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I opened my eyes slowly to realise I had fallen asleep on the chair. I yawned and wince at the slight pain that rang in my jaw. Gosh. I'm never sleeping like this again. I got up and stretched before sitting back down. I smiled at the sight of Isaac. "Did I wake you up?" I asked softly. He shook his head. "I woke up an hour ago." He informed me. "Pain?" I asked. He smiled at me. "Have you been here since I fell asleep?" He asked softly. I nodded before smiling at him. "How are you feeling?" I asked holding his hand. He took a deep breath and shrugged. "Hurt." He said as his voice cracked a little. I kissed his lips softly. "It'll be ok. He can't touch you any longer." I whispered. He nodded slowly. I sighed.

It had been a week since he was in the hospital and the doctors said he could go home soon. He still felt bad. And sad. His sister had visited everyday but we forced her to go home at night and school in the day. She needed to stay focused for school. Focused and in good health. Because Isaac was 18, social services accepted to let him take care of his 15 year old sister. His father was back into the psych hospital, he had stopped taking his medication.

"Nathanael." He whispered softly. I looked at him and smiled. "Can you lay down next to me?" He asked looking down. I nodded and took my shoes off before climbing onto the bed. I covered us both with the covers and wrapped him in my arms. "Aren't you hungry?" I asked him. He shook his head and wrapped his arms around my neck. I smiled and kissed his lips. "You'll be able to leave soon." I told him. He burried his head in my chest. "I don't want to leave." He said as I heard cries coming out of his mouth. I held him close to me and rubbed his back gently. "It's ok. You'll be with me, in the blue moon pack's house. It'll be fine. No one will hurt you there." I whispered in his ear. He took a deep breath before sighing. "I love you, Isaac." I said kissing his cheek. He nodded and kissed my lips. "Can we go and eat?" He asked. I chuckled at him. "Sure." I said getting out of the bed and putting my shoes back on. I helped him out of the bed before kissing his lips. He giggled and kissed my laps softly. I smiled at him. I took his hand into mine before walking out of the room. We walked to the small cafeteria before sitting down at one of the tables. "I'll get us some food. Stay there." I said kissing his lips before walking to the food isle to get us some breakfast. I decided to get two bowls of cereal and some juice before going back to the table. "Thank you." He whispered as I handed him his cereal. I simply smiled. "You know you don't have to do this if you don't want to." He informed me, frowning. I frowned back. "Why wouldn't I want to look after you?" I asked. He shrugged. "I love you Isaac. I'm taking care of you." I said looking at him. He smiled. "Are you gonna pay for my education too?" He asked sarcastically. I chuckled. "Could do. Would do." I answered smiling. He huffed. I smiled. "Do you know which university you're gonna apply for?" I asked him. He shrugged. "Not really." He whispered. Unfortunately, we were interrupted by the doctor. "Isaac. Nate." He greeted. I smiled at him. He turned to Isaac. "Good news: you can go home whenever you want, in the day, as long as you check out before leaving. Bad news: you need to rest for another week minimum." He said. Isaac pouted but nodded. The doctor left soon after. I chuckled at his face and kissed his lips. He kissed me back, wrapping his arms around my neck. I brought him closer to me and swept my tongue onto his lips. He parted them as soon as he felt my tongue. I smiled into the kiss before breaking it off. His eyes were still closed as his breath fanned my face. "I miss you being wrapped in my arms." I confessed. He blushed and pecked my lips. "Me too." He said. I smiled before we headed back to his hospital room. "You have some clothes in the wardrobe here." I told him reaching out for them. "Thank you." He said smiling. I kissed his lips. "Need help?" I asked, knowing his chest and sides still hurt. "I'm ok." He whispered. I nodded. And I just realised I've never seen his chest or any part of his body without any clothes on. In PE, he changed in the toilet. Which I thought was a bit weird but I didn't bother about it. I don't know why he'd be insecure though. "Sure?" I asked softly. "Sorry. I just don't..." He trailed off looking down. Then realisation hit me and my eyes widened as it did. "Is it because you're not very muscled?" I asked. "No, it's not that." He said shrugging. "Please. Just... I won't be long." He said rather quickly. I decided to leave it at that. I walked out of the room without another word. I sighed. What would he be embarrassed about? My eyes widened as I heard him cry in pain. I instantly ran into the room, not knowing why I thought he'd be in trouble when I was clearly the only one around. "What's wrong?!" I asked alarmed. He was only in boxers and it's then that I realised that he cried out because his chest was hurting. He wasn't moving, and perhaps it was because I was there, but I couldn't take my eyes off of his body. I just stared at him and devored what was in front of my eyes. I could feel myself getting hard and my wolf coming out. It was such a beautiful view, I just wanted to make him mine straight away. Surround him with my scent. And I only tore my eyes from his body when I heard him cry. My eyes widened as he slumped down to the floor. I crawled towards him and frowned. "Are you crying because I came in? Because I saw your body?" I asked confused. "Don't cry Isaac. Please. Don't cry." I whispered taking him in my embrace. I made him cry. "Isaac." I whispered, as my wolf came out slightly. I can't stop him. It's like I need to make love to him. I breathed heavily as I trailed my nose down his neck. Gosh he smells so nice. I licked my lips before pressing them to his skin. "N..Nate." He started. I hummed, climbing over his waist. I started grinding over him while my lips trailed down his neck. He moaned softly. Gosh. I kissed him down his chest slowly, looking up at him everynow and then. I kissed his lips again before inhaling his scent deeply. "I need you so much." I whispered, trailing my teeth down his neck. "I can't control myself." I then said, closing my eyes. "Wh..what are you doing?" He stuttered. "Relax. I'm not going to hurt you." I whispered. I felt him relax which made me smile. I instantly dug my teeth into his neck, making him wince quite loudly. Oh gosh. Now I want more. I kept my teeth inside his skin, trailing my hands down his body. I removed my mouth from between his shoulder and his neck before licking my lips and the bite marks. "Now you left me wanting for more." I whispered as I kissed his lips passionately. I need to mate with him so much. I need it before it's too late. "Nathanael." He said softly. I took a deep breath before pulling away from him. I opened my eyes and stared at him. "We need to leave the hospital, remember?" He said crawling backwards. I nodded. I freaked him out. What the hell did I do? I just freaked him out so much. Hell, I started the mating process. Without his consent. He maybe didn't want to. Gosh. I'm so terrible. I got up slowly, straightening my clothes. I pushed my wolf back but concerning my erection, it was still prominent. I left the room to let him dress without any disturbances. When he was done, he simply nodded at the exit before starting to walk which felt awful. I mean, I was aroused. I couldn't help it. It's... It's natural instinct to a wolf. Plus the fact that he wasn't talking or looking or smiling at me, which made me think that I ruined it all. Which I probably did. He's freaked out. I wouldn't blame him. I signed some papers to discharge him, since I was already 18, before leaving the building. We got into the car silently. I tried talking to him but he just kept looking away. At one point, I placed my hand over his but he snatched it out of my grip. That's when I realised that I really screwed things up. I wanted to apologize, but I couldn't bring myself to speak. Soon we arrived and he rushed out of the car, hurting himself in the process. I ran to his side and went to hold him by the waist but he pushed me away and mumbled something like "I don't need your help." I looked down and nodded. "I'm sorry." I whispered but as I looked up, he was already running inside the house. He found his sister straight away and they both ran off somewhere. "What's wrong?" Andre asked, frowning at me. I closed the door and sighed. "I screwed things up." I confessed. He rolled his eyes. "Seriously, Andre. I..." I looked away. He frowned. "You mated?" He asked. "No. But I could have done if I didn't have a little bit of self control." I said. He bursted into laughter. I sighed. "He's freaked out Andre. He didn't want me to hold him or help him out of the car." I said. "You sound frustrated. You have blue balls?" He asked mockingly. I huffed. "I freaking had an erection for an hour and 15 minutes. I'm not joking. And it was only the sight of the pack's house that made it go away. Because I didn't want anyone to see me like this but..." I rolled my eyes and groaned. "I started the mating process while he cried in my arms." I informed him. "I don't know why he was crying. But he was. And he was in boxers only and I just couldn't help it." Andre just stared at me. "I'll talk to him if you want. You better not sleep in the same room as him tonight. Or any night until you do something about this. You wouldn't want to freak him out again." Andre said. I nodded. "I'll sleep downstairs on the sofa." I said. He nodded before leaving. I groaned. I am such an asshole.

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