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"I'm going to school, Andre. I don't care what you think. I'm fed up of sitting around the house all day long." I said exasperated by all his ranting. He groaned at me. "You woke up two days ago!" I rolled my eyes. "I'm not asking." I said firmly, taking my bag. He huffed and pushed me away. I smiled, knowing I won the argument. We got into the car straight after before driving off. "Have you thought about what the Alpha proposed?" Andre asked. I shook my head. "Not yet. You?" I looked at him. He simply shrugged. I sighed. "We need to talk to the pack after we've decided. Hear them out." I said. He nodded in agreement. "It's a good idea." Andre said looking straight at the road. I chuckled. "It is. But there are so many things to see after that. Like are we going to be tree Alphas? Do they even have enough space? What about those who don't want to from both packs? There are just so many questions. And sure, they're all really nice and really welcoming. But to the point of making us apart of them? I don't know." I said, sighing deeply. He smiled. "Couldn't have chosen someonenelse to talk to about this." He huffed. I laughed. "If only he could." I answered. We arrived soon after. "I'll meet you in class." I told him before walking to Isaac's locker. I frowned when I didn't see him. I took my phone out and sent him a message.

'Where are you? Waiting at your locker, ❤'

I put the phone back into my pocket and waited. I smiled as Andre passed by. "Isn't there yet?" He asked. I shook my head. "Probably late." I answered, even though Isaac was never late for anything. That, I know. I sighed when the bell rang. He probably went straight to class. I walked to my maths class and sat next to Andre. "Left without saying hello?" Andre mocked. I huffed. "Shut up, Andre. It's our routine." He chuckled. "When are you gonna mate anyway? Have you even read that book mum got you for Christmas?" He asked. I glared at him. "We're not talking about my sex life." I said looking to the teacher who just walked in. I sighed when he started writing on the board. "It's his birthday in a week so I wanted to make an early start and get him his first present." I told Andre. He smiled. "What was that gonna be?" He asked. "A great Italian restaurant." I pouted. He laughed silently. "Ok. Well you tell me when you see him, ok?" I huffed once again. "We're seeing him at lunch time." I said. But lunch time came, and Isaac was nowhere to be seen, nor was his sister for a matter of factly. "That's weird." Andre said frowning. "You sent him a message?" He asked. I nodded. "This morning. He hasn't answered yet." I said looking around before sitting down. "His car probably broke down or something. I'm sure he's fine." Logan said reassuringly. I nodded. "Yeah." I breathed out. He smiled at me. I smiled back before eating. "So what are we going to do?" Len asked. I shrugged. "I don't know. It's rather generous what they're offering. I mean, sharing your home with another pack is a big thing. And I just don't want to let anyone down." I whispered. "Gosh I hope we don't let anyone down." Andre gasped. "But I honestly think we should join their pack. We'll still be Alpha because the pack is going to be huge. But we need the help and support. And I'm sure their territory is big enough for everyone." Andre added. I nodded and sighed. "Plus, we'll save up money by doing so." Logan added. I chuckled. "Yeah. I'm still not convinced though." Andre sighed. "I am. And you should really be too because it's our best option." I nodded. "I'll think about it. We'll talk this weekend anyway. Talk to Eva about it. She's pretty good at weighing both sides." I said getting up. "What about Isaac?" He asked getting up before following me as I put my dishes in the bin before walking away. "I don't think he's ready for that. He's still a bit scared, I would say. And confused too. I don't want him to regret anything." I said smiling slightly. "I don't know how you can be so patient." He said. I chuckled. "He's human. I have to." I said softly. He smiled before we walked into English. "Isaac isn't here yet?" I heard Kate, his best friend ask. I shook my head. "Didn't show up this morning." I said then frowned. "Yet?" I asked her. She nodded. "He said he just had car problems and his dad was going to take him and his sister to school. He probably left before they could ask." She shrugged. "His dad hardly leaves his workshop." I informed her. She shrugged again. I frowned. "And he doesn't open until 9:00." I added. "Stop thinking, Nate. He's fine." Andre said rolling his eyes. I sighed and nodded. "Yeah. I'm overthinking everything." I said but frowned again. "He answered to your message this morning?" I asked Kate who sat in front of us. "Yeah. Why?" She asked smiling. I got up and packed my bag. "Because he's scared I might lash out on him for God's sake." I rushed out of the room cursing. Andre followed, running behind me. "What's wrong?" He asked as we got into the car. I drove off hurriedly. "He's in trouble. I know it. And I'm 90 percent sure it's got to do with his father." I said as I stopped abruptly as we arrived at the workshop. I ran to the from door and knocked on the door. No answer. I groaned and knocked again. "Open up Elijah!" I yelled. I heard shuffling but the door didn't open. Andre gave a hard kick into it before walking in. I walked in behind him and stopped at the sight of Elijah. "Where's Isaac?" I asked through gritted teeth. "School." He said frowning. I glared at him. "I'm not asking twice, Elijah. Where. The. F***. Is. He.!" I said angrily. I looked away, hands shaking a little. "He's disgusting." He muttered. I smiled as Andre's fist flung into his face. "You better be talking about yourself." He groaned. I walked away and went into the rooms but they weren't there. I was really getting pissed up. I flung stuff everywhere as I looked for him. "Where is he?!" I yelled as I jumped at Elijah's throat. He fell down to the floor and I started punching him in the face. "You better answer me, Elijah." I growled as my wolf came out slightly. He shivered in fear and pointed at the rufe with a shaky hand. I punched him one more time before looking for the stairs to the attic. I sighed in relief as I found the stairs. I ran up and looked around. It was so dark in it but his smell was close so he was definitely here somewhere. "Isaac." I shouted. I didn't hear anything. I frowned and walked around until I heard a sob. "Cleo?" I questioned. "Nate?!" I heard her voice exclaim. I walked to the back and gasped at the sight of Isaac's body in her arms. "F***ing asshole." I said angrily as I looked at Isaac. He was barely conscient. "Isaac." I whispered, holding his hand. He whimpered. Gosh. His body was bruised allover. He looked awful. I took him in my arms and helped Cleo up. She cried silently. "Let's get you two out of here." Andre said looking at Cleo. We walked down to see Elijah staring at us. "Get some clothes for you and your brother." I told her. She nodded and left. I growled at Elijah. "You can't do anything to me." He said strongly. "Oh yeah? You wanna try that line now?" I asked him. Andre rolled his eyes and punched him hardly in the face making him fall unconscious. It's only after that I realised that there was a broken chair with blood on it. Isaac's blood on it. I groaned. Andre called the police and ambluance soon after. They took him to the station while we headed to the ambulance. "Take Cleo to the community. Stay with her. Get Eva to come if you want. She needs to rest." I told Andre. He nodded and smiled sadly, looking at Isaac's vulnerable, bruised and weak body. I sighed and nodded at him before layingbIsaac onto the bed the ambulance had given me. They put him in the ambulance and I joined them. I whimpered a few times and all I could do was hold his hand reassuringly. "Hold on, Isaac. You'll be alright." I said softly. He whined in pain. I kissed his cheek gently and sighed. We got to the hospital soon after. They brought him to the trauma center or ER, I don't know. They did what doctors did before walking towards my standing body at the entrance. "Good thing is, he doesn't need surgery." One of them said. I sighed in relief. "Thank God." I whispered. They smiled sadly. "Do you have his parents phone number?" The woman asked. I shook my head. "His mum died and his father isn't a good choice at all." I told them. "Anyone close? An aunt maybe?" They asked. I shrugged. "I really don't know. I'm sorry." I frowned. "I don't knits if he has any aunts or uncles." I whispered to myself. I'm so lame. "He needs a lot of rest. He can't leave his bed or he might cause damage. He has a broken leg and badly bruised ribs. The bruises on his face and stomach will heal more easily." The man said. I nodded glancing at Isaac. "Is he your boyfriend?" He asked. I nodded. "He is." I answered smiling. "He is." I repeated. "I'd like you to fill up a few forms." The woman then said. I nodded. "Ok." I whispered. "Is he going to be ok?" I asked, frowning in worry. "He will be." She said nodding. I nodded and followed her to fill in the forms.

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