rather rapidly towards them before pulling Brandon off with one hand. "You looking to f*** Isaac without his consent?" I asked through gritted teeth. Gosh was I angry when he just smirked. My fist landed in his face multiple time, not giving him time to hit me back. He fell to the ground, looking at me, pleading me to stop. "You want me stop?" I asked. His nose was probably broken. His face... Well screwed. He nodded quickly, whinning in pain. I punched him in the stomach when I felt my wolf come out a bit. "Touch him again and you will die." I growled at him. He looked at me wide eyed. I punched him in the stomach again. "Touch anyone like that again and I will kill you with my bare hands and no one will ever freaking know you even existed." I growled into his ear before punching his face. I punched him again and again, getting really angry. I was angry at Isaac and at him. Both. "Stop!" I heard Isaac yell for the hundredth time, making me realise I had lost control. I looked down to see Brandon whimpering and shivering. His face was seriously screwed. I felt so guilty. I stood up and ran a hand through my hair. What have I done? "I'm so sorry." I whispered to him. "I shouldn't have gone so far. Hell, if it wasn't for Isaac..." I trailed off not wanting to finish my sentence. What would have happened if he hadn't been yelling so much? I helped the guy up before sitting him on a bench. "Isaac call the ambulance." I whispered. "I'm gonna get some ice and stuff for his face." I added walking away. I ran to the nurse's office and asked her for ice - she gave me five packs of frozen pease - and bandages and water and a cloth which she gave me without any questioning. I frowned but didn't bother with it. I ran back down and started cleaning his face up. Gosh did I feel guilty. He grunted everytime it hurt which was like all the time. "I'm really sorry, Brandon." I whispered. I placed the bags on his cheeks before he held them to his sore cheeks. I held one to his nose and sighed whem the ambulance arrived. "What happened?" The woman asked, grimacing at his face. "He looks pretty..." She grimaced again. I sighed. "I didn't mean to go so far. I just... I was angry. He was... Isaac was helpless..." I looked down. "You beat him." She deadpanned. I shrugged. She shook her head in disbelief. "What did he do?" She asked. I looked at Isaac to see him shaking his head. "I don't want to talk about it." I said. Brandon looked up at me and sighed in relief. He knows what he's done anyway. I don't think he's gonna do that ever again. "Ok. I'm taking him to the hospital. Are you coming?" She asked. I shook my head. Isaac shook his head after. We watched the ambulance leave soon after. "You bruised your jaw a couple of times." Isaac stated. I looked at him before looking away. "You fought with my father." He then said. I sighed. "If it's to tell me I shouldn't have then too bad. It's done." I said staring at him. "And I didn't fight him. He hit me a few times. I did most of the hitting." I mumbled. "Why would you hit my father?" He asked eyes wide. I huffed. Why would I hit his father. "I don't know? Maybe because he hit you, no?" I deadpanned. He looked away and sighed. "I didn't ask you to. I didn't want you to. Like I didn't want you to beat the freaking shit out of Brandon." He said annoyed. I closed my eyes and sighed. "First of all, your father beat you because you're a transsexual... Transsexual. So it's just wrong. And Brandon tried to sexually assault you. So he deserved a good old beating. Regrets everything now." I answered, crossing my arms. He rolled his eyes. "You would have killed him if it wasn't for me." He said, stepping back slightly. I just watched him as he became tense and he fidgeted with his fingers. "I didn't." I whispered. "I didn't kill him. But it doesn't matter. Because you still think I'm a killer." He looked up at me. "That's not true." He defended. I huffed. "Don't lie, Isaac. You've done enough of that anyway." I answered. His eyes widened as he looked away. "I was going to tell you at one point." He whispered. "One point doesn't come, Isaac. I talked about her... You for God's sake. I thought Isaya had disappeared forever. You could have told me anytime. You could have told me when I first saw you." He shrugged. I sighed. "What do you expect me to do, Isaac? You lied about your identity. You were a girl. The girl who was my mate for freaking's sake. I found my mate at 14 years old and I shouldn't have found her for another 4 years. I thought I was blessed. Until she left without saying a word. Leaving me crying for two months. Moping for 4 and changing my whole lifestyle until now. I changed my name. I didn't even like the name Nate at the beginning. But my name, Nathanael, sounded so good coming out of her mouth that I didn't want to hear it out of someone else's. It was you. The whole time. You remember me. You know me from before. I was depressed and..." I took a deep breath. "I thought I lost her for good. And then you came along. And I thought you were cute. And funny. And I liked to see you blush. And then Andre told me to go for it and I did. I thought I had found a second mate and we all thought it was so weird. It was the first time ever it had happened. Nothing like that in ancient history. I thought I was lucky. Turns out I only had one mate all along. You could have told me. I wouldn't have rejected you. I couldn't have. Rejecting a mate would turn a wolf miserable. You see, our mate is the center of our world, Isaac. It's like you can't function without her or him. Your life's goal is to make her or him happy. To love him or her. To... To make my smell yours and to make your smell mine. Having a mate for a wolf is binding eachother's heart. It's becoming one, a unity. When wolves and mates are reunited, it's like the definition of true love itself. Because there is only one mate of a kind. And you are mine." I breathed out. "But I won't keep you hostage. You'll be unhappy if you become my mate, fully. You rejected me a while ago anyways. I loved our time together by the way. I'll cherish it with all my heart. And I hope you find someone that truly makes you happy and loved." I finished before walking away, knowing he wouldn't stop me.

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