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I woke up to cramps allover my body. I groaned and rolled over, wincing as my body hit the floor. Crap. I forgot I was on the sofa. I got up and steadied myself before walking up the stairs sleepily. "Morning Alpha." One of the kids said. "Hey. Sleep well?" I asked. He nodded. "You?" I shrugged. "Could have been better. I think we should change the settee. It's getting hard." I said smiling. He chuckled. I walked upstairs and into my room before slumping into my bed, eyes widening as I heard a gasp coming from Isaac. "Crap!" I cursed moving away. "Sorry. I forgot you were here." I groaned getting up. "You don't seem like you slept well." He said sleepily. "Sofa's hard." I cleared. He chuckled. "Where are your clothes?" He asked. I frowned and looked down. I was only in boxers. "I'm too tired to think right now, Isaac." I mumbled, climbing into the bed next to him before closing my eyes. He giggled and kissed my lips. "Sleep well then." He whispered. I nodded before falling asleep again.

I whined as I heard someone whispered my name. I want to sleep. "Nathanael." I heard Isaac whisper again. I opened my eyes and glared at him. "Why do you use that name?" I asked. He shrugged. "I like it." He simply said. I sighed and closed my eyes. "Still tired." I muttered. He giggled. "Get up. It's 11 o'clock." He said. I sat up and sighed. He smiled. "Sleep well?" I asked him. He nodded. I nodded. "So I was wondering..." I started frowning. "And you really don't have to answer, I was really just wondering..." I paused. "Do you like have a..." I frowned. This is so uncomfortable. "A..." I lowered my voice. "Vagina? Or did you change to a penis?" I asked. His eyes widened as his cheeks became red. Crap. "You know what? Forget what I just said. Just pretend I was sleeping and I just woke up. Gosh. What was I thinking?!" I said quickly. I am so stupid. "A penis." He replied. I nodded slowly. "Cool." I said casually. Cool? Seriously!? I laid back down and sighed. He laid down next to me and smiled. I kissed his lips softly. "Sorry." I whispered. He shrugged. "So the book your mum handed you yesterday..." He said, his eyes wondering to my desk. I laughed nervously. "Christmas present. Because she said I need to cultivate myself on gay sex." I cleared out. His eyes widened before he smiled brightly. I frowned. "That's sweet." He said softly. I grimaced. "It's not sweet. My mother is too much into other's relationships. It's awful. I haven't even opened the book yet." I huffed, obviously I did read the book. Started it anyway. He chuckled. "I meant it's sweet that you're trying to 'cultivate' yourself for me." He said kissing my lips. I smiled and kissed him back. "Did you learn anything?" He asked. "You're just gonna have to wait." I said smirking down at him. He chuckled kissing my lips. He wrapped his arms around my neck as I climbed over him. "You wanna show me something now?" He whispered into my ear. I inhaled a sharp breath as I nodded. My lips crashed against his again as my hands traveled his whole body. He moaned softly as I lowered myself onto him. I stopped and frowned at him. "So do you have like sperm or does nothing come out?" I asked all of a sudden. He glared at me. "Sorry." I whispered. He sighed and pushed me away. "We need to clear things out." He said. I nodded, sitting up. "I was born with two genders." He started. "I've heard about those kind of people." I muttered. "Yeah. So I have the interior of a man, but had the outside of a girl." I nodded for him to continue. He sighed and closed his eyes. "All they had to do was physically change me. I didn't have breasts to remove so that's already a surgery less." He finished smiling. I nodded. "So did your mum help you through all of this?" I asked. He stiffened and nodded. "With my sister." I nodded. "Ok. Anymore questions?" He asked. "No, I'm good for now." I said. He chuckled and kissed my lips. I straddled his waist between my legs before leaning forward to kiss him. He chuckled and kissed me back. I trailed my lips down his neck, nibbling onto the soft skin at sometimes, making him moan softly. I kissed his lips again, lowered my lower half so that our parts would brush. He inhaled a sharp breath as he kept his eyes on me. I kissed his lips again, grinding slowly over him. He moaned softly while his hands trailed down my chest. I kissed his lips and bit onto his lower lip slightly. His eyes closed as he moaned softly, the sound coming out of his slightly opened mouth. I pressed my lips against his, pressing my body against his again as I grinding over him. My lips trailed down his neck, while his hands moved to my chest. I hadn't even realised he didn't have any bottoms on except his boxers. My hands moved to his waist, lifting up his T-shirt slightly, when he pushed me away. I frowned at him. He smiled apologetically. I nodded unstandingly. "Get dressed. Shower's right behind that door." I said pointing at my left before getting up. I sighed and grabbed some clothes before walking out the room. I took my shower on the second floor and walked back to my room afterwards. He was still in his shower. I sighed and laid onto the bed, closing my eyes. I wish he wasn't scared of me. I wish I could do something to help him not be scared of me. I took a deep breath and rolled onto my stomach so that I could go on my phone. I started playing a game when I felt someone jump over me. I gasped as I felt an arm wrap around my neck. I jumped backwards into the wall so that the person would fall and turned around to see a grinning vampire. Holy crap. I groaned as he lunged himself at me, biting me in the neck as he did so. I winced before pushing him away. "INTRUDER!" I yelled before punching him in the face. My eyes widened as the bathroom door opened. I closed it back immediately, kicking the guy in the stomach. "Lock the door, Isaac!" I exclaimed before punching the guy. I gasped when two others came into my room. Oh my gosh. "Guys!" I yelled, calling everyone. No one was answering. I grabbed the lamp before swinging it around them. Gosh. I ran to my wardrobe and got a woodstick before hitting them with it. They laughed at me. I growled at them. "Don't you think you can get away." I told them before hitting them. I won't get through this unless I changed. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. They freaking stabbed me again. I growled as I let my wolf out completely, changing before attacking them. I let my wolf be in complete control over me as he attacked them. He started tearing ones neck, making him die instantly. The other two were thrown out the closed window, which only meant that the window had broken. I trutted out of the room to see if the coast was clear. It is. I howled one long time, signaling the wolves from the pack, before walking back into the room. I changed immediately, groaning as I clutched my stomach. I heard the door open and Isaac gasp straight after. "I'm ok." I whispered. This is uncomfortable. I'm naked. I sat up slightly, groaning in pain. I looked down to see blood allover the place. I heard some things falling down making me look up to see Isaac staring at me wide eyed. I frowned at him. "Look at your mouth!" He gasped. Crap. Crap. Crap. I looked away and walked to the bed and wrapped myself in the sheet. "We need to find the others." I told him before walking away. He followed me down the stairs. The place was deserted. I frowned and opened the front door, gasping at the sight in front of me. "Shit." I muttered. "Isaac. Follow me." I ordered him, running up the stairs. I grabbed my arc and the bow before crawling to the window. I started shooting at the vampires I could see. "What's happening?" Isaac asked, fear in his voice. "We're being invaded." I whispered looking at him. "I need you to get me some clothes." I said. He nodded and ran to the wardrobe. I dropped the arc and grabbed a piece of sheet before wrapping it around my chest. I put the boxers Isaac handed me on before putting some clothes on. "You trust me?" I asked him. He nodded slowly. "I need you to be sure." I said seriously. He nodded. "Jump on my back." I said firmly. He did as I told him. I walked out the window and gripped onto the sides of the wall. "Nathanael." He whispered. "Shh." I shushed him before handing him my arc. He took it saying nothing. I climbed onto the roof before grabbing my arc. "Don't move." I whispered before shooting all the vampires I could see. I could feel him shiver on my back. I winced at my stomach. "You're hurting." He whispered. "I'm ok." I said before gasping as I felt a slight push from behind. I gripped onto the end of the roof top before we could fall. "Hold onto me Isaac." I said before looking up. The women was freaking grinning at me. I growled at her before letting myself go, bringing Isaac in front of me and changing as I hit the floor. I cried out in pain as Isaac just stared at me wide eyed. I got up, before licking his face slightly. He frowned. "Nate." He whispered. I bowed my head and forearms at him before attacking someone that was approaching us. I changed back before helping Isaac up and pushing him into the house. "Stay here." I ordered as I ran upstairs, slipping on a pair of boxers and shorts. I grabbed some shoes before putting some wooden sticks into a bag with a few clothes just in case. I ran back towards him and pulled him out. "I'm taking you to a safe place." I told him, before knocking onto the metal door. "Open up!" I yelled. It opened. I pushed Isaac in and smiled. "Stay there. I'll come back for you." I whispered before handing him the bag. "Defend yourself if you have to." I told him before closing the door and changing so that I could kill those sons of bî@tches.

I don't know how long it has been, but we soon fought them off, with unfortunately two deaths on our side and many injured people, me being one of them. I put some clothes on very quickly before walking to where all the children, disabled people, elders or pregnant women and women who weren't soldiers were. I knocked on the door loudly and took a deep breath. "You can come out!" I yelled clutching onto my stomach. Gosh does this hurt. The door opened and I smiled when the first one who came out was Isaac. "Nathanael." He gasped. "You're ok." He said relieved. I nodded before hugging him. He hugged me back and smiled. "Where are they?" He asked. "Dead on the floor." I muttered. He tensed slightly. "We need to move." I heard Andre say softly. I nodded. "I know." I said taking a deep breath. "We need to leave our home." I said sadly. "Logan and Len went to the neighbor pack to see if they knew any places for us to be. Hopefully, they'll say yes." I nodded. I turned to everyone who had gathered around us. "Go to the center please. We need to talk seriously. Check out all the damage done. We'll be there in a minute." I said. They all started leaving. I groaned as I held onto Isaac. "Call the doctor." I told Andre. He frowned but nodded. Isaac frowned, looking worried. I kissed his lips softly. "You ok?" I asked him. "You saved my life." He whispered. I frowned. "Back on the roof." He cleared. "You let yourself drop first instead of me." He said. I smiled. "I did." I answered. "You look scary as a wolf." He mumbled. I chuckled. "I'm sorry for today. It wasn't suppose to go like this." I pouted. He chuckled and smiled. "It's ok." He shrugged. I took a deep breath before lifting the T-shirt up a bit. I grimaced at the sight of my bloody stomach. "Nate." Damien yelled. "Doctor. Thank God." I gasped. "Stabbed again." I whispered as I felt myself fall onto the floor. "Stabbed." I whispered before drifting out of consciousness.

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