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I walked up the stairs silently, not wanting to wake up everyone. It was quite early in the morning but it was time for Isaac to take his medication. They were mostly to help him recover faster, which was actually possible because he was missing something in his blood or whatever and it was essential to his faster recovery. I decided to get him something to eat at the same time, only cake that Eva had made. I took a glass of orange juice and water before putting the lot in a tray. I held the tray with one hand while taking my phone in the other. After arriving up the stairs, I knocked on the door but couldn't go in after. It was like I was scared of his reaction. Scared he'd freak out. I looked up when the door opened. Isaac looked like he just woke up. I smiled apologetically. "Medication time. I got you some food with it." I said handing him the tray. "Thank you." He whispered taking it. I nodded. I opened my mouth to says sorry but he closed the door before I could even call him back. I just stared at it for a while. "I'm always gonna screw things up." I mumbled to myself before walking back downstairs. I sighed. I should try and talk to him. Explain myself. Ask... Beg for forgiveness. I nodded to myself before walking back to his - originally my - room. I knocked on the door a second time and waited for him to open it. But he didn't. I waited five minutes. And maybe he fell asleep but I could hear footsteps and he just didn't want me around. "I'm sorry." I whispered, talking to myself, because Isaac wasn't there. I stayed for another 5 minutes, and then 10. But he just stayed in the room, hidden. I knocked again, hoping the third time was my lucky one. But it wasn't. I sighed and headed back downstairs to get a pen and paper. I wrote 'I'm sorry' on it before passing it under the door, in the space between the carpet and the door itself. But he just sent the paper back straight away. I smiled. He's still there though. 'Can we talk?' I asked on the paper before giving it. It came back scrunched up. I groaned in frustration. "Isaac." I said firmly. No answer. I got up and took a deep breath before walking into the room. His eyes widened at the sight of me. "I'm sorry. I truly am. But..." I trailed off when he walked into his bed, arms crossed. "And you don't care." I whispered to myself. "Great. Now I screwed my chance of being with my mate again." I mumbled leaving the room. There was no point talking to him. I slumped down into the settee and frowned at the sight of Andre. "You can't barge into his room like that." He informed me. I huffed. "What am I suppose to do? Let him be? Let him go like I've let Isaya go? Pretend us never existed?" I asked, feeling tears threatening to come out. "I love him, Andre. And I tried so hard to forget Isaya. I tried so hard to make my life as normal as possible without a mate. Without the hurt and the pain. Without the constant questions. I can't do that again. I've known Isaac for too long. I... I can't forget about him." I wiped a tear from my cheek. "The worst part is, I don't even think he loves me." I told him. He frowned at me. "He never said it back. He's never shown me a single part of his body, not even in PE. He was scared of me not long ago. He... I doubt he even loves me." I confessed, shrugging. Andre just stared at me. I smiled at him. "If he wants to leave, he needs to leave in the following week. It hurts too much otherwise." I said as a few tears fell down my face. I wiped them away. "I'll get him an apartment near the school or something. And I'll get someone to check up on them everynow and then." I finished getting up. "You're just going to give up?" Andre asked, mouth slightly open. "I've lost him once. If I have to lose him again, then it better be soon. I just can't do it. He doesn't... Us is not working anymore. And probably never did. But I'm happy for the moments we did share." I said smiling. "You started the mating process." He deadpanned. "If you don't finish it..." He trailed off hurt in his eyes. "I know." I nodded. He just stared at me. "Don't talk to him about this or about any of this. Don't talk to him about wolves or me. And certainly not about what happens when one doesn't finish the mating process." I told him. "What about me?" He asked wide eyed. "I love you Andre, but I can't force him to love me. He doesn't love me. And that's worst." I answered. "I know you understand, Andre." I said. He nodded and walked away. I wiped the tears falling from my eyes. It's the only way, I reminded myself.

"Make sure he takes his medication at 7am everyday. He only had a month left. If he's in pain, paracetamol is fine. One every six hours." I told Cleo. She nodded. "Also, he needs food with the meds. He has an appointment with the doctor in a months time." I continued. She chuckled and nodded. "I honestly don't know why this is all happening. We might as well stay here. You seem like you've mastered everything. You're taking care of him much better than I ever will." She said smiling. I looked down and nodded. "Talk to you soon." I told her. She nodded. "Take care of yourself, Nate. And same goes to you Andre." She said. I smiled. "Take care of him. And make sure he's happy." I said. "You too of course." I added. She chuckled. "Will do. I wish you'd change your mind. You obviously love him." She said softly. I inhaled deeply. "I do. Which is why I need to do this." I answered. "I can't keep you both hostage now can I?" I asked joking. She chuckled. "Bye." She waved before leaving. I watched her leave with Isaac. He didn't even look back once. Ever. I sighed and closed the front door. Mum and dad are gonna hear about this pretty fast." Andre muttered making me nod slowly. "And by the time they find out, they won't be able to reverse the effects. Which is what I want. Because if Isaac was to find out, he'd run back to me only because he doesn't want me to die. Not because he loves me." I told him. He frowned. "It already started, didn't it? He took too long, which is why your wolf was so eager to have him at the hospital." I smiled. "I didn't realise straight away. But it's pretty accurate. He doesn't need to know. If he ever asks for me when I'm dead, tell him a vampire killed me while I was having a walk." I said. He nodded. I smiled. "Do you feel any different?" He asked me. "Tired. A bit weak but I'm ok for now." I answered. He looked down. "I wish you wouldn't do this." He whispered. I hugged him tightly. "I know. But I don't have a choice." He tightened his grip around my shoulders. "I love you, Nate." He cried. "I love you too." I whispered, holding him as he cried. "Last water fight?" I suggested. He cheered yelling allover the house. I laughed. A few of the blue moon pack joined us and our friends too. "How is everything doing?" I heard the Alpha ask. I smiled at him. "Great." I answered. "I couldn't help but wonder why your mate was leaving." He said looking at me. "You're bright, old man." I told him. He chuckled. "I'm 27." He deadpanned. "I'm 18." I said grinning. "Be careful, Alpha Nate." He said. "You don't want to regret anything." I nodded. "There's nothing to regret. It started a couple of weeks ago anyway. It's just a matter of time before my body starts to fall." I answered. "He never accepted to become your mate?" He asked frowning. I shook my head. "He wasn't ready. I don't blame him." I said shrugging. "A lot of people will." He informed me. "My brother won't." I said smiling at him. "You joining us?" I asked. He shook his head. "I'm too old for this." He joked. I laughed. "Ha! I told you you were old!" I exclaimed. He rolled his eyes at me. I grinned before running to my friends. I grabbed a bucket of water before throwing it around. I laughed at their faces. This is so going to be fun...

But short unfortunately. After ten minutes of just running around and throwing buckets of water allover them, I crashed to the floor as my body weakened. I groaned. Oh gosh. "Nate." Andre shouted, running towards me. "I'm fine." I assured him, sitting up. Alpha Roman came and sighed. "Let's get you standing." He said before nodding at Andre. They both helped me up but I could only partially feel my legs. "You want to call your mate?" He asked. I shook my head. "No thank you. I let him go for a reason. It's just like that sometimes. I found my mate but had to let him go in the end." I shrugged ad they practically dragged me to my room. I inhaled deeply as it smelt of Isaac. "Miss him?" Andre asked. I smiled softly but didn't answer. They laid me on the bed, they both looked worried. "I'll be gone by the morning." I told them. "I'll record a little something for everyone." I added. Andre and Alpha Roman nodded. I smiled. "Goodnight." Andre whispered. "I love you, Nate. More than anything." I chuckled. "I love you too. Do me a favor and join the two packs already. And tell them it was my last wish before I died." I said. They chuckled but Andre's chuckle sounded choked. "Be good." I said before closing my eyes. "We will be." They both said at the same time before walking away. I took a deep breath and smiled. I know they'll do great without me. I dipped my nose into the covers, smelling Isaac's scent as much as possible.

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