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I walked up to Isaac and smiled at him. He smiled back before looking away. "How was your dinner with your father?" I asked. He shrugged. "Ok. Good until we turned the TV on." I frowned. "Why's that?" He sighed. "We were watching the news and they were filming and talking about the gay pride and he got really angry because I said I wasn't especially against them and then he started accusing me of being gay which I had to deny and then he calmed down and said he wouldn't ever forgive me if I were." He breathed out. "Oh." I frowned. Well... "Are you feeling ok?" I asked, stopping myself from holding his hand. He nodded slightly. "He'll get over it." I whispered. He shrugged. "I don't think so. The look on his face... The disgust." He trailed off. "I'm here for you if you ever need a place to stay, or a shoulder to cry on." I whispered softly. He nodded. I didn't know what else to say. I've never been through that. I have a mate. Done. That's all I need to know about my future. And my future is all planned out. The bell rang making him jump. "I'll walk you to your classroom." I said smiling down at him. He nodded and grabbed his bag from the floor and flung it over his shoulder, but lost his balance as he did so. I gripped onto him to stable him. "Sorry." He mumbled. I chuckled before we started walking to his class. He was walking slower than usual. I frowned at him. He just smiled. I stopped at the entrance. "I'll see you in English." I said. He nodded and walked in when I saw his body fall to the floor. "Isaac!" I exclaimed walking towards him and crouching down in front of him. He shivered slightly. He looked pale. "I don't feel too well." He whispered. "You think?" I huffed. "Get him to the nurse, young man." The teacher told me. I nodded and helped him up. He could barely stand on his own. I held him by the waist and grabbed his bag before starting to walk. He gripped onto my jumper as his legs gave way. I sighed and picked him up, bridal style. I could still see his faint blush on his cheeks. I chuckled. "Since when aren't you feeling well?" I asked, knocking onto the door of the nurse's office. "Just now." He whispered whining. "What's wrong?" I asked concerned. "My stomach really hurts." He whispered gripping onto my shoulders. I sighed. The nurse is obviously absent. I walked hurriedly to the parking lot before getting him into the car, passenger seat. "We can't leave." He whispered, wincing in pain. "Watch me." I mumbled before reversing and driving off as quickly as possible. I drove to the pack house, blew the horn before getting him into the house. "Ok." I said laying him onto the settee. "Let me check your temperature." I said pressing my hand gently against his forehead. He's boiling hot. I'm shocked he isn't sweating. "I'm coming right back." I said running up into the bathroom. I grabbed the medkit and a flannel before running back downstairs. I got some ice from the kitchen and slid it into the flannel. I came back and laid the flannel onto his forehead. His eyes widened from the cold. I chuckled. "Here." I whispered, handing him a water bottle and some painkillers. He took it immediately and groaned. "It must be breakfast. He made some egg with whatever he put in it." He whispered staring at me. "Maybe I'm allergic." He said. I chuckled. "You should get some sleep." I said, caressing his palm softly. He smiled and shook his head. "I'm ok." He said sitting up. I sighed. "You want to put something on the TV?" I asked. He nodded. I handed him the remote control and let him choose. "You should really lie down. You'll be better that way." I said. He nodded and laid his head on my lap. I smiled down at him. He groaned in pain. I frowned. "Where does it hurt?" I asked. "My stomach." He whined. I sighed and rubbed my hand gently onto his stomach to sooth it a bit. He needs a doctor. I sighed and got up, sitting him up at the same time. He frowned at me. "You need a doctor." I said putting his coat on. He crouched down, whining in pain. I carried him bridal style again before walking out the house. I walked into the community and into the doctor's office. He was a wolf doctor but surely he could do something. "Alpha!" He exclaimed. I glared at him. He frowned as his eyes landed on Isaac. "Put him onto the bed." He said opening the door. I sat him there gently. He winced and gripped onto my arms. "Doctor!" I yelled. "This is really urgent." He came into the room and smiled. "What is your name?" He asked him. "Isaac." I answered, holding his hand. The doctor noticed and frowned. I just shrugged. He did a few tests and other stuff before getting some medication. "Take that every two hours and you should be fine in 24 hours." He said. "What does he have?" I asked. "Food poisoning." He cleared. I rolled my eyes. "Guess I'm good at that kind of stuff." Isaac joked. I chuckled. Said it was the food from the beginning. "So he'll be ok?" I asked, worried. "Should be fine." I nodded. "Can I have a word please?" He asked looking at me. I nodded and walked out the door. "What do you think you're doing, bringing a human into our home?" He asked annoyed. "He was sick. I didn't know where else to go." I protested. "What about the other times?" I shrugged. "You can't do that, Nathanael!" He exclaimed. He was my second God father, and he looked after us a lot. "Don't call me that." I whispered. "What are you doing? Experimenting? You know fully well you're not over Isaya yet." He said glaring at me. "And he makes me feel... I don't worry about not seeing her again. It's like he took away all the hurt and..." I looked down. "He makes me feel like there is still hope. Ok? My wolf goes basoncus at the sight of him. He affects me, maybe harder than Isaya. I'm not experimenting. He's just not an ordinary person to me." I finished. He just stared at me. I sighed and walked back into the room. "You ready?" I asked. He nodded and got up slowly. I held him by the waist to help him walk. "Thank you doctor for your help." I said walking away. "What were you talking about?" He asked. "Nothing important." I said, smiling at him. "Sounded pretty important to me." He mumbled. I sighed. "It wasn't." I insisted. "I heard you say the name Isaya." He said looking away. Really? I looked down and shrugged. "There's nothing to say about that." I said firmly. "You're not over her." He whispered. I stopped in my tracks to glare at him. "I am." I said, getting slightly annoyed. "Sure." He said softly. I sighed. "Isaac." I said, taking his hands. He looked up at me. "I don't want to be your boyfriend if it's just so you can move on." He huffed, removing his hands from my grip. "It's not. Trust me when I tell you that I want to be with you. More than anything. I... I think of you, I see you, I talk to you, I kiss you, I touch you, and it's like my brain is on fire. It's like being on cloud 9." I paused to chuckle. I caressed his cheek softly. "I really really want to be your boyfriend." I finished, staring into his eyes. He nodded and looked down. I smiled and kissed his lips softly. I heard a few gasps coming from the people walking by. I have some explaining to do at this weekend's meeting. "Let's head back." I said holding him by the waist again, to help him walk. When we got in, I put him down on the sofa gently before looking at my watch. "Hungry?" I asked. He nodded quickly. I chuckled. "You wanna eat in or order out?" I asked. "Cook me something special." He said jumping up and down, grinning. I laughed. And I can cook him with my own bare hands if he wants, I thought before letting out a quiet growl. He frowned at me. I smiled. "Hunger." I cleared. For you, my wolf thought. I rolled my eyes and walked to the kitchen. Oh gosh. Since when does he get to control my thoughts like that?! I've waited long enough, my wolf said in my mind. I huffed. Waiting my eye. I wasn't expecting anything to begin with. I was 14 when I knew Isaya. There's hardly time to think about sex then. My mind drifted off to Isaac and the way I would feel with him under me. My skin touching his. My lips trailing his whole body before landing on his lips. My lips on his neck. My sharp teeth coming out to dig into his skin, making him mine. Filling him with my smell. Filling my nose with his smell. Finding my way back to his lips. And his, back to mine. Whispering sweet nothings into his ear and making him blush. Making love to him and him with I. Holding him in my arms, kissing him ever so lightly down his neck. I jumped and flushed slightly when Isaac interrupted me from my thoughts. "Are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna make us lunch?" I looked down awkwardly, before getting the stuff out so we can eat. I took him home after that.

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